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You are currently shown some Romanian Orthodox customs held in the Schela district, including its constitutive villages Schela and Negrea.               If you want to access other pages of this site double click one of the topics shown above this scrolling text.              

Traditional religion

Although ancestor paisants who settled down and founded the two communities Schela and Negrea came from opposite directions, they had the same religion: Orthodoxy. The first church in the current commune was build in Negrea village, as the community was bigger than Schela community at the time. Subsequently villagers in Schela build their own church in 1913. More than 80% of nowadays people in commune declared themselves as being Orthodox christians at the latest census in 2002.

Schela Church
Other religious beliefs

Along history, seeking for their religious identity, some people in these villages have joined another Christian belief called "Penticostal Cult". This belief is not not very different from the Orthodox one.
Believers in Schela commune go to church at least twice a year. That happens in Easter and Christmas Eves and also, occasionally, at holiday ceremonies, baptize, wedding and funeral ceremonies. Usually, about 5% of the flock in every parish attend to Sunday religious services.

Negrea Church

Negrea Church shrine

Negrea Church vault

Icon in Negrea Church

Icon in Negrea Church

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