Cover of #1
By Teri SueWood

Wandering Star - Issue #1

Small note: Many have trouble telling the difference between different editions of this comic due to a slight oversight by Teri Sue. She forgot to label the second printing as being a second print (oops). There is an easy way to recognize second prints though. They have a date stamp on the inside front cover. So if your Wandering Star has a date stamp, sorry, you got the second print. Another way to tell is the colour of the stars on the cover. First printings have blue stars and second printings have light purple stars. Also of note, all other issues have printing number on the inside. This info is via Wandering Star #8.

Also worth mentioning...#1 had a print run of 3000 originally and sold just 1,100 initially.

Oh, you are wondering what happened in issue #1? We start with Casi sitting in a park. She is waiting for Aldar, a person who wants towrite about Casi and the Wandering Star. He tells her how he tried to talk to Madison but 'he was a bit...intimidating'. Casi laughs at this and mentions how the war took quite a toll on Madison. At this point it starts raining and Casi almost smiles. It turns out that Earth had become an environmental nightmare and the rain is poison there. Thus rain to Casi is a wonderful thing. Aldar is amazing that Casi would say that Earth destroyed its own environment, as that is something anti-Earthers would say. Casi replies that she'd scramble the molecules of anyone who said what she just did. The old 'I can talk bad of family, but nobody else better'. Aldar mentions how things have gotten better for Earthers thanks to Lord Mekon. He shows a mixture of shock and anger at Casi after she says 'I suppose ol' Mek has done that'. Aldar is a Machavians (as is Mekon) and to them it is insulting to call their leader by such an informal name. Casi points out that he used to call her much worse (see issue #2).

Next we see how Casi went to the Acadamy. She gets together with friends. It is basically a situation where they have graduated high school and are off into the world. Joey (a classmate we see later in the series) is off to a mining moon. Joey's choice makes Greg mad, as he feels its a betrayal of Earth. Earth is basically a third world country at this stage and Greg feels that as long as people keep leaving Earth that things will never improve. The other classmates are all happy for Casi and curious as she is the first accepted to the Academy. At this point we return to the present and Casi pointing out how wonderful those times were and how she wished she knew that at the time.

The issue ends with Casi flying off to the Academy. By the time she looks out the window to see Earth it is already out of site.

Thus begins one of the best titles ever, Wandering Star.

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