Cover of #2
By Teri SueWood

Wandering Star - Issue #2

Small note: This is the rarest issue of Wandering Star, due to a low print run and low orders (just 700 at first). I've only got a second print (autographed of course<G>).

Book two introduces us to many of the major characters. This is the point the story starts to move ahead. After the framing section (we learn about Casi's favorite drink, hot chocolate) we see her first day at the academy. During this we get to see the first meeting of Casi and Mekon. It doesn't go well for Casi (see here). The racism that Mekon shows to Casi shocks the interviewer. Mekon in the future becomes a 'hero for the rights of Earth people everywhere' according to Casi. In truth, Casi ended up being thankful for Mekon being a 'visable racist' due to the fact most people just refused to talk to her, they just talked about her behind her back. Casi tries to clear up the problems via the 'proper channels', but Mekon lies through his teeth and Casi ends up losing and looking like a 'typical Earther', ie: violent, paranoid, etc.

Casi eventually (a few days later) punches Mekon in the face after he pushes her around. He starts to threaten her when Madison shows up to save the day. He scares everyone, but Casi chases him to find out how he scared off Mekon (Madison is kinda short and wimpy looking). She buys him lunch in order to get to talk. Madison demands she buys for his roomate. Thus we get to meet Graikor (the giant rabbit) and Elli (energy being who lives inside Wandering Star).

During the story we learn that Madison doesn't think of his powers (psychic) as being a blessing, but don't get any details as to why. Also of note: We learn this issue that Elli is female (kinda hard to tell with engery creatures).

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