Darklight Image
The 2nd Comic Book Series from the great Teri Sue Wood
Darklight #1 in stores April 26th 2000, #2 May 17th, and #3 July 12th.

A description of what to expect out of Darklight from Teri.

Darklight is a strange mix of humor, fantasy, myths, magic and things that go bump in the night. I hope to scare ya, make you laugh, and even doubt your reality a bit. The story will deal with about 40,000 years worth of time leading up the the present day, where the main characters, the mysterious Clairese, the ever morose Ambrose, the mischievous shape-changer Devon and his side-kick "Cat" and the two luckless mortals who just happen to be living next door, find themselves having to deal with a war set into motion thousands of years before. And of course, there's the immortal Xendrix, but nobody knows anything about Xendrix...

Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #3

Also available online...Darklight History

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All comics and images in this site are the copyright of Teri Sue Wood.
Violate this copyright and Teri will come to your home and kill off all your plants!!!

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