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"That would require a lot of research, and we aren't equipped for that."


This article is sarcasm. Although this article seems describe almost exactly how some people refuse legitimate accommodation, it is actually designed to show what not to do - barriers should be removed, not fought for. It is also part of a larger article, How to Keep Your Barriers.

Phrase Description

Never mind that often the person making the request has already done much of this research. Or that there are countless organizations - many of which provide services for free - that specialize in how to remove barriers. You may even have the time to do the research yourself - but the person making the request doesn't know that! Heck, the research may even be unnecessary as you may have been provided a workable solution by the person requesting the change - you can claim that you want to do it "right" (which of course means "not at all!").

With this method, you appear to actually want to remove the barrier, but you are prevented from doing so because of things "you can't control." That can allow you to continue to talk about how you are trying to remove barriers and be inclusive at the same time you are actually trying to keep the barriers!

Usage Example

Customer: It would really be helpful if you had a TTY so that I could call you easier.
Business: We agree, but, sadly, there are so many TTYs on the market that it would be very hard for us to figure out which one to buy.

Next Phrase

"We can't please everyone."

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