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"We can't please everyone."


This article is sarcasm. Although this article seems describe almost exactly how some people refuse legitimate accommodation, it is actually designed to show what not to do - barriers should be removed, not fought for. It is also part of a larger article, How to Keep Your Barriers.

Phrase Description

This is a goodie! It sums up good old midwestern US folk-wisdom, your mother's wise but short phrases, and has the sound of being very considered. Sure, you'd want to please everyone, but everyone knows that's just impossible in this world! It's a truism that can't easily be argued against.

It is best if you don't think of ways you could satisfy the request that was presented. Rather, think about the loads and loads of possible requests and the fact that you are but one person! Never mind that you haven't received those requests and most aren't relatively foreseeable. You can't do them all, so you shouldn't do any of them!

Note: you can claim you want to remove the barrier, even though you don't!

Usage Example

Customer: It would be helpful if you had a family or unisex restroom, so my spouse could help me use the toilet.
Business: We agree. But if we did everything people asked us to do, we'd never be able to sell widgets!

Next Phrase

"Removing this barrier would create a barrier for someone else."

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