Cid Highwind

Cid Highwind


Foul-mouthed, but warm-hearted, Cid dreams of becoming the first man in space. This could've happened, but he aborted the mission to save a member of his crew (you'll never guess who). Now, he's always working on the rocket, that stands crooked in the middle of Rocket Town, hoping Shinra would reconsider the space program.

Some interesting facts about Cid

First Weapon:Standard Spear

Strongest Weapon:Venus Gospel
Where is this weapon found?Keep talking to the old man in Rocket Town after the rocket has been launched.

Limit Breaks

Level 1:

- Boost Jump -
Cid jumps high into the air and comes down directly on an opponent's head.

- Dynamite -
Cid unveils a giant stick of dynamite that he throws into the middle of the enemy group. Very similar to Barret's Grenade Bomb limit break.

Level 2:

- Hyper Jump -
Cid jumps up and begins Boost Attack. But instead of hitting an enemy, the drives his spear into the ground creating a giant blue explosion that causes damage to all the enemies.

- Dragon -
Here, Cid summons a dragon to a single opponent. When the dragon strikes the opponent, it gives Cid a small amount of Hit Points and Magic Points.

Level 3:

- Dragon Dive -
Once again, Cid jumps into the air and repeadedly lands playa-hating blows to a single enemy. But this time, every time he lands, it creates an explosion that does quite a bit of damage.

- Big Brawl -
Like the Dragon Dive, but this attack hits more than one enemy.

Level 4:

- Highwind -
(Inside the crashed ship at the bottom of the sea near the Gold Saucer)
Cid calls on his ship, the Highwind. This ship drops massive explosions on the enemies. This attack hits multiple enemies multiple times making it a very useful attack.

Most powerful Limit Break:Highwind

Coolest looking Limit Break:Highwind

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