CDM Minutes - 2007

CDM Monthly Minutes - December 8, 2007
Welcome to our Holiday edition of the Monthly Minutes. Our meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Vice President Linda, Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance.

New Members, Visitors and Significant Others:
CDM would like welcome our newest member Audrey. We would also like to thank Jean and Gina for visiting us. Thanks also to Marybeth and Sandy for supporting us.

Club Business and News:
Chi Delta Mu held it’s annual Gift Exchange this year and it was a great success. There were varied gifts as well as several hot items floating around. Thanks to all who participated. CDM would also like to thank those members and significant others who brought side dishes and desserts for our Holiday Pot Luck.  Great job with all the cooking girls! We also had a guest speaker this month named Laura Jacobs. Laura is a transitioned woman who also works as a therapist. She discussed some of her experiences and beginnings with Chi Delta Mu as well as various issues including sense of self, labels of the TG community and where we fit in as people. 

Members are reminded that If you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies to any meeting, please click on the link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting.” on the CDM Website. 

Cynthia mentioned a website called La Diva Footwear which is a company specializing in woman’s shoes that are specially made for larger sizes, e.g. 10-15. The prices range from $59-$99. The website is [email protected]. There will be more products available in February 2008. This company is located in Verona, Wisconsin.

CDM Monthly Minutes - November 10, 2007
Welcome to the Thanksgiving edition of the Monthly Minutes. Our meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Vice President Linda, Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance.

New Members, Visitors and Significant Others:
We would like to thank Audrey for visiting with us and Marybeth for supporting Laura this month. We hope to continue to see you both at future meetings. 

There will be a First Event Transgender Conference held in Peabody, MA from January 16-20, 2008. It will be take place at the Boston Marriott. Cynthia mentioned that it will be $105.00 a person for the weekend and a number to call for information is 1-800-228-9290. There are also several websites that can provide you with details. They are and Events will include a costume ball, fashion show, awards banquet and Sunday Brunch. See you all in 2008  girls! CDM wishes our members along with their families Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Club Business and News:
The CDM girls would like to thank our President Cynthia and Vice President Linda for organizing our Thanksgiving dinner from Boston Market and the pies for dessert. The program consisted of a roundtable discussion group where several of the girls mentioned what they were thankful for and shared their experience. Next month, all of the girls are encouraged to bring a dessert or side dish for our Christmas meeting which will most likely be pot luck. The December meeting will also consist of our annual Gift Exchange. Members are reminded that if you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies to any meeting, please click on the link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting.” on the CDM Website. 

Our sister group Sigma Nu Rho will be holding their Annual Holiday Party in the upstairs room of the National Hotel on Race Street in Flemington, NJ on Saturday, December 15th, 2007. The cost is undetermined at this point but Pat has mentioned that it will be $30 per person, possibly $40. The food will be provided by an outside caterer. Please feel free to e-mail Pat if you would like additional information. She can be reached at [email protected]

Cynthia mentioned during the meeting that New Jersey’s own Montclair State University has opened a course in LGBTQ Gender Studies. If you would like to read about this, the website link below will take you to the story:

The 9th annual TG Remembrance Day will be held nationally on 11/20/07. This day is marked as a way for us to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Here is a website link to find out where observances will be taking place:

As mentioned there was no "offical" program simply because we feasted on a wonderful dinner from Boston Market. Our thanks go out to the fine people from Boston Market who have prepared the food for our Thanksgiving meeting now for the past two years. Thanks for being so kind and understanding to us and for treating us with respect.

CDM Monthly Minutes - October 13, 2007
Welcome to this edition of the Monthly Minutes. Our meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Vice President Linda, Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance.

New Members, Visitors and Significant Others:
We would like to welcome Joann B. to CDM and we look forward to seeing you at future meetings. Thanks also go out to Marybeth and Sari for supporting us this month.

Club Business and News:
The CDM girls would like to thank Pat from Sigma Nu Rho for providing pizza for our dinner this month. Thanks so much Pat! Members are reminded that If you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies to a meeting, please click on the link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting.” on the CDM Website.

Please note that the TG Day of Remembrance takes place on November 19th. Here is a website link for various locations of observance:

Reverend Gary LaCroix, minister of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Teaneck, NJ visited with us this month to discuss Transgender issues and several stories from the Old Testament. His church is exclusive to the LGBT community and all are welcome to visit. Their address is 61 Church Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666. The number to call for mass schedules is 201-837-3189. The floor was opened to questions and there was a lively disscussion. We hope that Reverend LaCroix will return for a future meeting. (We’d like to mention that Reverend LaCroix was a good sport and came in costume as a sunburned tourist. Way to go!)

Our Annual Halloween Party was a great success! We had plenty of spooky decorations, good music and a lot of fun. Everyone got the chance to vote for their favorite costumes and it was a close vote. CDM would like to congratulate the following winners of our Annual Halloween Costume Contest: Kathy took 1st place as a “Sexy Scout”, Rita took 2nd place as “Mae West” and third place went to our Vice President Linda who came as a “Vitch” (part witch, part vampire). Thanks to all who participated!

See you in November for our Thanksgiving celebration!

CDM Monthly Minutes - September 8, 2007
Our meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance. Vice President Linda was unable to attend. (And I was not very happy about it either... Linda)

New Members, Visitors and Significant Others
CDM would like to thank Marybeth for once again supporting Laura at the monthly meetings as well as all other significant others who take the time to understand and grow with us.

Club Business and News:
It seems that all of the old officers were railroaded back into.... I mean voted back into office for another term. Congratulations go out to all! We also only had about 12 girls show up. Well, it's a slow start to the season but we are sure attendance will pick up as the weather gets colder. Marybeth and Laura brought eggplant parmesan and spaghetti to the meeting (they cooked from 12-6 that day, no kidding!!) A big thank you goes out to them both for providing the food this month!

Cynthia passes around a book called Head Over Heels (ISBN 0789030950) for some members to read if they wish. Also mentioned was a website for TG Remembrance Day More details to follow once we find out upcoming events in our area..

There was no official program for this evening. The election took up some of the time and the rest was spent catching up with each other after the long summer. We look forward to seeing everyone next month at our Annual Halloween Party!

CDM Monthly Minutes - May 12, 2007
Our meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Vice President Linda and Chapter Treasurer Sharla were also in attendance. (Once again Linda's hairbrush was used as the gavel to call us to order.)

New Members, Visitors and Significant Others:
CDM would like to welcome three new members/attendees: Jennifer, Camio and Jennifer.  Thank you also goes out to Sophie for supporting us this month as well. We hope all of you had a wonderful time and we hope to see you again at a future meeting!

Club Business and News:
After an open chapter vote we will be having a June meeting, regular date and time. Our meeting next month will be Saturday, June 9th. Even though we have the funds to have a July and August meeting the club voted to not have meetings during these two months. In their place we will be having our "Girls Night out". Look for more details soon.

Many thanks to Heather and Linda for providing the pizza for us this month. We tried a new pizzeria and everyone enjoyed it very much. Thank you so much girls! If you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies for future months, please click on the link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting.” on the left column of the CDM Website. 

There were several announcements for upcoming transgendered events including Pride month (see below), the Chicago Be-All, a Rainbow Mountain weekend and the Sigma Nu Rho Annual Picnic. The picnic is being held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Washington Crossing in Titusville, NJ on June 23rd 2007.  The event will be Rain or Shine.

Josette brought in information concerning the Transgender Project. This project is very important to our community and Josette urged all of us to participate. Here is some information copied from their website: Over the years, psychologists and medical professionals have conducted numerous small-scale and highly focused studies of various segments of the Transgender Community, yet precious little is known about how we actually live our lives; who we are; what we do and why; where we come from; and where we are headed. The Transgender Project is designed to describe the economic, social and personal, family and workplace experiences of male to female trans-persons, how these experiences change over the course of our lives, and the impact of these experiences on our mental and physical health."

Here's how to contact the project organizers: their phone number is 212-845-4617 and their web site is:

June is also national Pride month. There are several events planned locally including parades in Jersey City, New York city and the town of Huntington out on Long Island. If anyone is interested in marching in the NY city parade under the CDM banner please contact Cynthia for more information.

Our featured speaker was Ms. Denise Brunner. Denise is the Vice Chair of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, she is on the Board of Directors of Garden State Equality and the New Jersey stonewall Democrats and is a member of the Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey(GRAANJ). Plus she is a former member (and Vice President) of Chi Delta Mu! Her talk was very informative and many of us learned of both the similarities and the differences between crossdressers and transexuals. Even though we may be on different places on the gender spectrum we all share a deep common bond between us that runs very deep. Everyone walked away from the meeting understanding the need for all of us to work together to educate and legislate for a better tommorow. Thanks again Denise. You are welcome back anytime!

CDM Monthly Minutes - April 21, 2007
Welcome to this edition of the Monthly Minutes.  Our meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia.  Vice President Linda, Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance.

New Members, Visitors and Significant Others:
CDM would like to welcome our new member Natalie.  Thank you to Marybeth for supporting us this month as well.

Club Business and News:
The CDM girls would like to thank Josette for preparing Cajun cuisine for us this month.  All the girls enjoyed it very much.  Thank you so much Josette!  Our meeting next month will be Saturday May 12th.  If you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies, please click on the link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting.” on the CDM Website. 

The 2007 Be-All will be held in Chicago, Illinois from May 29th to June 3rd 2007 for the 6th straight year.  It will at the Doubletree Hotel in Downers Grove, Illinois.  This is a special 25th anniversary celebration.  For more information please visit for all information. 

Our sister chapter, Sigma Nu Rho will hold their Annual Picnic at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Washington Crossing in Titusville, NJ on June 23rd 2007.  The event will be Rain or Shine. 

There will be a Transgender Health Fair in New York City on June 6, 2007.  The Trans Health Initiative of New York (THINY) will present its first TG Health Fair on Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at the LGBT Community Center from 5:30 to 8PM.  It is free!!  There will be health screenings, referrals made and information given out.  The LGBT Community Center is at 208 W 13 St.  in Manhattan.  There number is (212) 620-7310.  The web site is

There will be an upcoming TG weekend at Rainbow Mountain Resorts in the Poconos (Pennsylvania).  The dates are May 18-20, 2007.  For more information, please refer to President Cynthia’s e-mail from April 19th or visit the web site for more information. 

Steve Stanton will be a keynote speaker for TG Equality at 7:00 on June 18th 2007 at the Unitarian Church of Montclair in Montclair, NJ.  Please read about Mr. Stanton either in last month’s edition of Monthly Minutes or visit

Mary and her daughter Taze visited from Teaneck’s Mar-Lon Beauty.  Mary is affectionately known as the “wig lady” who graciously offered her services to the members of CDM this evening.  Mary and Taze displayed wigs during their short introduction.  Several members of the group purchased on the spot while others tried on some.  Every enjoyed their company and we certainly hope they will be back soon.  Mary’s shop is located at 362 Cedar Lane in Teaneck, NJ.  Stop by there sometime! 

Following Mary’s visit, VP Linda led a roundtable discussion concerning the recent 2006 IFGE Transgender Forum held in Philadelphia.  Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the report and we do appreciate the attendance of our own CDM girls. 

CDM Monthly Minutes - March 10, 2007
The meeting was brought to order by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance. (Linda was unable to attend due to her wife’s birthday.)

Club Business and News:
The CDM girls would like to thank Stacy for preparing cold cuts, salad, chips and beverages for the meeting.  Our meeting next month will be the third Saturday April 21st.  If you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies, please click on this link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting”. 

New Members and Visitors:
CDM would like to welcome new members Aleigha, Bobbie and Christine as well as thank Wendy, Daria and Annemarie for visiting with us.  Last but not least, thank you to Marybeth and Trish for supporting us as well.

On Saturday, March 24th and Sunday March 25th, the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City will hold the 14th annual GLBT Expo.  There will be friendly employment vendors, travel booths and much more to see!  For times, dates and registration, please click on this link  We hope to see you all there.

At our April meeting, Mary from Mar-Lon Beauty & Supplies in Teaneck will be visiting us.  She has been a great help to some of the girls who have seen her for wigs in the past.  She supports our community with love and we will be excited to have her.  Thanks to Cynthia for inviting her once again. 

Kathy mentioned that she will be competing in the Mr. & Miss Asian Pacific Alliance Pageant March 24, 2007 * Saturday * 7:30 PM PS 41 Auditorium, Greenwich village School, 116 W. 11th Street (btw 6th & 7th Aves, NYC).  If you would like more information about this event, you may click on the link  Best of luck to Kathy during this competition! 

Chi Delta Mu is taking up a collection for all of your old wigs.  These wigs are being donated to cancer stricken women.  If you have any wigs that you would like to donate, please bring them to the next meeting.  Thanks for all of your support in this cause.

Steven B. Stanton (b. 1959) is the city manager of Largo, Florida. Stanton became the subject of national and international media attention in February 2007 after disclosing that he is transsexual and was pursuing sex reassgnment, leading Largo city commissioners to initiate the process of ending his contract as city manager, a decision which Stanton is appealing. Stanton has asked to be referred to by the male pronoun until his transition is complete.

You can visit for more information on what you can do to support City Manager Stanton.  On the website, you can find a mailing address for the City Commission, an e-mail for Mr. Stanton and a number to call.

Prior to this meeting, Cynthia asked everyone to think of an anonymous question regarding Transgender situations or issues.  Everyone wrote their question during their arrival and these were picked at random as a basis for discussion.  We hope this was beneficial to all the girls in attendance including our new members, visitors and significant others.  Thank you to Cynthia for setting this up.  See you all next month!

CDM Monthly Minutes - February 10, 2007
The meeting was brought to order following our Dress Barn trip by the Chapter president, Cynthia. Vice President Linda, Chapter Treasurer Sharla and Secretary Laura were also in attendance.

Club Business and News:
Our meeting next month will be March 10th. If you would like to bring food or contribute any goodies, please click on the link “Sign Up Here to help provide food or drinks for a future monthly meeting.” on the CDM Website. 

Mona Rae Mason from the Transgender Project for the NYC Metro area is offering a one and a half hour interview to any members who wish to share their experience as a transgender person. Included is a free HIV/AIDS screening. For additional information, you can log on to, e-mail Mona Rae at [email protected] or call 212-845-4617. The office and interview location for The Transgender Project is 216 Avenue A (between 13th and 14th Sts.) in the East village of Lower Manhattan.

Josette mentioned the website as a source that could help some of our members with understanding our femme selves. This website has many sections that are useful to us.  Among them are Transgenderism, Family Support and Social Change. Thanks for mentioning that Josette! 

First, all the girls would like to thank Sharla and Cynthia for providing a layout of deli sandwiches, salad and beverages as well as the gift baskets from Mary Kay. Before the meeting was brought to the order, the entire group of girls in attendance carpooled at 7:30 for our annual trip to Dress Barn and Dress Barn Woman. A great time was had by all indeed. There were several girls who went on this trip for the first time and we doubled our number from last year. Way to go ladies!  Some of the girls even showed off some of their purchases when they returned to the meeting for dinner.  You can see some photos of our trip on our picture pages. Following our trip, Stephanie Battaglino from the International Foundation for Gender Education, Inc. Media Relations provided a presentation on the 2007 Transgender Research and Identity Symposium. It takes place at the Philadelphia Hilton from April 10 to 15, 2007.  If you would like to split single rooms, please contact VP Linda to let her know in advance. Stephanie handed out brochures to all of the girls at the meeting so hopefully some members will be able to attend. The website on the brochure was for any girls who would like additional information or you can click the link below.

Conference Website:

CDM Minutes - January 13, 2007
The meeting was brought to order by the chapter president, Cynthia. Vice President linda and chapter Treasurer Sharla were also in attendance

Club Business and News:
Our February meeting will be our annual trip to a local Dress Barn and Dress Barn Woman. We’ll be heading over to the store around 7:30 so please, if you want to participate, be at the meeting before then.

When we get back to the meeting Cynthia hopes to have a speaker who will be doing a presentation on the IFGE conference in Philly. She's a very good dear friend of Cynthia's who's become very active in the community over the last few years. She's waiting for the brochures to arrive but we're about 95 % sure she's a definite for that night.

Cynthia brought in pictures from our Halloween party for all to see.

The secretary position was also discussed. Due to a variety of reasons Steffie, our current secretary, has been unable to attend the past few meetings and her future attendance will probably be up in the air as well. Therefore, in speaking with Steffie, we've decided to appoint a new person to the position. Please, let's be clear, it's not that anyone thought Steffie was doing a bad job, we just need someone who can take on the responsibilities of the position on a monthly basis. We really do appreciate the fact that Steffie stepped forward and volunteered to take on the position when she did. She is to be commended for that. You have our thanks! All of the girls at the chapter would love to see you more often, however, we understand that life does move on and other priorities have to come first. We hope to see you soon at a future meeting. Please check out Steffie's "Tips" section of the web site if you haven't already.

We are pleased to announce that Laura has volunteered to be our new acting secretary. Even though Laura is relatively new to the chapter she has already shown her eagerness to help out. Welcome aboard Laura!

New Members and Visitors:
We had a wonderful visit from Annemarie who was once active with our chapter and had not attended a meeting in over six years. It was wonderful to meet her and have her visit with us again after all of these years. CDM is a sorority, a sisterhood of like minded individuals that share positive experiences that, hopefully, we carry with us all of our lives. In that regards it was great that she took the time to look us up again. Please know that the door is always open to all of our former members.

We also had a new girl, Jenna, attend her first meeting. All of our members had to face that first time out and we know how difficult that can be. I know that many chapter members welcomed you in and I'm glad you had a wonderful experience with us. We hope to see you again at future meetings. Great job taking those first steps Jenna!

Cynthia and Linda both attended the "Miss Big Apple Pageant" the night after our chapter meeting. It was held at Bunkers night club out on Long Island. Linda ran into another past member of CDM, Barbara, and spent most of the evening catching up with her. The show was very entertaining (in a drag showy kinda way) and all had a great time.

Cynthia also mentioned that she had visited Estelle's Dressy Dresses which is very friendly towards the community. She was even offered a private dressing room to try on several dresses. Here's a paragraph about them found by doing a web search:

Estelle's Dressy Dresses, a Farmingdale-based retailer of women's clothing, carries clothes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, small and large. Owner Estelle Rosenthal said there is strong demand for plus-sized clothing. We go up to size 26W or 4X. The market is more in tune to producing fashionable clothing for plus sizes, the same [styles] as juniors, she said. The customers are buying the hemlines isometrical, ponchos, shawls - all very fashionable and flattering, so they have the comfort level of going out and looking good.

Other News:
Dinner was provided by Marjorie. She cooked a meatless lasagna that was so delicious and brought in italian bread as well. I know very little was left at the end of the meeting and that everyone enjoyed it very much. Thanks Marjorie!

We also discussed the possibility and logistics of attending the holiday party of our sister chapter, Sigma Nu Rho, this December.

Linda also shared pictures of herself that might show what she looked like if she underwent facial feminization surgery. She had manipulated her face in Photoshop to achieve the effect. While not a doctor Linda did offer current members that she would attempt to do the same thing with anybody's photograph if they would like. Please contact her if you are interested.

Cynthia also read off some of last years winners of the "Darwin Awards". Look it up if you don't know what it is.

The program this month was in two parts. First off Pat, from our sister group SNR, graciously offered to bring in the equipment to take and make photo ID's for anyone interested. The ID's are not legal ID's like a drivers license but you can use it in conjunction with your driver's license so that it's known that you are a Transgendered individual and not trying to disguise yourself for any reason. Most all of the attendees took advantage of this and had these very important ID cards made. Thanks Pat!

The second part of the meeting was another one of our serious roundtable discussions about issues and feelings that all of us, as crossdressers, face each day. Linda was the moderator for the discussion and she spoke of numerous issues including religion, chapter life (service, support, serenity), and guilt over our feelings toward crossdressing. It was a wonderful, frank conversation that many girls took part in and shared their feelings. Because of the response we've gotten we are planning to make this a semi-regular feature of our meetings. Many of our members stayed way past 12:00 to continue the discussion.

Snail-Mail :
P. O. Box 1
River Edge, NJ 07661-0001

Fe-Mail us for membership & general info at: Chi Delta Mu Information

Cynthia Majors - Chapter President - E-mail Cynthia
Linda Mills - Chapter Vice President - E-mail Linda
Sharla DeLawter - Chapter Treasurer
Laura Sheehan - Chapter Secretary

WebMistress: Linda Mills and Molly Brown
Our site has been open since January 1, 1998!

© 1997 - 2007 by Chi Delta Mu chapter of Tri-Ess International (The Society for the Second Self, Inc.)
Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this website are those of the respective contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or official policies of The Society for the Second Self, its Officers and Board Members. If you are not 18 years of age, or find this material to be in any way objectionable, please leave now