Food Committe Sign Up

Due to economics, it has become impossible for the chapter to pay for food for the meetings. In the past the burden of the food has often fallen to only a select few members and this has to stop. All of us here at CDM would like to take a moment to give a big show of appreciation to everyone in the past (Gerri, Theresa, Cynthia and all of the others) who have donated the food for the meetings and have shouldered this cost.

The general consisence is that we do not want to stop having food at the meetings. Therefore, at this time, we are asking for other members to start helping out with the food.

This can be in the form of one, two or even three designated member(s) pitching in and buying/bringing the food and drinks for a particular month or it could even be some of us girls preparing (gasp! cooking!) something to bring to the meeting for the other girls to enjoy. (Let's be creative here girls!) There is a grocery store located right next to the hotel where we have our meetings and they have a deli counter. This makes it very convienent to buy the food before you come to the hotel to change. You can, of course, just shop enfemme if you like. In the past food has consisted of a meat tray, bread for sandwiches, drinks (a variety of regular and diet soda, non carbonated drinks, etc.), and sometimes salad, chips and deserts. Other times we have been treated to warm food like a chicken dish. On an average we will need enough food to feed 10 to 20 people. This number can change as our membership continues to grow. The chapter will continue to supply coffee and tea.

Linda is the chairwoman for this committe. Below is a calender showing the months that we will need food brought in. If you would like to sign up for one of the months listed below please contact her at [email protected]. When you sign up for a month Linda will post your name next to that month. If two or more girls sign up for a month we will make sure that you have each other's contact information so that you can contact each other and arrange what to bring. One note, this can be expensive, you can expect to pay between $60 to $100 to feed everyone, so we suggest you team up with someone to split the cost.

When we reach a point where the chapter can pay for the meeting space and the changing room with money left over we will once again start providing the food. We will still need volunteers on a monthly basis to purchase and bring it but the chapter will be able to reimberse them for the cost of the food. This is a good incentive to get out there and talk our chapter up so that we can increase our membership!

Monthly Food Calendar


  • January

  • February

  • March
    Dinner will be Pizza after the Dress Barn trip.

  • April
    Dinner anyone?

  • May
    Dinner anyone?
  • June
    Dinner anyone?

  • September
    Dinner anyone?

  • October
    Dinner anyone?

  • November
    Dinner will be a Thanksgiving dinner from Boston Market.
    Drinks anyone?

  • December
    Our holiday party! This will be a pot luck dinner. Please bring something along the lines of either a main dish, a side dish, a desert or some drinks along with you to the meeting.


  • January
    Dinner was lasagna provide by Marjorie. Thanks for such a tasty meal!

  • February
    Dinner will be Pizza after the Dress Barn trip.

  • March
    Dinner anyone?

  • April
    Dinner anyone?

  • May
    Dinner anyone?
  • June
    Dinner anyone?

  • September
    Dinner anyone?

  • October
    Dinner anyone?

  • November
    Dinner will be a Thanksgiving dinner from Boston Market.
    Drinks anyone?

  • December
    Our holiday party! This will be a pot luck dinner. Please bring something along the lines of either a main dish, a side dish, a desert or some drinks along with you to the meeting.


  • May
    For dinner we will be having a Cajun Fest, by Josette! Drinks provided by Linda.

  • June
    Dinner will be cooked and provided by Steffi. We still need another volunteer to help Steffi out for this month with drinks!

  • September
    Our 25th year Celebration kick off meeting! We would like to thank Pat for picking up the tab for the pizza at our September meeting. Way to go Pat!

  • October
    Our halloween party! Dinner will be Pizza provided by the chapter.

  • November
    Dinner will be a Thanksgiving dinner from Boston Market with drinks provided by Heather. (Note: Thanks goes out to Heather for chipping in to the general food fund for this evenings dinner as well!)

  • December
    Our holiday party! This will be a pot luck dinner. Please bring something along the lines of either a main dish, a side dish, a desert or some drinks along with you to the meeting.

Snail-Mail :
P. O. Box 1
River Edge, NJ 07661-0001

Fe-Mail us for membership & general info at: Chi Delta Mu Information

Cynthia Majors - Chapter President - E-mail Cynthia
Linda Mills - Chapter Vice President - E-mail Linda
Sharla DeLawter - Chapter Treasurer
Laura Sheehan - Chapter Secretary

WebMistress: Linda Mills and Molly Brown
Our site has been open since January 1, 1998!

© 1997 - 2007 by Chi Delta Mu chapter of Tri-Ess International (The Society for the Second Self, Inc.)
Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this website are those of the respective contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or official policies of The Society for the Second Self, its Officers and Board Members. If you are not 18 years of age, or find this material to be in any way objectionable, please leave now