Chapter Members Biographies

This page is dedicated to who we are as a chapter. Crossdressers come from a broad (no pun intended) range of society. Many people may very well have a crossdresser as a friend and not even know it. We are doctors and truck drivers, lawyers and artists, husbands and fathers. Most of all, we are people with a very strong feeling for all things feminine. Some of our members are necessarily hidden, they would have many problems if their crossdressing was discovered by friends and family. Those listed on this page are the members who have decided to take the risk and put their feminine identities out there for all to see. Not all of us have home pages. For many, this is the only place you will find us. If you do recognize anyone from these photos, all we ask is for you to please take the time to understand us, to get to know us. We are not the deviants that many in society think we are. We are just people trying to get by in the world and hopefully, make it a better place.

Chapter Officers

Cynthia Majors

Hello everyone. My name is Cynthia Majors. I am a married Transgendered girl who has been out to my wife for 6-7 years. I have been a member of CDM for approximately 10 years now and they have helped me navigate my way through several tough issues.

I am very much out and about in the NYC TG community. I have been doing drag shows for almost 8 years and for the last 3 have been involved in a performing group called Flavah which has become a fixture in the NYC LBGTI parade every year. I also get out to several clubs in NYC and NJ whenever I can and have been a volunteer at the Night of a 1000 Gowns events for the Imperial Court of NY. I have also been interviewed on WPLJ and WINS Radio based in the NYC area.
Recently I have been re-elected as the President of CDM and just to keep it in the family, my wife Sharla is the Treasurer. 

E-mail: [email protected]

Linda Katherine Mills
Vice President

I started crossdressing when I was very young. Now that I am in my late forties I have finally started allowing myself more fully to experience the joy crossdressing brings to my life. By looking at my crossdressing in a positive light (rather than a negative one), I have come to realize what an essential aspect femininity is to who I am. My wish is to help others (through CDM) to look at the gift of crossdressing in the same light.

Some people say life is like a journey, but I disagree. Life, unlike a journey, is not all about getting to the final destination, it's much more than that. Instead, I like to look at life as a dance. As I dance to the music of my life I am joyous. Someday the song will end and the dance must stop. But, for the time being, I'm truly enjoying myself. I really feel this acutely when I crossdress. It brings such joy to my life. So my advice to anyone reading this who might be struggling with gender issues would be to learn to accept who you are and how you feel without shame or guilt. And above all, learn how to dance to the music of your life.

I would also like to say that I am married to a truly wonderful woman who has known about Linda from the very start of our relationship and fully supports me. I am a very lucky girl to have her to share my life with. Thank you for all you've done for me.

E-mail: [email protected]
Linda's Web Site:

Laura Sheehan

Hi Ladies! My name is Laura Sheehan. I am a relatively new member of CDM but I have been transgendered my whole life. Only recently have I been able to accept being who I am wholeheartedly. I began to realize through the process of self-acceptance that if it wasn't for my female side, my personality would not be what it is. I have learned that being a good person and doing good things for other people brings me great joy. I decided to put up a bio because this might help some of you lovely ladies out there who feel alone. There are gals here who can help you with makeup, hair, clothes, etc. If we don't know the answer, we can definitely point you in the right direction. I believe that what we have is truly a gift. Additionally, I just knew that doing this alone was not the way for me. More new girls equals greater fellowship. I wish to always remain teachable. We are all works in progress. See you ladies at the meetings.
Kind regards,
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Chapter Members - The CDM Girls!

This section is a place for our current members to simply say hello! Members are listed in the order that their bios and pictures are recieved. If you are a current member in good standing and would like to showcase yourself here please contact Linda at the above e-mail address.


I'm a 48 year old female stuck in a male body. Construction worker lives in Union county New Jersey. Been dressing since I was about nine years old, my mom dressed me first, I just never stopped. 5'10" without heels, but who likes to be without heels, lol! Wish I could dress more but with a wife and two kids it's tuff. Wife knows but doesn't like it. Wish I had more help and was more passable.

E-mail: [email protected]


Jersey asian girl here all the way, loves to dress and never has gets many chances to be one, but I love it anyways, just looking for freinds who share my interest and hobbies, not looking for a realtionship, I love to receive compliments, my favorite store is victoria secrets love the clothes there, bebe and coach and LV are more of my fav places to shop. If you want to get to know me hit me up.

Home page:


Josie has been a member of our chapter for sometime now. She is always quick to help new memebers with tips on dressing, style and fit. An expert shopper Josie has helped many of us with her expertise. Always dressed in the best she has impecable tastes in clothes.


"Hi to all reading this. I am a mature (don't ask, I'm not telling you) Jersey girl who has finally been able to use my closet for my clothes instead of a hiding place. Like so many I began when I was very young, went through all the buy/guilt/purge cycles and felt for so many years that I was the only one in the world like this. I found Tri-Ess about 15 years ago but was unable to make that big step and take advantage of the peace, security and friendship it affords.

Six months ago I made the decision that I needed to express and explore this side of my personality. Even though my wife has known for quite some time, it was never the Right time till now. We talked and talked and talked some more. We explored the Net and I showed her all the parts of this secret world of mine. She read articles and stories and asked questions which I had always been too scared to answer, but did now. She has been incredibly supportive, always loving, and provided invaluable assistance both emotionally and with my feminine _expression and appearance. My blessings are too numerous to count.

If you are in your closet and peeking out to find a safe haven come experience what awaits you in Tri-Ess. We are all in the same boat and can move much faster if we have more rowing, than watching from shore.".

George Anne

Where to start is the problem. Some of my earliest memories are being in female clothes, and I have not stopped for long. Cross dressing has brought me to therapy many times. My first sessions were during the fourth grade.  While in middle and high school lingerie was  worn on days without gym class. High school and college years allowed my hand to reach out and touch the door leading to suicide. Thankfully the knob was never turned. With these days also came alcoholic stupors, and more then a little drug experimentation. The birth of the first of five sons stopped the pharmaceutical use, and reduced the alcohol consumption. At this point in my life I stopped cross dressing for ten years. My wife caught me wearing panty hose prior to our marriage, was not happy or accepting of it but continued with the relationship. Once again therapy sessions were attended. Then I had enough and the need to cross dress became over powering. So I started again in ernest. Also I told my wife who immediately divorced me, and cut up my clothes. The next 8 years brings us to the present where I have come to grips with cross dressing and the realization that I do not have a problem with my femininity.  This has lead me to discovering more and more of God’s gifts to me as I become more involved  then ever before  with my female inner self. People who have known me quite a long time have noticed my recent change to happiness.

My long time girl friend has known about my cross dressing since our third date. It has taken her a long time to allow herself to be seen with me in my feminine clothes. This year’s Christmas present was that I could get dressed up for the holiday! You can imagine my happiness in being able to actually participate in something that I have been jealous of for 49 of my 52 years.  I can’t wait for Easter and my first attendance at church services as a female.

CDM is much more then a place to where a skirt. You can do that anywhere all it takes is confidence and a smile to get by. My encounters with the group membership is one of  providing support for cross dressers no matter what level they are at. The variety of the group provides experiences that are willfully shared with any who ask. My life would have been a lot happier had CDM been discovered many many years ago.

Donna Moon

When I was about 7 years old I asked my mom if I could ware pantyhose to bed. I loved the silky fabric. I have a very loving family. I have a learning disability that got me into developmental English classes. The teasing that followed being "stupid" in the eyes of young brats/ peers made feel like it was me vs the world. My relief came from my loving family, my mom, dad, younger sister, and cousin. In these early years is when I developed my biggest fear. The stereo-type male image in fashion and behavior was everywhere. I could never let dad know what I asked my mom for. Mom instead of being accepting; instead weaned me off the pantyhose. I felt that I was the ultimate embarrassment for wanting what only girls are supposed to want. I had to give up cross-dressing before I in danger my only shelter from the cruel world.

My cross-dressing re-surfaced in puberty. I became a master theft stealing clothes from my mom when no one was home. In the confusing hormonal existence that is puberty I convicted myself I was a sex pervert. I hated being a thief, but I have a desire for silk forbidden fruit. High School was great. I saw, I came, and I conquered. I broke down so many walls and grew more than I ever felt possible. My dad died from cancer my Junior year. My world was upside down from grade school where high school was my sanctuary and home was an emotional battlefield. I believed that cross-dressing was my freaky fetish and only my mate should know about it.

In college I studied astrophysics. I loved learning about the universe. I felt powerful knowing so much complex mathematic and physics. I bought Pantyhose at a store but could only use the auto-check out machine. I felt like I was robbing a bank. Terrified someone would know that a man is buying women’s clothing with no doubt who it is for. When studding Physics it is very easy to be a workaholic. I never found sexual love, or intimacy from another.

After I graduated I realized that my desire to keep my secret kept me from trusting anyone and that's a recipe for loneliness. I went to a therapist and told someone my story. The therapist helped me face my fear. It wasn't long before I bought a full wardrobe from Kohl's. I joined tri-Ess and CDM, so I can be my other self without fear. I learned makeup skills from Sharla from the cdm group. Thank you. I now feel cross-dressing is a _expression of my desire to be fully human. I am happy being a biological male, but mentally I am human before a male. I now know many of my nicer emotions and desires would be called female traits or desires. I told my sister and my mom recently. There is acceptance, but a lot of fear. Fear of a world that rejects me. Today I deal with the anger of being denied my full self for all those years. I am planing of a bright future of discovery and happiness.

Be a CDM Girl!

Be one of the chapter's girls to list your bio here. Members are listed in the order that their bios and pictures are recieved. If you are a current member in good standing and would like to showcase yourself here please contact Linda at the above e-mail address with a paragraph about yourself and include a picture if you'd like. Be a CDM Girl!

Snail-Mail :
P. O. Box 1
River Edge, NJ 07661-0001

Fe-Mail us for membership & general info at: Chi Delta Mu Information

Cynthia Majors - Chapter President - E-mail Cynthia
Linda Mills - Chapter Vice President - E-mail Linda
Sharla DeLawter - Chapter Treasurer
Laura Sheehan - Chapter Secretary

WebMistress: Linda Mills and Molly Brown
Our site has been open since January 1, 1998!

© 1997 - 2007 by Chi Delta Mu chapter of Tri-Ess International (The Society for the Second Self, Inc.)
Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this website are those of the respective contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or official policies of The Society for the Second Self, its Officers and Board Members. If you are not 18 years of age, or find this material to be in any way objectionable, please leave now