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Real Life Events of These Right-Wing Extremists

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January 28, 2006

Important Message

As our site has been increasing in popularity, traffic has increased as well. Our web host provider Geocities can only allow so much traffic for free, and on several occasions we have exceeded our hourly bandwidth limit. With traffic continuously growing, we must make these changes.

  1. We have created a new blog site to cover all archives of our entries:
  2. This website is an archive for all entries from August 2003 to January 2006.
  3. This website will be up and running. However, entires in the main page will be limited to a few months to save bandwidth. Please use the site to reference any permanent links from now on.

January 26, 2006

Canada becoming more diverse in ethnicity

Sailer and the VDare crew have been rejoicing in the conservative party's victory in Canada. Once again, they are stuck in some delusional world thinking the Sailer strategy is strong and growing, when reality suggests otherwise.

This article on race and immigration shows Canada is becoming less white and more multicultural. Just like in America, immigration and inadequate birth rates of whites are the primary reasons.

Actually, it's kind of nice to see the conservatives win, so they can have the opportunity to screw their supporters. The Canadian conservatives can press for cuts in health care, educaton, labor, and domestic programs, and channel the revenue toward tax breaks for the extremely rich and large corporations, and military expansionaism. Just how the Republicans victory in United States Congress in 1994 and 2004 turned detrimental for their supporters, the Canadians can see for themselves what right-wing extremism is truly about.


January 24, 2006

Ford Motor Company lays off 30,000 workers

A true Republican's dream come true - laying off middle class workers for the benefit of overpaid incompetent upper management. Ford Motor company announced it is laying off 30,000 workers. While Steve Sailer and his neo-conservative supporters are rejoicing over the conservative party victory in Canada (some priorities they have in America), back at home more Americans are continuing to get hammered by corporate abuse the Republicans support.

Ford will cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs, close 14 plants


January 23, 2006

Media Matters sheds light on Sailer's NBC interview

Sailer's two worst enemies are truth and exposure when he enters the mainstream media. He quickly shows his frustration as Media Matters exposes what NBC didn't tell us during his 10 second clip on the news: Steve Sailer is a radical right-wing, eugenicist, white separatist nutcase.

That's what we're here to help expose as well. Another piece of advice, Sailer. Before you attack Hollywood movie producers, why don't you produce some kind of movie, even an amateur one. We'll rate your movie making skills and see if you can live up to your talk.


January 22, 2006

More on Race and Crime

Sailer pretends to be some kind of expert on criminology, pretending to cover sensitive, unspeakable truths related to race and crime. However, the truth can hurt, and it is not always what one wants to hear. As we will reiterate again as long as Sailer knows but omits, the profile of a child sexual predator is a middle-aged white male like Sailer.

America's Most Wanted on FOX tonight featured Robert Martin Carey, a 52 year old white male who worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for more than 30 years in Greenbelt, Maryland. Agents discovered he downloaded thousands of images of heinous child pornography in his work and home computers, as well as 35 mm slides, VHS tapes and mountains of books and magazines. Even more disturbing are pictures of himself sexually exploiting young girls. He is on the run, so follow the link to see if you recognize him or can help out law enforcement.

AMW profile on Robert Martin Carey

Oh, and by the way, Sailer, you're 10 second segment on NBC nightly news sucked. For those who didn't see it, you missed nothing. All he did was trash on Hollywood movie producers by saying they are out of touch with the public, when Sailer never produced any decent movies or critique himself.


January 20, 2006

Rush Limbaugh attacking labor unions in support of WalMart

It is a well known fact that republicans and right-wingers have shown hatred and contempt toward labor unions. Whether it's store clerks, supermarket workers, public school teachers, or any middle class occupation in America, the right-wingers love to take their shots on labor unions. Perhaps it apparently seems safer to attack unions rather than ethnic groups, and is easier to dodge the racism charges. However, these right-wingers aren't in the safety net when it comes to attacking over 90 percent of middle class America which labor unions try to voice support.

We'll admit Bush, the republicans, and the right-wingers have done an extraordinarily effective job in finding ways to outsource jobs and cut workers' salaries and benefits for the benefit of the extremely rich, upper management, and large corporations. Once in awhile, labor unions can fight back and win, as this WalMart bill in Maryland shows. Unfortunately, one of the biggest right-wing loudmouths, Rush Limbaugh, has sided against the workers (who are also the customers and community) and taxpayers of Maryland in support of the greed and abuse of WalMart.

Rush Limbaugh attacks WalMart bill in Maryland


January 16, 2006

Crazy White People

Today is one of Sailer and company's most detested holiday, Martin Luther King Jr day. Sailer and his white supremacist crowd love to trash on MLK day by implying blacks are criminals. However, Sailer never seems to analyze/trash on his own race, the white race, when it comes to crime and race. Therefore, it is our duty to tell the other half-truth Sailer is omitting.

Watch out for sexual predators on the internet preying on young children. As this article states about these kind of criminals, "The typical offender is a white male, 25-45 years old who usually works in a professional capacity. They are involved in youth sports, scouting or other children's activities." We reported the unspeakable truth that white males make up the typical profile of a child molester/rapist, and we will continue to report on unspeakable truths Sailer doesn't want to hear.

White people aren't immune to non-sexual violent crimes, either. Here are two unnotable white male criminals in recent weeks which have made national headlines.

Nathan Cheatham , 27, fatally shot four people, including his mother, on Christmas before taking his own life. He also shot at two houses four days earlier in Great Falls, Virginia (a suburb of Washington, D.C.).

Brian Hooks, 18, and Thomas S. Daugherty, 17 are two South Florida teens arrested in the beating death with baseball bats of an innocent homeless man at Florida Atlantic University.


January 14, 2006

Labor Unions score one over WalMart

While the primary attacks from right-wing radicals are geared toward dark-skinned minorities, they also take shots on other groups in America. One of their favorite targets are labor unions, which is you, the ordinary middle class worker. Sailer and his radical republicans love taking shots on labor unions, particularly blue states where labor unions are strongest, in favor of large businesses.

While big business and management have been succeeding in reducing salaries, benefits, retirement funds, and job openings for the working American, thanks with much help from Bush and the republicans, labor unions and you the worker can fight back for your job security, salary, dignity, and basic worker rights.

Several months ago, Republican Governor Robert Ehrlich of Maryland vetoed a bill requiring companies who employ more than 10,000 Maryland workers to spend at least 8% of their payroll on health care. This was in response to Wal-Mart's flagrant abuse of grossly underpaying and denying health care benefits of its overworked employees, while Wal-Mart stores and upper management horde record profits for themselves.

Just today, the Democratic State Legislator of Maryland overturned the Republican governor's veto, and stores like Wal-Mart in Maryland must pay a fair share toward health care costs for its employees, rather than passing their health care bill to the taxpayer through welfare and Medicaid. This goes to show you that you have the power to stand up for your worker rights and salaries, and not be coerced or manipulated into Sailer's radical right-wing ideology that you are helpless or worthless.

Fight WalMart links:
WalMart Watch
Wake Up WalMart


January 09, 2006

Open Letter to Michelle Malkin

Dear Michelle Malkin,

Your friend, coworker, and ally Steve Sailer has posted an entry slandering and mocking professional women like you. He refers to an event when Melinda French Gates, the wife of Bill Gates of Microsoft, announced she is giving her alma mater at Ursuline Academy $5 million to enhance science, math and technology education. Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an all-girl Catholic high school, and the purpose of the gift is to help women like you excel in fields traditionally underrepresented by women .

However, your friend Steve Sailer believes this is a complete joke. Because the likes of you and the girls of Ursula lack male genitals, you are undeserving of this grant. Steve Sailer writes:

Considering that Mrs. Gates' major career "accomplishment" was managing Microsoft Bob, perhaps the most denigrated product in Microsoft's history, exactly what lesson will the girls of Ursuline Academy draw from the fact that Mrs. Gates now has billions to hand out?
We at the Steve Sailer Sucks monitoring website have decided to stop attacking him for once, and abide by his principles. Ms. Malkin, because you are a woman and we are trusting Steve Sailer's principles on women, you must surrender all higher education opportunities for yourself and your daughter. Your education, salary, and power status may never equal or surpass that of an equivalent male.

In summary, you are better off going barefoot and pregnant.

Yours Truly,
The Steve Sailer Sucks crew


January 07, 2006

Anti-Gay Pastor arrested for picking up male prostitute decoy

It never ceases to amaze us how these loud mouth, self-righteous, right-wing preachers can't seem to follow a simple rule of preaching: practice what you preach. The latest news came out that Lonnie Latham, senior pastor at South Tulsa Baptist Church in Oklahoma, was arrested for trying to pick up a male undercover police officer posing as a prostitute. Latham has made numerous public speeches denouncing homosexuality.

Read article here.

The list of hypocrisy from these right-wing extremists never ceases to end or amuse us.  Some examples we have covered are:


January 05, 2006

Sailer's views on the deaths of West Virginia coal miners

The news is out that 12 of the 13 trapped West Virginia coal miners died, and one survival is in critical condition. We express our condolences toward this tragic event. Now, let's analyze Sailer's views and message on the coal miners' tragedy. Sailer quotes:

Twelve coal miners, RIP: There used to be a huge number of coal miners, and a huge number of fatalities, but United Mine Workers leader John L. Lewis led strikes to drive up wages so high that mine owners heavily mechanized the business. When warned that high wages would drive down the number of jobs, Lewis replied, good, it's a crummy job and if my guys make enough money to educate their kids enough so they won't have to work in the mines, we all win.
Of course, a right-wing hatemonger like Sailer or Michelle Malkin always writes something sympathetic toward tragedy, although it is merely lip service to bolster their own image. Then Sailer attacks the coal mining unions for causing this tragedy, claiming their demands for higher wages and safer working conditions were the culprit.

So all you friends, families, and coal miners grieving over this loss, keep in mind Steve Sailer thinks you are worthless trash and the dead coal miners did not deserve better wages and safer working conditions as the unions fought for decades.


January 02, 2006

Right-Wing Family Values: Divorce, Broken Families, and Childlessness

This story and event is from June 2004, but it is never too late or amusing to republish it. The king of the right-wing loudmouth bigots, Rush Limbaugh, has filed for divorce a third time. Rush Limbaugh is known as the hypocrite who preaches family values, "Marriage is about raising children. That's the purpose of the institution." - Rush Limbaugh.

While Rush preaches building families and raising children, it's a shame he could never walk the talk. After being married to three different women which all ended in divorce, he never raised any children of his own. And while he preaches about personal responsibility (i.e. locking up drug users in jail), his ideology doesn't apply to himself after he confesed his addiction to illegal painkiller drugs that same year.

Anyway, Rush's former wife, Marta, sure will enjoy her alimony payments from the millions in assets Rush has. Welcome to the American tradition of family values, Rush Limbaugh.


December 31, 2005

Republicans hurt rural red states the most

It's a shame how these dimwitted pseudo-political analysts like Steve Sailer and the VDare crew can't see beyond their noses, although it's to our benefit and humor. The Sailer crew keeps endorsing the Republicans and the red states, primarily economically modest and rural agricultural ecomonies, which voted for Bush in 2004. However, the Republican's policies benefitting the wealthy individuals and large oil companies, and hurting the agricultural industry, have hurt the red states the most.

Anti-Rural Republican Policies from the American Chronicle.

The Republican Party has been promoting a series of policies that hurt residents of rural America very badly. While voters are more likely to vote Republican in farm communities and small towns than the national average, the Republican Party has been supporting a whole series of actions and policies that go against the interests of these voters.

High fuel prices are a much more difficult burden on citizens of rural America than for suburban and urban dwellers.

The Republican ties to Big Oil campaign money seems to be more important than the interests of average Republican voters when it comes to reining in oil industry price gouging.

The push by Bush Republicans to cut federal funding for medical benefits and public health care will badly hurt rural America.

The priorities and policies of the current Republican Party are focused on serving the economic interests of Wall Street instead of small town Main Streets.

As George Orwell once stated, "To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." While Sailer refers to this quote by Orwell, it's a shame for him and his supporters that they can't see what's going on in front of their noses.


December 27, 2005

Sailer's stupid quote of the day

From Steve Sailer himself on the gender of children.

"Roughly speaking, half of people with one child have no son, versus only 1/8th of people with three kids."
So what's you're next brilliant observation, Sailer? People with no children will have neither girls nor boys? A pregnant woman is about 50 percent likely to give birth to a boy? Duh.


December 25, 2005

Sailer's lies on white birth rates by state

First of all, we wish you a Merry Christmas where truth and honesty will prevail. So what statistical lies did Sailer spew out this time? Exactly one year ago on December 2004, Steve Sailer wrote lengthy articles on how red republican states have inordinately higher white birth rates by white women.

Of course, Sailer does not provide the exact URL of where he derived those fishy numbers. In fact, if you try to email him asking for the original source of data, he will not answer because he does not have it. Well, we found statistics on births by race and state, and you will see there never was any correlation for red states to carry higher white birth rates.



Reliable Statistics from Sailer's bogus statistics
State Total White Births State White Birth Rate
California 438,374 Utah 2.45
Texas 321,542 Alaska 2.28
New York 183,829 Idaho 2.20
Florida 158,026 Kansas 2.06
Illinois 141,820 Nebraska 2.02
Ohio 123,617 South Dakota 2.02
Pennsylvania 118,394 Oklahoma 2.01
Michigan 103,166 Wyoming 1.99
Georgia 88,125 Arkansas 1.94
North Carolina 86,407 Indiana 1.94
New Jersey 85,858 Texas 1.93
Arizona 78,940 Arizona 1.92
Indiana 75,541 Mississippi 1.92
Virginia 71,918 New Mexico 1.90
Washington 66,581 Georgia 1.90
Massachusetts 66,009 Missouri 1.89
Missouri 63,816 Ohio 1.89
Colorado 63,166 Iowa 1.89
Tennessee 60,972 Louisiana 1.88
Wisconsin 60,244 Michigan 1.88
Minnesota 59,404 Montana 1.87
Kentucky 49,416 Colorado 1.86
Utah 47,328 Nevada 1.85
Maryland 44,704 Kentucky 1.85
Oregon 41,574 North Carolina 1.84
Alabama 40,868 Alabama 1.84
Oklahoma 39,959 New Jersey 1.83
Louisiana 37,312 Minnesota 1.83
South Carolina 36,270 Tennessee 1.83
Iowa 35,688 Virginia 1.82
Connecticut 35,388 Maryland 1.81
Kansas 35,007 Illinois 1.80
Arkansas 29,750 South Carolina 1.80
Nevada 27,700 West Virginia 1.80
Nebraska 23,376 Florida 1.78
New Mexico 23,284 North Dakota 1.78
Mississippi 23,251 Wisconsin 1.78
Idaho 20,974 Oregon 1.76
West Virginia 20,043 Connecticut 1.75
New Hampshire 13,646 Washington 1.72
Maine 13,365 New York 1.72
Rhode Island 11,225 Pennsylvania 1.72
Montana 9,848 Delaware 1.71
South Dakota 8,903 New Hampshire 1.69
Delaware 7,941 California 1.65
North Dakota 6,890 Maine 1.65
Alaska 6,493 Vermont 1.63
Vermont 6,411 Massachusetts 1.60
Wyoming 6,291 Hawaii 1.59
Hawaii 5,086 Rhode Island 1.50
D.C. 2,108 D.C. 1.11



December 22, 2005

Republican Senate cuts funds for health, education and labor programs

Sailer and his right-wing bigots are stuck in their surreal fantasy world supporting the Republicans, thinking the republicans support them. Unfortunately for Sailer and his predominately lower to middle class xenophobes, the republicans keep cutting programs that benefit the poor and middle class the most.

News Article

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday passed a $602 billion bill that cuts funds for health, education and labor programs on the same day the Senate approved two separate rounds of cuts to health care programs for the poor.
The spending bill passed by the Republican Senate calls for a $1.4 billion cut in those domestic programs from last year. However, the same Senate had no problems coughing up $50 billion for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Although Sailer is a beaten sore loser who doesn't like to admit it, he is in poverty and has two sons in high school who will be eligible for college soon. He and his sons desperately need financial aid to pay for skyrocketing college prices, as well as skyrocketing health care costs. Too bad the republicans he supports haven't returned the same favor toward him.


December 19, 2005

Christian Extreme Fundamentalists

While Sailer relentlessly trashes on Muslims for violent tactics, it looks like his right-wing Christian buddies can also fall in that same category.

Kansas Professor Who Mocked Fundamentalists Beaten at Roadside

A University of Kansas religious studies professor is recovering from a beating he says was based on his opposition to Christian fundamentalists. Paul Mirecki told Douglas County sheriff's deputies he was beaten early Monday morning on the side of a rural road outside Lawrence by two men who'd been tailgating him in a large pickup truck.

Mirecki told the Lawrence Journal-World his attackers made references to the controversial remarks made on the Internet denouncing Christian Conservatives and Catholics.

The men punched him about the head and shoulders and struck him with a metal object, he said.


December 14, 2005

Steve Sailer no supporter of women's rights

Have you ever noticed the gender profile of Steve Sailer's supporters? When was the last time you saw a female supporter of Sailer? We know only of two female Steve Sailer supporters: Michelle Malkin and his wife, Carole Sailer.

So why is it that, with exception of the two pseudo-women listed above, literally all Sailer supporters are men? Because Sailer is also a sexist who believes women are genetically inferior and undeserving of equal economic, educational, and social opportunities. While Sailer does not quantitatively trash on women as much as Blacks and Hispanics, he shows similar contempt toward women through his hateful articles - mocking, condescending language, deceptive and shoddy research, and subliminal hatred concluding women are inferior to white males like him.

Some of Steve Sailer's articles on women:

March 06, 2005 - Why (Some) Men Don?t Support Summers. Sailer's message - Women are inferior in math, science, and engineering.

April 4, 2003 - Saving Private Lynch. Sailer's message - Women are inferior in areas of combat, leadership, and military.

May-June 1997 - THE GENDER GAP: Elite Women Are Running Further Behind - Women are inferior in athletics.

It's also pretty funny to see Michelle Malkin's support of Sailer, when Sailer has done nothing except trash on Michelle Malkin's very existence. Malkin likes to portray herself as an independent-minded woman who can succeed like men, and is supposedly a role model to young female right-wingers. However, she overlooks the fact that Sailer believes Michelle Malkin is inferior because she lacks male sex organs, in addition to her non-white ethnicity.


December 11, 2005

Viagra can help Impotence problems

Here's a quiz for our audience. Of the six major racial/ethnic groups in America and the world listed below, which group is the only one whose birth rates are too low, they are facing a natural population decline?

  1. White (European)
  2. Black (African/Carribean)
  3. Hispanic (Latino)
  4. East Asian (e.g. China, Japan, Korea, etc...)
  5. South Asian (India, Bangledesh, etc...)
  6. Middle Eastern (Arabic)
If you picked (1) White, then you are correct. That's right, every group listed here except Whites are increasing in numbers and population in America and the world. The truth can hurt, and it is not always what one wants to hear. Steve Sailer and his predominantly white male right-wing audience are facing the harsh reality that the white male audience isn't reproducing adequately enough. We reported
how the white European population is declining in America and the world.

Fortunately, there's the Viagra medication which can help impotence problems suffered by impotent white males like Sailer. Ask your doctor about Viagra today - hey guys, it's just a joke, we all need to shed some humor in dark times for asexual white males.
:) :D


December 8, 2005

Sailer's Racist Tactics

We get fan mail from Sailer's supporters who claim Steve Sailer is not a racist. Just like Sailer, they also play dumb and innocent when the racist charges fly around. These Sailer supporters are overwhelmingly white males like Sailer, claiming Sailer's bigotry never existed, and want overexaggerated proof that Sailer is a racist (such as Sailer explicitly directing a racial slur toward minorities).

Sailer is not only a racist and bigot, but he is also a deceptive, shady manipulator who spreads his racism through subliminal methods. We will show you the manipulative tactics Sailer uses to spread his racism and hatred, and why he rightfully draws enemies and gets trashed. Sailer typically spreads his racist agenda through these methods.

  1. Indirect Transitive Statements.
  2. Fraudulent Omission of Relevant Facts.
  3. Reliance on unreliable sources of information.
  4. Mocking, condescending language.

Lets look into detail Sailer's racist tactics.

1) Indirect Transitive Slandering - The transitive property makes two statements, a=b and b=c. After taking into consideration these two statements, the final conclusion is a=c. In specific tactics Sailer uses, he states (a) Black people have (b) lower IQ scores than whites. Then he states people with (b) lower IQ scores are (c) genetically inferior.

Sailer doesn't explicitly state Black people are genetically inferior, but the reader concludes that because a=b and b=c, therefore a=c. In other words, Sailer is stating that Blacks are genetically inferior through indirect transitive statements.

2) Fraudulent Omission of Relevant Facts - Scroll to the August 7, 2003 entry of "What You Say". Like his typical deceptive tactics, he only links and posts articles on negative news within the minority communities as a way of slandering the non-white races he harbors contempt toward. Positive articles, such as Blacks and Hispanics (two of Sailer's most hated groups) advancing in education or economic status, bears negative feelings toward Sailer and his white supremacist group; therefore, Sailer rarely posts these positive articles. He may occasionally post these positive articles, but only to manipulate or slander it.

3) Reliance on unreliable sources of information - Have you noticed Sailer consistently refers to the same scientists, like Rushton, Murray, or Brand? Have you also noticed these scientists are also members of Sailer's own human biodiversity group? And many of these (pseudo) scientists have dubious at best credentials in science and are often affiliated with racist hate groups, such as:

4) Mocking, condescending language - While Sailer doesn't explicitly state ethnic or derogatory slurs towards others he hates, he slanders them and you with mocking, condescending language. While Blacks and Hispanics are his primary targets, he also shows contempt toward women, Asians, Muslims, homosexuals (including straight masculine females and effeminate males), Democrats, and many more.


December 2, 2005

Fraud and Lies in Journalism

Keep in mind Steve Sailer has no credentials in journalism. He copies, steals, plagarizes, and misquotes the publishing work of other authors, journalists, and researchers, so he can profit and spread his subliminal racism, sexism, and bigotry.

Sailer also uses his pseudo-scientific racism to carry out his agenda of sexism. He spreads his idea that women are genetically inferior, trashing on women who succeed in areas of math, science, engineering, athletics, and combat.

This is a true story of Sailer using his shoddy journalism and lies to trash on women. Laura Higgins, a woman and a Professor in Biology at Indiana University, has already accomplished far more than what Sailer could even dream of in the field of science. In this UPI article Sailer wrote in 2003 (, Sailer slanders and mocks women serving in the military. He quotes Doctor Laura Higgins.

But if too many younger females were killed or stolen by an enemy group, the band's survival was in doubt. As University of Florida zoologist Laura A. Higgins wrote in 1988, "Because fewer of them are needed to produce and maintain offspring, from a population maintenance perspective, males are more expendable than females."

Here are specific details on why Sailer is a shoddy pseudo-journalist, and why he rightfully gets trashed on so many times. We contacted Dr. Laura Higgins herself to find the truth behind the quote.

  1. Sailer never contacted nor received Dr. Higgins permission to quote her.
  2. Dr. Higgins never stated in any of her works that males are more expendable than females because of reproductive differences.
  3. Dr. Higgins does not promote this kind of Sailer-style sexism. She is opposed to Sailer's pseudo-scientific racism, sexism, and bigotry.
  4. Dr. Higgins did not enter college nor write any publications in 1988 or earlier.

Yeah, we know Sailer doesn't care about who he offends, slanders, and misquotes (unless he faces direct consequence, such as being sued or attacked). But we're publizing the truth to show why people are justifiably against Sailer. We know your tactics, Sailer (and we know you're reading this). You're going to play dumb and innocent, trying to downplay the attacks of your endlessly growing number of critics and enemies. But we're already several steps ahead of you. We know your friends and allies, and have more information on you (and that goes for you sailer supporters as well) than you think. You're facing a losing war that is only warming up.


November 27, 2005

Sailer no longer affiliated with United Press International

From approximately 2000-2003, Steve Sailer was an employee of an internet news organization called United Press International (UPI). Just as we are after Sailer's supporters who knowingly and willingly embrace Sailer's hatred, we made attacks against UPI all these years.

We recently contacted the management of UPI to confirm Sailer does not work for UPI, nor has he for awhile. As a result of this confirmation, we are taking out all negative references against UPI for associating themselves with Steve Sailer. In summary, Steve Sailer has no more affiliation with UPI, so we are not getting on UPI's case anymore.


November 20, 2005

Sailer Strategy is Dead

Steve Sailer tries to pretend he is an expert political analyst on elections. When the November elections come around, Sailer always has a mouthful to write. However, he was unusually silent after the November 2005 election. Instead of writing in his arrogant, "see I told you so" tone, he only wrote a single entry on how Republican candidate Jerry Kilgore lost the Virginia governor election because of his effeminate voice.

Why is Sailer suddenly so silent about the 2005 elections? Simple, he is a sore loser who is facing the reality that his Sailer strategy (i.e. winning votes from xenophobic, racist white voters) is dead on arrival. Here is a detailed political analysis from the Washington Post, a far more reputable source that covers the local Washington D.C. area and suburbs, on why Kilgore lost the election.

There is, however, a more subtle but potentially as important lesson for Republicans that could be drowned out by the tax discussion: When it comes to immigration, dropping the word "illegal" into any anti-immigration proposal is not likely to work electoral magic.

It's not just Hispanics, though. Kilgore lost reliably Republican and conservative Prince William and Loudoun counties -- places where he issued a strong call for a "crackdown" on illegal immigration. Why? One reason may be that close to 15,000 Muslims -- many of them immigrants -- live in those counties, and, according to some post-election survey data, they supported Democrats by close to 30 to 1. Kilgore is the first Republican since 1989 to lose those two counties.

Republicans embrace anti-immigrant fervor at their peril. The party is perilously close to adopting as its immigration policy the hanging of a "closed" sign on the border. To do so would be a gross mistake that would oversimplify the problem and set back all the efforts of President Bush to build bridges to America's growing population of Hispanics while finding a workable solution to a complex problem, one with far-ranging political consequences for the party over the long run.

So you Sailer supporters out there, don't be brainwashed into believing Sailer knows anything about the poitics or America. His hope that right-wing white males living in rural areas are superior is no more that wishful thinking on his part.

Oh, here is one more keyword to help people find this website: Jodie Foster lesbian


November 09, 2005

More Losses for Sailer in the Election Polls

Steve Sailer sure knows first-hand what it is like to be a born loser. His losses keep mounting up for his audience of right-wing extremist, xenophobic racists, and this time it followed him to the election polls of 2005. The big news is the Democrats won major victories around the nation, including hotly contested battles for governor seats in New Jersey and Virginia, and other political seats around the nation.

Two specific elections which signal much trouble for xenophobic racists like Sailer.

1) Democrat Tim Kaine beats Republican Jerry Kilgore for Virginia Governor

Sailer had high hopes that Kilgore would win the governorship in Virginia. This is because Kilgore campaigned on a strong anti-immigration platform , to the point of being borderline racist, hoping to capitalize on the Sailer strategy by appealing to white xenophobic voters. Well, Kilgore was given the boot, and Democrat Kaine is the governor of Virginia. Of course, a sore loser like Sailer tries to downplay this loss, claiming Kilgore's effeminate voice was the reason for his loss. However, we the people know better.

2) Jun Choi wins mayor seat in Edison, New Jersey.

Jun Choi was elected the first Korean-American mayor of Edison, New Jersey in 2005. This was a closely contested election, because Jun Choi was frequently attacked during the campaign for his non-white ethnicity by his right-wing xenophobic opponents. In the end, Jun Choi held ground and became the mayor.

This victory of diversity is especially troubling for Sailer and his xenophobes, because the news keeps getting worse for them. As demographics show, white male right-wing racists are losing numbers and power an an accelerating pace. "The Italian and Irish demographic which once dominated Edison now only makes up a quarter of the population, while nearly a third of Edison's residents are of Asian origin (OPP article linked above)".

So much for the Sailer strategy. If you Sailer supporters want to continue to pick a fight with us, you'll be in for a greater fight than you ever imagined.


November 8, 2005

Right-Wingers are also criticizing Sailer

Steve Sailer's career as a scientific racist is going downhill, as proven by the overwhelming negative responses he rightfully receives every time he steps out of his safety zone of human biodiversity pseudo-scientific racists. But Sailer's reputation is so low and pathetic, even fellow right-wingers are attacking him. Two right-wing sites, and , have taken recent shots on Sailer (Warning: Profanities are not omitted, because a piece of trash like Sailer deserves every curse word).

One of the biggest idiots on the public scene (although there's debate whether he's actually on the public scene), after John Lott of course who must suffer from a diagnosable mental illness to explain his existence, is Steve Sailer. It's complete BS how he takes every opportunity to prove his yet unproven theory that black people are inferior at everything (not one study has actually shown any such average genetic difference in intelligence ceteris paribus in children, before all the other stuff comes into play). His idea that black people riot because they're black is also bullshit. If all the people left in NOLA were white there would be the exact same level of looting and violence (the violence was actually way overreported).

I hope Steve Sailer gets AIDS from a male lover and that his wife runs over his head upon discovering the gay affair.

From: "Steve Sailer is a dumbfuck" at October 15, 2005 03:29 PM

Steve Sailer, whom I didn't much care for in the first place, wrote a nasty, offensive, & racist column about what happened in New Orleans that contained the two following quotes among others:

"What you won't hear, except from me, is that "Let the good times roll" is an especially risky message for African-Americans. The plain fact is that they tend to possess poorer native judgment than members of better-educated groups. Thus they need stricter moral guidance from society."

"In contrast to New Orleans, there was only minimal looting after the horrendous 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan-because, when you get down to it, Japanese aren't blacks."

After reading this bigoted garbage, I'm not going to waste a lot of time on Sailer or Vdare (where this was published), beyond saying that I think this is disgusting, ridiculous, & beyond the pale.

As to Sailer's assertion, that there's something wrong with blacks that led to looting and violence in New Orleans, that's complete crap.

Any time you have a situation where the police refuse to enforce order, where they walk off the job, where they themselves loot, where they stand by and watch as stores are looted, you're going to see increasing theft, violence, & anarchy until order is restored. It doesn't have anything to do with color, it has to do with human nature.

The reality is that there were relatively few people in New Orleans after Katrina hit who were out roaming the streets looking for prey and loot. Unfortunately, that 1,2,3% of a population can do a disproportionate amount of damage when the police give them a free pass to commit mayhem -- and that's exactly what happened in New Orleans.

To smear the overwhelming majority of people in New Orleans by lumping them with the thugs and punks based on the color on their skin is disgraceful. Criticism based on behavior is fine. Criticism based on skin color is not.

From: John Hawkins. Sep. 9, 2005


November 02, 2005

Steve Sailer affiliated with Hate Groups

We sometimes receive protesting emails from Sailer's supporters, who are overwhelmingly neo-conservative white males who pretend they are some kind of educated scientists. They try to point out that Steve Sailer is not a racist and a white supremacist, and his (pseudo) racial research is to point out the differences among the human races.

We don't believe your lies and garbage. Steve Sailer is affiliated with these hate groups, specifically:

He writes articles, receives funding and support, and is heavily referenced by these hate groups. We know Sailer's sleazy tactics, as evidenced by his supporters who write protesting emails trying to hide or downplay Sailer's racist agenda, thinking we're too stupid or ignorant to realize his true motives.

Steve Sailer and friends, don't ever think your safe and free of consequence to spread your racist hate agenda.


October 30, 2005

Racial Differences in Lactose Intolerance

Here's an article on racial differences which sailer likes to point out.

It is about how certain non-white races, primarily Africans, tend to have a lower tolerance to consume lactose milk as a racial group. Regardless of how trivial these articles seem, Sailer loves to bring up these racial discrepency articles to give the impression he is a race scientist investigating racial diffrences.

So you're probably wondering, whatever?! Well, if it seems stupid to you, it is a reflection on the stupidity of sailer's pseudo-scientific race research.


October 15, 2005

Free Republic annoyed by trollers

On Sep. 20, we posted a blog on how you can offend and annoy the free republic hate site. Apparently, your efforts to annoy and offend them seem to be working. This website recently posted (sep. 22) a summary on how the free republic troll control is stuck on stupid.

Free Republics efforts to control 'trolls' have reached new depths, as a simple google search shows. Over 78,000 mentions of trolls on FR are evident on google alone..

Granted, not all of these reference jim robinsons obsessional efforts to control debate about our Constitution & Republic, but enough do to make my point.. The man is his own worse enemy.

Since day FR's day one, he has used his ban button for personal advantage, while mouthing platitudes about welcoming debate on 'constitutional restoration'.

Anyone who dares to disagree with his personal views, or those of his current 'core group' is summarily suspended and/or banned, without recourse. Phony conservatives are now a majority on his site. He has become little more than a cult leader, masquerading as a patriot.

So go ahead and keep trolling Jim Robinson and the free republic. While it may take some of your own time and effort, remember that there are at least a thousand freepers reading your post. So for every hour you spend posting on the site, there are at least a thousand hours wasted among the free republic cult community.

Keep trolling, because it creates more annoying and frivolous work for the webmaster, and wastes precious time of these fanatical freepers by keeping them glued to the internet, thus preventing them from attending more important issues in life. Trolling also brings out hatred, anger, aggression, and paranoia among them, making them more vulnerable to emotional health problems and more prone to engaging in criminal activity.


October 6, 2005

Terrorism and Racial Profiling

Bush, the republicans, and the right-wing extremists need to do a better job filtering out terrorists. ABC News Article:

Officials tell ABC News the alleged spy worked undetected at the White House for almost three years. Leandro Aragoncillo, 46, was a U.S. Marine most recently assigned to the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney. ... Federal investigators say Aragoncillo, a naturalized citizen from the Philippines, used his top secret clearance to steal classified intelligence documents from White House computers.
Why is this news of special importance to us? One of Sailer's closest allies and heinous racists, Michelle Maglalang Malkin, has been advocating racial profiling and discrimination against darker-skinned non-white people for many years. Nevermind that Michelle Malkin is a dark-skinned Filipino woman who can easily be mistaken for a Mexican or a dark-skinned Middle Easterner; Malkin is the right-wingers' affirmative action slave child who will preach bigotry to kiss up to white supremacists like Sailer, because she is worthless trash who can't stand up for her own identity.

Now that a Filipino has been convicted of the heinous crime of espionage against the United States, we must target, discriminate, and arrest all Filipinos like Michelle Malkin.


September 25, 2005

Minority buying power is up

More troubling news for Steve Sailer and friends. The troubling news for him - minority incomes are increasing. Article from the Augusta Chronicle (Sep 21, 2005).

The consumer market is becoming a more diverse place, according to a report on minority buying power released Tuesday.

Nationwide, the amount of disposable income is growing faster among blacks, Hispanics, Asians and American Indians than among consumers overall.

In the past 15 years, Hispanic buying power has grown 247 percent - outpacing the 113 percent increase in the total market, according to the University of Georgia's Selig Center for Economic Growth. During that same time, Asians expanded their income pool by 240 percent.

"Basically, the Asian and Hispanic markets are neck and neck in terms of growth," said Jeff Humphreys, the director of the Selig Center and author of the report.

No wonder Sailer is stuck in poverty. He keeps focusing his fundraising efforts on a dying, stagnant, impotent race - the white, male, right-wing racist portion of America.


September 20, 2005

Exercise of the Day

Here's an exercise you can practice to offend, annoy, and disrupt a major website and it's audience of hate-filled, right-wing extremist cronies like Sailer. The website is the Free Republic (, a closely censored, right-wing website monitored by web czar Jim Robinson, which Sailer has connections.

Here's what to do. Register and login to their website. The specific webapge with all that information is . Then post any long article that would offend your fanatical freepers and cause you to get censored, such as any article which:

  1. Criticizes and attacks president George W. Bush, his cabinet, or any famous extreme republican the freepers endorse.
  2. Criticizes and attacks the war in Iraq.
  3. Praises and endorses William or Hillary Clinton or any Democrat or liberal.
  4. Praises and endorses any famous Black or Hispanic leaders who fight for the advancement of their communities.
  5. Supports illegal immigrants.
  6. Supports homosexuality.
  7. Or anything else you can think of (and there are so many of them).
Posting these kind of articles will result in a flurry of bitter, hateful replies from freepers, followed by a censorship of your free republic screen name. That's good, because this will consume the time of Jim and many freepers, and create more annoying work for them. By consuming time on this worthless internet forum, it will deprive them of spending quality time on other more important issues of life. It will also bring out more anger, aggression, anxiety, and hatred within themselves, causing mental, emotional, and health problems, and make it harder for them to deal with people outside of the free republic cult community. Overall, it will make their lives more miserable.

You can keep repeating this. After being censored, go to again and click on "Logoff" on the upper left hand corner. Then re-register with a different email address and repeat yourselves.


September 19, 2005

Sailer is Wrong Again

Another scorecard to show the stupidity of Sailer and his right-wing racists. This is from a site called, one of those right-wing extremist sites who claim to have the balls to discuss taboo topics such as race, immigration, and politics, which they claim the general public feels unconfortable to cover. Ironically, these right-wing racists are afraid to cover their own fallacies and truths of their own weaknesses.

Here's what Sailer wrote on this website on the issue on why blacks hate George W. Bush(

Republican have been furiously scratching their heads over how to draw more black votes. For example, when I started reading the Free Republic responses to my VDARE article (GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote) I presumed that many of the attacks on my thesis would center on the alleged inevitability of immigration population. Yet, most respondents seemed bored with thinking about immigrants. What everybody wanted to talk about was why blacks didn't vote Republican.

First thing to remember: despite all the moral glamour that our society invests in "civil rights leaders" like Jesse Jackson, African-Americans are neither a fast-growing group nor even a terribly large one. No pundit should be allowed to expound on election strategy without first proving he knows the answer to this simple question:

What Sailer is afraid to mention is a sensitive issue for the white community that they are not all that. The reality is, as we mentioned numerous times, the white race is declining in numbers and power (financial, political, etc...).
Click on link to entry.


September 11, 2005

Get your priorities straight

Sailer wrote this entry today.

Getting our priorities straight: My son's Scoutmaster, like 2,000 other firemen from across the country, answered FEMA's call to come help hurricane victims. Were they immediately dispatched to the frontlines to save lives? No, first they had to sit through a two hour seminar on sexual harassment.

We live in a very silly country, but at times like these, the joke wears thin.

Actually, the real unfunny joke goes to those right-wing scam artists like Sailer who dupe people like you into giving money to him, thus depriving funds which can go to needy people and causes such as the hurricane Katrina victims. If you really want to get serious about helping our country, the United States of America, here's how you can help.
  1. Do not give any money to these right-wing racists and scam artists like Steve Sailer, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, etc... Instead, give that money directly to the Red Cross or Salvation Army to help the Hurricane Katrina victims.
  2. If you're not planning on giving donations to the hurricane victims, don't give any money to these right-wing hustlers anyway. Instead, keep it for yourself. Remember, when you go through a financial crisis, such as going bankrupt due to natural disaster, getting laid off at work, divorce, loss of family, etc... (and don't think your invulnerable to these factors), Steve Sailer (or Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbagh, etc...) will never give you any money to help you out.
  3. At least if you give to fellow Americans affected by the hurricane, they will be more likely to help you out in the future, should you experience a financial crisis.


September 08, 2005

Message to Sailer Supporters

Because the Hurricane Katrina disaster has brought much attention to the topic of charitable giving, some donors have probably lost interest from giving to Steve Sailer. No wonder Stevie is angry. Well, I already gave money to the Red Cross, which is much more than the worthless lip service Sailer is producing.

Here's a message to you Sailer supporters giving or considering giving money to Sailer: don't give to him. Here's a top five list of why you're better off giving to the hurricane Katrina victims rather than Steve Sailer.

5) Quantity. There are far more people who will benefit, and truly need your support.

4) Quality. Hurricane Katrina victims need your help much more.

3) As long as you don't give to Sailer, you're helping clean up the internet by getting rid of trashy, worthless articles and lame movie reviews.

2) You're saving yourself a lot of trouble by disassociating yourself with a racist and hatemonger. For example, there are many pseudo-scientists and rogues in Sailer's HBD group who were discredited after they were found associating themselves with a right-wing racist eugenicist named Steve Sailer. We will continue exposing not only Sailer, but all his racist hatemongering companions as well. Is it really worth losing your own reputation by associating yourself with a loser like Sailer?

1) When the time comes when you are in a crisis, such as losing everything to a natural disaster, or going financially broke, keep in mind Steve Sailer will never give you any money or anything other than cheap lip service in return. You're better off getting help from another American than Steve Sailer.


September 07, 2005

Giving and Donations for Natural Disasters

Sailer sure has been on a hateful tirade against the Hurricane Katrina victims. What Sailer is basically saying is that we should not give any donations or help to the hurricane victims because it is futile. He is saying there are too many poor blacks who are victimized, so we should not give aid them.

However, Sailer is in a personal crisis himself, as he is dead broke and needs money. He lives in the Los Angeles area, which is vulnerable to earthquakes, and an earthquake could wipe him out for good (not that anyone would miss him). So you Sailer supporters, if you are going to follow Sailer's philosophy and refuse to give aid to the Katrina victims, do yourselves a favor and stop wasting money giving any current for future financial aid to a worthless lost cause named Steve Sailer.  He'll always be a poor, worthless loser and an outcast from mainstream society, and you know it.  Save yourselves the money, and buy some nice present for yourself instead of giving to him.


September 06, 2005

Message to Steve Sailer: You are a loser

Looks like Steve Sailer got a little offended ( when John Podhertz wrote a blog entry on the right-wing site denouncing Sailer for his racism for Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans black citizens. Sailer even uses big words like "chief Chekist enforcer of post-Trotskyite political correctness" (whatever the hell that means) to counter-attack John Podhertz.

As usual, Sailer is using his bigoted and unreliable references to support his pseudo-scientific IQ theories. They are close and key members of Sailer's HBD group, Charles Murray and John Derbyshire. Both members love to write pseudo-scientific articles on race and IQ scores, but neither of them have any credentials in that field. Charles Murray received a doctorate degree in political science, and Derbyshire is a freelance writer for the NRO who did receive a mathematics degree.

Sailer, we don't buy your bulls***. We're not going to waste time using big words like Chekist or Trotskyite to deceive our audience, because we are already bigger and better than you. The message is simple enough: you are a loser.


September 05, 2005

Hurricane Katrina and Race

Knowing the racist Steve sailer is, we knew all along he would play the race card again. As we anticipated, he would trash on the hurricane Katrina victims because many of the victims are poorer blacks.

Since you sailer supporters only listen and feel sympathy for the plight of white people, here is a emotional message from a white man himself, the president of Jefferson Parish of Louisiana, Aaron Broussard. News article

Aaron Broussard told how his head of emergency management had his mother in a nursing home. Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," Broussard was in tears as he told how the elderly woman kept calling day after day, to ask if she'd be rescued. Her son kept reassuring her right up until Friday - when the woman drowned.

With tears streaming down his face, Broussard ripped into the feds, saying he's "sick of the press conferences." He then bluntly sent a message to Washington -- quote -- "For God's sake shut up and send us somebody!"

And just so you sailer supporters know Aaron Broussard is a white male, here is a picture of him, and a link to the video you can download for yourself. He is literally crying out for help.

So, sailer supporters, we pose a challenge to you. Steve sailer is only as big of a man as you make him out to be. Sailer supporters, do you have the courage to be the bigger man than the racism and hatred sailer is about, and will you give money to the hurricane Katrina victims instead of sailer? I already did, will you?


September 03, 2005

Is Steve Sailer an idiot or what?

Of course he is. He recently wrote this entry about the president he endorses (will you make up your mind, dimwit?).

Is Bush a total idiot or what? The President said on Thursday in an interview on ABC's Good Morning America:

"I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this, whether it be looting, or price-gouging at the gasoline pump or taking advantage of charitable giving, or insurance fraud."

Looting and "price-gouging" (i.e., raising prices until supply equals demand) are the same in Bush's mind?

I remember the lines at the gas stations in 1973 and 1979 caused by Nixon's price controls on gasoline, which Reagan dumped as soon as he came in office. I guess Bush doesn't.

Not that we endorse Bush, but Sailer sure is wrong on this one. There is a difference between price-gouging and price-controls. Price-gouging is when the gas companies or gas stations are in a collusion to set prices higher than what the normal market value should be, so they can profit. Price-controls are lower prices mandated by the government, against market prices. Prices controls on gasoline are what caused the long lines in the 70s, because setting prices below market price caused gas supplies to lower and thus cause rationing.

Of course, gas prices are a trivial matter to Sailer, since he doesn't have a real job to drive to work. Instead, he is a homemaker who sits at home all day and night, watching TV and browsing the internet, quoting and stealing articles and events. But ultimately, it's you Sailer supporters whom he is leeching off of. While you sailer supporters are working hard, driving to work, and enduring the crazy gas prices, sailer is busy at home trying to deceive you into believing he his bigger or smarter than you, so he can profit off of your shortsightedness.


September 02, 2005

Bush's and Republicans "disastrous" cuts in natural disaster preparation

January 2001: Bush appoints Joe Allbaugh, a crony from Texas, as head of FEMA. Allbaugh has no previous experience in disaster management.

April 2001: Budget Director Mitch Daniels announces the Bush administration's goal of privatizing much of FEMA's work. In May, Allbaugh confirms that FEMA will be downsized: "Many are concerned that federal disaster assistance may have evolved into both an oversized entitlement program...." he said. "Expectations of when the federal government should be involved and the degree of involvement may have ballooned beyond what is an appropriate level."

2001: FEMA designates a major hurricane hitting New Orleans as one of the three "likeliest, most catastrophic disasters facing this country."

December 2002: After less than two years at FEMA, Allbaugh announces he is leaving to start up a consulting firm that advises companies seeking to do business in Iraq. He is succeeded by his deputy, Michael Brown, who, like Allbaugh, has no previous experience in disaster management.

March 2003: FEMA is downgraded from a cabinet level position and folded into the Department of Homeland Security. Its mission is refocused on fighting acts of terrorism.

2003: Under its new organization chart within DHS, FEMA's preparation and planning functions are reassigned to a new Office of Preparedness and Response. FEMA will henceforth focus only on response and recovery.

Summer 2004: FEMA denies Louisiana's pre-disaster mitigation funding requests. Says Jefferson Parish flood zone manager Tom Rodrigue: "You would think we would get maximum consideration....This is what the grant program called for. We were more than qualified for it."

June 2004: The Army Corps of Engineers budget for levee construction in New Orleans is slashed. Jefferson Parish emergency management chiefs Walter Maestri comments: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay."

June 2005: Funding for the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is cut by a record $71.2 million. One of the hardest-hit areas is the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, which was created after the May 1995 flood to improve drainage in Jefferson, Orleans and St. Tammany parishes.

August 2005: While New Orleans is undergoing a slow motion catastrophe, Bush mugs for the cameras, cuts a cake for John McCain, plays the guitar for Mark Wills, delivers an address about V-J day, and continues with his vacation. When he finally gets around to acknowledging the scope of the unfolding disaster, he delivers only a photo op on Air Force One and a flat, defensive, laundry list speech in the Rose Garden.

A crony with no relevant experience was installed as head of FEMA. Mitigation budgets for New Orleans were slashed even though it was known to be one of the top three risks in the country. FEMA was deliberately downsized as part of the Bush administration's conservative agenda. After DHS was created, FEMA's preparation and planning functions were taken away.

Actions have consequences. No one could predict that a hurricane the size of Katrina would hit this year, but the slow federal response when it did happen was no accident. It was the result of four years of deliberate Republican policy and budget choices. It's the Bush administration in a nutshell.


August 31, 2005

Natural Disasters and Hurricane Katrina

As the destruction of hurricane Katrina unfolds after two days, we are supporting the battered citizens of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. However, Steve Sailer is no friend to natural disaster victims, as his UPI article from October 30, 2003 ( shows contempt and hatred for the natural disaster victims of his home state of California.

After recovering for a decade from Los Angeles' version of the Biblical plagues of Egypt -- the 1992 riots, 1993 fires, and 1994 earthquake -- residents could be forgiven for wondering if another cycle of devastation had begun. At a time when Mother Earth -- in the form of wind, heat, drought and fire -- seemed wrathful, it was disquieting that something didn't look quite right with the sun, normally that blankly perfect symbol of the benign California climate.


With last week's wildfires having burnt roughly 1,100 square miles and 3,600 homes, L.A.'s peculiarly intimate relationship with the apocalyptic imagination has been renewed.


A complementary, if contradictory, inspiration is that Southern California's Mediterranean climate so closely resembles that of the cradles of civilization in the Fertile Crescent that L.A. must be the new Sodom and Gomorrah, rightful heir to a disaster of biblical proportions.

So why does Sailer hate his home state of California so much, he feels natural disasters which kill Californians are justified and exhilarating? Because California is a solid blue Democratic state, and it has a very diverse ethnic population.

Now that hurricane Katrina solidly hit the heart of three southern republican red states, Sailer isn't so eager to trash on natural disaster victims. We're not going to stoop to sailer's level and wish misfortune for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, because they are red states. On the contrary, we are showing you the loser and hate-monger steve sailer is, and why you should hate him instead.

For you sailer fans thinking of or already giving him money, do a real favor to America and do the right thing. Any money you were planning to give to sailer, give it to charities, such as the Red Cross, to help the hurricane victims in the south. Be the bigger man than the hate-monger sailer is; don't be brainwashed into thinking he is worth anything, or he is more intelligent than you.


August 30, 2005

White Male workers doing worse than 20 years ago

Sailer loves to taunt and bluff us by posting negative articles forecasting a dismal outlook for anyone who's not white, male, and right-wing biased like him. He often posts depressing articles in an attempt to cover up the dismal outlook of his own race and family.

We reported the shocking reality that the white race is declining in numbers and power in America and the world. It's too shocking for Sailer's crew of white nationalists to discuss on their websites, so we know there is truth in this.

This article shows the prospect of white male workers, who so closely resemble Sailer's crowd.

Morris, one of the authors of a new study printed in the book "Divergent Paths," said 90 percent of young white male workers can expect to have lower lifetime wage growth than the previous generation.
And much of the declining wages of middle class workers is caused by the republican party. The republicans who are in power are wealthy elitists whose economic interests favor the rich, and typically receive their votes from stupid, gullible, paranoid white male voters (i.e. Sailer's crowd) who were duped into believing republicans are more masculine, when in reality the republicans have no interest in the middle class or poor.


August 25, 2005

The Real Steve Sailer

We sometimes receive messages that this website is a personal attack on Steve Sailer. Perhaps true, but our real mission is to expose the true racist agenda of him, and the deceptive practices he employs to fool the audience to believe he is bigger than he really is.

Fields and Occupations Steve Sailer has no credentials or authority:

  • Medical Doctor
  • Scientist
  • Anthropologist
  • Geneticist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Sports Scientist
  • Journalist
What Steve Sailer is in reality:
  • Freelance writer who writes personally biased drivel and garbage to make a living.
  • Con artist who writes eloquently to fool his audience he belongs to any of the categories above.
  • Plagiarist and intellectual thief.
  • Homemaker to sits at home all day and night, watching TV and browsing the internet, so he can give his worthless opinions and steal articles from other journalists.
  • Racist affiliated with racist, right-wing hate groups like vdare, american renaissance, council of conservative citizens, and stormfront.
  • He did receive an economics degree, and he can produce biased and falsified statistics on a MS Excel spreadsheet (which he likely illegally copied or downloaded, since his livelihood is based on theft).
  • An arrogant right-wing extremist moron who thinks he can trash on the rest of us without any consequences, under the assumption we are too stupid, ignorant, and inferior to figure out his real agenda, but is learning more and more everyday he is dead wrong on this.


August 21, 2005

A Message to Steve Sailer

Here's a message only Steve Sailer, and several others who browse certain internet forums, will understand.

GeneralChao is exposed for the slick liar he is. GeneralChao is gone. We get stronger and smarter every day. We gain momentum, and more people see through your bulls*** every day. You never were as big as you can trick people into believing.

GeneralChao is gone. He was not a real person, and did not have to earn a living one way or another. He was an illusion created by your deceptive lies. But Steve Sailer, you are a real person, and when you go like GeneralChao, so will your livelihood.


August 20, 2005

Bigotry in the New York Times

Read a blog entry on New York Times columnist John Tierney's recent reference to his friend, Steve Sailer.

The web version of Tierney's column (Aug 20, 2005) approvingly links to another Sailer piece containing this profound analysis: "On the other hand, the Ladies Professional Golf Association's Nabisco Championship in Palm Springs has become one of the largest annual lesbian get-togethers in the United States, but, as Camille Paglia has noted, lesbians tend not to be interested in the classic visual arts, and, indeed, are often resentful of the prestige of Dead White European Male artists." Do Tierney and the Times endorse this bigotry?


August 19, 2005

Doctors seek pedophiles before they strike

Article alert: Doctors seek pedophiles before they strike. Notice this is in Germany, and this is geared toward white males like Steve sailer. Why are white males so vulnerable to child sex and pornography? I'm welcoming reader input on this topic.

MSNBC Article


August 18, 2005

Blue States vs. Red States, Part II


Dear Red States...

We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us.

In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon,Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California.

To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.

We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss.
We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states pay their fair share.

Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.

Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.

With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners) 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.

With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.

We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy b*****ds believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties.

By the way, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.

Peace out, Blue States

Addendum: Steve Sailer lives in California, a blue state. As a present to the red states, you can have Steve Sailer and his family. They are in poverty and worthless; you can pick up the welfare tab for the Sailer family. You can put up with his lame and shoddy journalism, bad movie reviews, and caustic language. You can put up with paying for their family health care and upcoming college expenses, as they are too poor to pay anything significant to state tax revenues.


August 17, 2005

Plagiarism and Copying

Right-wing blabber mouth Ann Coulter writes endless articles and gives taunting, offensive speeches so she can make a living as a pseudo-writer and speaker. However, someone like Ann Coulter writes so much dribble, readers would have to begin to wonder, does she copy and plagiarize her speeches from other sources? Does she really have so much originality and intelligence, every article and speech is her own?

Well, a recent article confirmed long-held suspicions that Ann Coulter is really a plagiarist who illegally copies the works of others.

A column penned by the doyenne of right-wing rhetoric Ann Coulter has come under fire for alleged plagiarism, RAW STORY has learned.

Much of Coulter's Jun. 29, 2005 column, "Thou Shall Not Commit Religion," bears a striking resemblance to pieces in magazines dating as far back as 1985 - and a column written for the Boston Globe in 1995.

A RAW STORY examination found Coulter's work to be at worst plagiarism and at best a cut-and-paste repetition of points authored by conservative religious groups in the early 1990s. These groups sought to de-fund the National Endowment for the Arts, detailing projects paid for by the NEA they dubbed "obscene."

We also know Steve Sailer is also a worthless copycat like Ann Coulter. They both share this tactic of spreading taunting, offensive, subliminally racist material, under the assumption that it will appeal a niche of white racists, and everyone else is too stupid or inferior to notice or do anything about it.

Relying on a system of half-truths, they both got the half right about appealing to white racists and xenophobes, but they are very wrong about the other half that us inferior minorities are too stupid or ignorant to do anything about stopping their racism, and avoiding the consequences of picking a fight with us. We have the upper hand, and we call the shots. You will see, you will see...


August 16, 2005

White Males, Homosexuality, Child Molestation

Sailer likes to draw bizzare speculations of race, sex, and crime, so he can trash on anyone who is not white, male, and heterosexual like him. Since he refuses to judge himself and his own audience, let's copy Sailer's tactics and draw conclusions about white male heterosexual Republicans.

It's a scientifically proven fact that while males are predominately pedophiliacs and child molesters. While Republicans love to preach morality so they can trash on homosexuals and sexual outmarriage, and impose their Christian religion, they are also guilty of child molestation and rape. Why is this?

The Republican's over-suppression of sexuality is causing problems within their own ranks. Because they keep suppressing their natural sexual desires, they have no outlet expect to molest children.

There is some truth to this, but it's not fair to judge all white male heterosexual Republicans based on these half-truths. So Sailer, stop judging the rest of us based on your bigoted half-truths. But wait, we know your tactics Sailer. Since you won't listen to reason and like to play hardball, keep in mind we are the ones who will win this war on race. And for all you Sailer supporters (and we have more information on you than you think), anyone who supports Sailer is guilty and racist, and you are fair game as well.


August 15, 2005

Thought of the Day

A deep, philisophical quote on Steve Sailer we got from Model Minority.

yall dont be naive. stevey sailer is nothin but a bitch

the world is complex needless to say, and some people got it right and some people got it wrong

people like stevey are losers who have seized upon a method to bully others so that they can feel strong and not weak anymore, so that they can feel special and not worthless. their thinking is flawed; their knowledge is limited; their judgments only to make themselves feel good and attack others they perceive as weaker

despite their pretensions to truth they do nothing but muddle it, despite their pretensions to impartiality they do nothing but scheme endlessly upon how to tell it in a way as to make themselves look better. they only want to hurt you, they only want to run away from their own bad feelings.

they've started out with the assumption that you the minority are bad and worse than them, and that by making up a story to go behind it they wish that it can become believable and that you will feel bad and they will feel good

he is not out for truth, he is out to boost his self esteem over you. In order to do so he must make you believe him, and he intends to charm and deceive to that end.


August 13, 2005

Congress is Showing More Diversity

While Sailer would like us to believe the non-white races are inferior and declining, the reality is that Sailer's inferior white racists are the ones declining in numbers, financial power, and even political power.

So what is the troubling news for sailer and company this time? First, we reported sailer's dream that the white vote being all so powerful was actually overexaggerated (Note: This was an older article, and we do not actually endorse Karl Rove, but we agree he had the right idea of trying to outreach to minorities, unlike Sailer), but now the Congress of the United States is showing more diversity, with record numbers of non-whites being elected into Congress and places of power, causing the white political power in Congress and elsewhere to decline.

New Congress to Look More Like Real America

The next Congress (2005 Congress) will look slightly more like the real America, with more women, Hispanics and blacks, including the first black man to enter the Senate in a quarter century

The Congressional Black Caucus boosted its representation in the House by three, to 40, all Democrats.

Hispanics in Congress were still well below the national population rate of 13.7 percent, but picked up one seat in the House, with 19 Democrats and four Republicans elected.

There are also five Asians in Congress: Hawaii's Democratic senators Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye and three Democratic representatives - Michael Honda and Bob Matsui of California and David Wu of Oregon.


August 12, 2005

Rich Liberals Vow to Fund Think Tanks - Aim Is to Compete With Conservatives

Be afraid, sailer and company. Be very afraid. Not only is your right-wing white supremacist population declining, but the liberals are making a comeback to face you pseudo-conservative, racist, right-wing extremists on your own playing field - the college campus.

Rich Liberals Vow to Fund Think Tanks

At least 80 wealthy liberals have pledged to contribute $1 million or more apiece to fund a network of think tanks and advocacy groups to compete with the potent conservative infrastructure built up over the past three decades.

The money will be channeled through a new partnership called the Democracy Alliance, which was founded last spring -- the latest in a series of liberal initiatives as the Democratic Party and its allies continue to struggle with the loss of the House and the Senate in 1994 and the presidency in 2000. Many influential Democratic contributors were left angry and despairing over the party's poor showing in last year's elections, and are looking for what they hope will be more effective ways to invest their support.

Financial commitments totaling at least $80 million over the next five years generated by the Democracy Alliance in recent months -- at a time when some liberal groups, such as the George Soros-backed America Coming Together, are floundering -- suggest that the group is becoming a player in the long-term effort to reinvigorate the left. The group has a goal of raising $200 million -- a sum that would inevitably come in part at the expense of more traditional Democratic groups, although alliance officials say donors have committed to maintaining past contribution levels.


August 11, 2005

Texas Become the Fourth State to have a Non-White Majority Population

Sailer and his anti-Hispanic racists at VDare should be more careful who they trash on, and who they pick fights with.

Texas Becomes a Majority-Minority State

Texas has become the fourth state to have a non-white majority population, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday, a trend driven by a surging number of Hispanics moving to the state.

According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities. In the 2000 Census, minorities made up about 47 percent of the population in the second-largest state.


August 10, 2005

Changing Racial Demographics of America and the World

Last year, we revealed the shocking revelation to the likes of white supremacists like Sailer that the white population is declining in numbers and power. Well, here's some more evidence and statistics from the University of North Carolina that Sailer and crew have more reasons to be afraid.

Powerpoint Presentation.

Demographic Changes in U.S. (U.S. Census, 2000), page 4
* Significant racial/ethnic shifts as a result of immigration and changing birth rates
* By middle of 21st century no racial group will constitute a majority
* White population projected to stop growing by 2029

By 2050, page 5
* 82 million people (21%) will have arrived or been born to people who arrived in the U.S. after 1991
* The African American population will double to approximately 62 million
* The Asian-American population will increase five-fold to 41 million
* The Hispanic-American population more than double to 81 million
* The native American population will grow to 15 million

And the news keeps getting worse for Sailer (is there ever any good news for Sailer?!), as the white population overseas is also declining. In Britain:

"Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century... It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease."

Anthony Browne, Sunday September 3, 2000 The Guardian, UK

This article by the white supremacist group (no endorsement to the group, but they reveal the bitter truth for them) shows the global white population declining in absolute numbers, and even faster in percentage of global population.

Year 1900: Whites make up 30% of global population
Year 2000: Whites make up 15% of global population
Year 2100: Whites projected to make up 3% of global population


August 09, 2005

New Bankruptcy laws less merciful for the poor

We all know the Sailer family is financially poor, and on the verge of bankruptcy. But Bush and the Republicans provide worse news for the likes of Sailer, as they passed laws making it harder for individuals to clear their debts through bankruptcy, just as they keep making life more miserable for the poor by failing to address domestic family issues of rising health care and college tuition costs.

President signs bankruptcy bill (April 20, 2005)

President Bush on Wednesday signed into law a bankruptcy reform bill that will make it harder for individuals to clear their debts through bankruptcy.


But consumer advocates argue that the new law is a gift to creditors - particularly the credit card industry, which may receive $1 billion or more from repayment plans due to the expected increase in Chapter 13 filings, according to Robert McKinley, CEO of

"The bill simply doesn't balance responsibility between families in debt trouble and the creditors whose practices have contributed to the rise in bankruptcies," said Travis Plunkett of the Consumer Federation of America in a written statement.


August 08, 2005

American Casualties Increasing in Iraq, and Oil Prices Still Increasing

What a wasted war Bush and the republicans got us into. American soidiers killed or wounded, increasing stress on our soldiers, increasing financial burden on us American taxpayers, terrorists attacks continuing and increasing, no weapons of mass destruction. And the worst part of this, Bush's and the Republicans' goal of invading Iraq - to use their oil and bring down oil prices - is not being achieved. Instead, oil prices just keep increasing, along with the increasing casualties, financial costs, and terrorist retaliation.

Oil, gas prices both jump to new records


August 07, 2005

Operation Yellow Elephant

As the American casualties in Iraq surpassed 1800, and is on pace to exceed 2000 before the end of the year, we are going to bring light to the lies, deceit, hypocrisy, and cowardness the republicans have been spreading to support the war in Iraq. Sure, the re-puke-licans love to show moral support for our soldiers, but how many of them actually sacrifice their selves or kids to go to Iraq?

Meet re-puke-lican posterboy Jason Mattera. He is a spokesman for Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), and claims to be a staunch supporter of our soldiers in Iraq. When he appeared on MSNBC Hardball with Chris Mattthews a few days ago, this is how it went.

Chris: Would you like to serve in this war?

Jason: I'm fighting the battle for ideas...

That's right, Jason supports the war in Iraq, but does not plan to sign up. In fact, if you ever look at these young republican conventions (College republicans, YAF, CPAC, etc...), they provide plenty of lip service and sell merchandise to provide moral support and profit, but they don't bring in military recruiters in their own conventions to help their kids sign up to go to Iraq.

A letter to Jason Mattera

Jason Mattera on Hardball


August 05, 2005

Crime Analysis: Child Molesters and Child Porn Addicts are Predominately White Males

Sailer loves to do his pseudo-analysis of Blacks and Hispanics facing higher crime rates and prison incarceration rates, so he can trash on his two most hated racial groups. Of course, Sailer doesn't tell us his deceptive half-truths, like he has no credentials in criminology or sociology, nor does he care to mention Blacks and Hispanics face higher crime victim rates. But since he wants to play hardball with race and crime, let's analyze Sailer's own race and crime patterns.

Steve Sailer and his audience are overwhelmingly white males. Scientific studies have shown white heterosexual males are overwhelmingly child molesters and child porn addicts. On a percentage rate basis, white males are overwhelmingly more prone to these crimes. Even one of Sailer's key HBD members, Chris Brand, was fired from his University professor position in Scotland, for defending pedophilia (adults having sex with children). Yet, Sailer and Brand continue to maintain close contact.

Typical child porn user is white male IT pro

The typical British consumer of child pornography, is a white male professional, probably working in IT.

An survey of 200 child porn suspects caught by the Thames Valley police in Operation Viola revealed that every one was male and no-one came from an ethnic minority.


August 03, 2005

Republicans version of Morals and Family Values: Pedophilia, Child Molestation, Rape

Sailer's divisive republican party claims to be a bunch of self-righteous preachers on morals and family values. But how do the republicans define morals and family values? Well, for a republican, the case when it comes to morals is typically, "talk the talk , but don't walk the talk". In other words, they are a bunch of hypocrites, perverts, and even worse, pedophilias, child molesters, and rapists.

Website on real Republicans convicted of child rape and other crimes

So are these the "family values" you want in your own family?


August 01, 2005

Muslims Population Increasing in D.C. Area

Sailer is not only losing the battle of race, but he is also losing the battle of religion. It's Sailer's worst nightmare that the white race is losing numbers and power in America, but his nightmare doubles again as Sailer's most hated religion, Islam, is increasing in numbers and power. It sure sucks to be in Sailer's shoes, because every time he spreads his bigotry and hatred, we make a comeback with even more force. No wonder he is always in a losing battle, and begging desperately for money as his primary audience of white, male, xenophobic, right-wing pseudo-Christians are dwindling in numbers even faster. And the news keeps getting worse for Sailer, as the wealthy, elitist Republicans in power could care less for impoverished Americans like Sailer, and the hatred and slander spread by these right-wing extremists gets on each other's nerves, they inevitably start attacking each other.

The shocking news: The Muslim population in the Washington D.C. area is growing and becoming more affluent. Read news article


July 30, 2005

Republicans, Fundraising, and Fraud

So pitiful Steve Sailer is panhandling for more money. We are warning all of you who think these Republicans and right-wingers are so honest and efficient with fundraising and handling your money. Some real events which have taken place within the past few weeks.

We reported 29-year old Nathan Taylor, president of the Nevada Young Republicans, sacrificed his life, time, money, and back to organize the 2005 Republican national convention. Instead, he got royally screwed with a $25,000 bill from the hotel, which he is dead broke and has no way to pay. Looks like Nathan will have to file for bankruptcy - but wait, the news gets worse, as Bush and the Republicans make filing for bankruptcy harder and more punishing.

Now, also in trouble is Steve Damion of the New Jersey College Republicans. As president of the New Jersey College Republicans, he is being charged with embezzlement, extortion, and fraud for stealing his clubs' finances. So this is where your college republicans' dues go toward?

Two websites that have been following up on the Nathan Taylor and Steve Damion fiasco.

Finally, we have a 2004 article on fundraising fraud targeting the elderly.

The College Republican National Committee has raised $6.3 million this year through an aggressive and misleading fund-raising campaign that collected money from senior citizens who thought they were giving to the election efforts of President Bush and other top Republicans. Many of the top donors were in their 80s and 90s. The donors wrote checks - sometimes hundreds and, in at least one case, totaling more than $100,000 - to groups with official sounding-names such as "Republican Headquarters 2004," "Republican Elections Committee" and the "National Republican Campaign Fund."

But all of those groups, according to the small print on the letters, were simply projects of the College Republicans, who collected all of the checks.

And little of the money went to election efforts.

Of the money spent by the group this year, nearly 90 percent went to direct-mail vendors and postage expenses, according to records filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

Some of the elderly donors, meanwhile, wound up bouncing checks and emptying their bank accounts.

Well, at least we can say the Republicans provide equal opportunity when it comes to stealing, defrauding, and screwing Americans. For Sailer's supporters, keep this in mind when you give to Sailer and his right-wing extremist faction.


July 29, 2005

Minority Entrepreneurs Are Surging

More double good news for us. It's good news because minorities are succeeding in America. But it's especially double good news because this is the kind of news Sailer doesn't like to read or report, and anything that offends Sailer and his cronies is especially good news for us.

45% increase in black businesses drives minority entrepreneur surge

Ledet, who is African American, is part of a dramatic rise in minority entrepreneurship.

The U.S. Census Bureau released data yesterday showing that minority- owned businesses are growing faster than other businesses -- and black-owned businesses have been growing at the fastest rate of all.

The total number of U.S. businesses grew by 10 percent between 1997 and 2002, the most recent data available. By contrast, the number of black-owned businesses grew by a whopping 45 percent.

The number of Hispanic-owned businesses grew by 31 percent, and the number of Asian-owned businesses grew by 24 percent.


July 28, 2005

Mormons to Lose Dominance of Utah within 30 years

In 2004, the state of Utah had the highest percentage of voters (71.1%) supporting Bush, and Sailer showed that Utah has the highest white birth rate (2.45 babies per white woman - ). The Mormons have been crucial supporters for Bush and the Republicans, and Sailer praised Utah for this.

But just like how the white race and right-wing extremists (i.e. Sailer's supporters) are losing their numbers and dominance in America and the world, the Mormons are also losing their influence on their home state of Utah.

News Article

SALT LAKE CITY, United States (AFP) - The Mormon faith looks set to lose its 150-year-old dominance over US state of Utah by the year 2030 as more people leave the church than can be recruited, figures showed.

By 2030, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will no longer be in the majority in the state their forefathers founded, figures from the state's Office of Planning and Budget showed.

Currently Mormons make up 62.4 percent of the state's population, according to the who according to the 2004 census, but every county in the state showed a decrease in church membership since 2000.

It's rather worrying news for Sailer's audience, as Utah is the only state where white birth rates are above the zero population growth rate (ZPGR) of 2.2 babies per woman. In every other 49 states, the white birth rate is equal to or below the ZPGR, which is why the white race will soon become a minority in America. This is just the bad news for Sailer and his cronies. With Sailer's situation, there is bad news, worse news, and worsening news.

It gets worse, as Utah is relatively insignificant, being among the least populated states (5 electoral votes) in America and having a white birth rate only marginally above ZPGR. The worsening part is when the core religion of Utah falls apart, which the Republicans primarily depend upon.


July 26, 2005

You Know You're A Republican If...

Sailer is starting his second panhandling drive, honestly admitting (as we knew all along) he is worthless as his wallet and is dead broke. Too bad for him, as the Republican party he supports has been most merciless to poor families like him.

So how do you know you're a Republican. This website explains Republican ideology well (some excerpts).


July 24, 2005

Racial Hate Crimes Against Minorities On The Rise

Steve Sailer, who likes to fool his audience that he is an expert on the human races and relations, particularly likes to comment on events dealing with racial tension. Once again, Sailer is no expert in this field (he's not a doctor, scientist, anthropologist, race expert, IQ expert, or even a decent journalist - what is he good for, and why would anyone miss him if he went away?), but we're commenting on this article in anticipation of his style on racial issues. Original Article: Racial hate crimes on rise

Acts against blacks, Latinos, Asians increased in 2004 in state amid overall decline

By Marianne Love, Staff Writer

The resurgence of immigration as a hot-button issue might be behind a sharp increase in hate crimes against Latinos in California, one official said Friday.

"Hate Crime in California 2004," a report distributed by Attorney General Bill Lockyer, stated that anti-Latino crimes statewide increased from 103 in 2003 to 138 in 2004, while anti-black and anti-Asian/Pacific Islander increased from 463 to 603 and from 66 to 87, respectively.

We know Sailer and his audience loves to read these stories where minorities face hardships. Go ahead Sailer and friends, laugh all you want, but keep in mind, we are already a few steps ahead of you. You'll be surprised how much information we have on you, and how it can be used against you. You think you're so smart? You think if you just ignore us, we'll simply go away? You may win a few battles here and there, but do you think you will win this whole war on racism? Think again.


July 23, 2005

Steve Sailer No Expert on IQ

Steve Sailer writes so much drivel on IQ scores, that the casual internet surfer may mistaken him as has having credentials on IQ testing. Let's take a look at Steve Sailer's educational and work background.

  • Graduated from Notre Dame High School (in Los Angeles) in 1976
  • Attended undergraduate college at Rice University, Texas. Majored in Economics in 1980.
  • Worked for awhile at Neilsen and IRI in Chicago - business work, nothing related to IQ testing or cognitive science.
  • Got an MBA from UCLA in 1984, emphasis on quantitative statistics.
  • Worked back at Chicago. More IRI & Neilsen quantitative work thru 1996.
  • Started writing for the National Review in early 1990s.

So don't be fooled into believing this Sailer fraud is any kind of doctor, scientist, anthropologist, or IQ expert.


July 20, 2005

Fan Mail We Receive

Hey, we also get protesting emails from Sailer's fans, trying to defend Sailer-esque scientific racism. Here's one from a white guy by the initials of DJM with the email address [email protected] , sent last year. Our responses are below his email.

Sorry dude, but I have been reading Steve Sailers writings and they seem pretty on the mark to me. The black-white IQ gap is real as is well established in the field of intelligence testing for the past 100 years. But so what! It doesn't mean that blacks are inferior to whites. I remember getting whopped in sports growing up by many blacks but I don't feel like a lesser human being because of it. We should judge others as individuals and not as stereotypes as part of some racial group.

I work with lots of people with higher IQs than me. Ditto when I went to college. But I still maintain a sense of pride in that I have some other qualities that I bring to my job that keeps me from feeling inferior. The field that I am in is packed with high IQ white people (I am white too.) But I have managed to outperform many of them on the job as I am told in my annual reviews. Why can't blacks develop a similar attitude about IQ? Why does a lower IQ (on the average only) for blacks have to be so shameful? It would be a lot healthier if it could just be discussed openly so that it could be dealt with head on. We could talk about changing nutrition, restructuring schools (more vocation classes maybe), etc. that might help blacks more once the IQ gap is honestly acknowledged.

I see Steve Sailer's writings as being brutally honest about racial differences. He is a bit in your face about it but I don't see him using any of this to promote racist ends. I see it as trying to get people to face the IQ gap facts because these differences have huge implications for what social policies should be taken. If you assume that all races have inherently the same IQs then you would expect the same outcomes in school work and income. But if in reality there is a 15 point IQ gap, but you pretend it doesn't exist, then one would conclude that society is racist and so on. This is where you are coming from with your website.

When considering whites only, IQ predicts future income earning. Why would blacks somehow be able to get around the predictive power of IQ tests? Does this mean that IQ tests work amazing well at predicting future incomes of whites but have no value when applied to blacks?

Regards, DJM

So DJM is supporting Sailer's subliminal racism, that blacks are genetically inferior in intelligence, and white guys like him deserve more promotions and higher pay raises in the workplace than blacks. DLM mentions he gets whooped by blacks in sports during his earlier years, implying blacks are only good for sports and low-level minimum wage jobs.

He keeps refering to the same statistic Sailer always mentions and misinterprets to support his racism, that blacks score 15 points lower on IQ scores than whites. What he nor Sailer does not mention is that the test gap was done on a group of poor, impoverished, urban black students as a result of centuries of racism, slavery, segregation, and discrimination, and the white students are from an upper class background. This is the half-truth they are leaving out, and why we call them liars.

Another fallacy is that Sailer's goal is to help blacks. For countless years, Sailer has been opposed to providing educational or economical equalities, such as better schools, nutrition, or advancements in the workplace. Sailer's claim is that blacks are genetically inferior in intelligence, and spending money helping blacks is futile.

If anyone knows the real identity of this guy DJM ( [email protected] ), please send us an email. If you know his workplace information, please tell us, so we can find out how his company or their clients feel about employing a racist who believes he deserves more benefits and salary because he is white. However, he would likely feel violated and complain if an Asian co-worker received higher benefits and salary, simply because Asians as a racial group score higher on IQ tests than whites.


July 15, 2005

Being a Young Republican Sucks

It sure sucks being a young Republican. The problem with being Republican is that you're screwed by Republican policies unless you meet ALL of these criteria.

  1. You are primarily of white/European ancestry.
  2. You are male.
  3. You are heterosexual.
  4. You are wealthy, with an annual income of over $100,000.
  5. You are older, at least age 40.
  6. You are a traditional, mainline Christian religion (and no deviations of Christianity).
Meet Nathan Taylor, a 29-year-old political science senior at the University of Nevada, and head of the Young republicans of Nevada.
This article shows how he got royally screwed by the Republican party for helping them out.

Nevada's chapter of the Young Republicans has basically imploded, leaving its chairman with up to $25,000 in personal debt and allegations that he mishandled money.


Taylor argues that the state's Republican delegation should have helped him fund the national Young Republican convention held last week at Mandalay Bay.

"I've got bills at the hotel I can't pay," said Taylor, a 29-year-old political science senior at UNR who said he had to quit his food service job and drop classes to plan the convention.

Taylor estimates that the convention, attended by about 600 people from around the nation, is at least $10,000 -- and up to $25,000 -- in the red.

And it gets worse for young college students like Taylor, who have to finance their college tuition and find lower paying entry-level jobs in a tight job market, as the Republican party has been unsymphathetic to both concerns of young Americans.


July 13, 2005

Sailer Strategy: Trashing on the Non-White Races

Pseudo-Journalist Steve Sailer likes to steal and twist news articles to trash on the non-white races. He typically follows one or more these tactics.

1) Posts any negative article about the non-white races.
2) Deliberately omits any positive news about the non-white races.
3) Posts articles about how different races are battling each other.
4) Misquotes articles to incite a race war.

Here is a typical Sailer tactic. The Associated Press just released an article called, Los Angeles blacks still fare poorly, study shows. The article mentions that "Blacks in America's second-largest city fare the worst among all major races in education, health, economics, housing and criminal justice, according to a study released on Wednesday."

Because it dwells on negative news about Blacks, Sailer gets a smile out of this one. He posts articles like these on his website, then references his heinous pseudo-scientific racists, who are members of Sailer's HBD group (Rushton, Murray, Brand, etc...), to trash on blacks as genetically inferior. He deliberately omits and twists relevant facts This article mentions Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the first Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles, wants to help the African American community. Instead, Sailer likes to post commentary piting Mexicans against Blacks in the Southern California area.

We're not saying this is a perfect world, and Black and Hispanic in America aren't always going to experience positive news. But Sailer, we're on you, and a few steps ahead. Instead of channeling hatred amongst the non-white communities, let's give Sailer a taste of his own hatred. Email me: [email protected]


July 11, 2005

Five Billion Non-Whites Will Rule The World

Another Sailer Sunday VDare article analysis, "The Five Billion" by Steve Sailer on July 10, 2005 ( Let's analysis the racism, and sort out the truths and lies of this article.

In this VDare article, Sailer is complaining that the 5 billion non-whites in this world (out of a global population of about 6.5 billion) who can immigrate to America will alter the racial demographics of America in a negative manner. First, Sailer references his biased, unreliable sources like George Borjas, who happens to be a member of Sailer's HBD group, and his usual racist VDare friends like Juan Mann (Juan Mann is a pseudonym he uses at VDare - hey Juan Mann, why don't you provide your real name, workplace, and biography so you can bring credibility to your arguments?). But the real reason Sailer is afraid and bitter - the non-whites are taking over the world in numbers and power.

Of the major racial groups in the world (White/European, Black/African/Caribbean, Hispanic/Latino, East Asian, South Asian, Arabs), the European race is the only racial group in the world whose birth rates are too low, they are facing a natural population decline. Every other racial group is increasing in numbers. The global European population is estimated at 700 million and declining. So much for Sailer's utopian dream of a white supremacist nation.


July 09, 2005

A Little Slander Comes Back

The problem with spreading hatred and bigotry is that it comes back to haunt you. Even the extremist right-wingers are slandering each other. In this example, the American Renaissance and VDare are trashing on their former ally and new enemy, the Free Republic. Hey Jim Robinson (owner of the free republic) and Freepers, here's what they're saying about you. Don't you just love slandering others, especially when it comes back to you?


What American Renaissance is saying about the Free Republic

"Jim Robinson and his dim-bulb clique couldn't hold Sam Francis's coat."

"The Freepers are the sort of losers that Sam claimed we don't need on our side anyway. They are happy as long as a Republican is in the White House. "

"FreeRepublic is just a liberalized conservative rag on the net, of course they don't want to hear anything sympathetic to white interests."

"What a pack of braying jackasses. I'm saying this as a WN: liberals have on average more good common sense than Freepers. Freepers and their ilk are so blinkered and blinded to reality that no amount of good sense will sway them. They're so pleased to have a space where no one (and no reality) can touch them that they're too far gone to be reached."


What VDare is saying about the Free Republic

"He banned true conservatives left and right in a vain attempt to control the debate while calling people names without any evidence his character attacks were true. He shot himself in the foot while that foot was placed deeply in his own mouth."

"Even Sean Hannity has written off Free Republic, saying "Everyone I knew basically left because of so much childish immature personal attacks, the propensity there to eat their own." "


July 06, 2005

Wanted: More Information on These Right-Wing Extremists

We are looking for real life events some of these extremist right-wingers faced, as a result of spreading their racism, bigotry, hatred, extremist political views, and taunting language. Our goal is to create a webpage as a deterrent for current and future right wing extremists who think they are so free to trash on the rest of us. We are looking for events such as:

1) Losing their job.
2) Getting sued.
3) Going financially broke.
4) Losing salary/promotions/power at their workplace.
5) Being interrogated or arrested by the police.
6) Any other negative consequence.

Click Here for More Information

July 04, 2005

Republicans' Independence Day Message to America: Screw You

Happy Fourth of July. To celebrate this American holiday, the Republican Congress, with the guidance of President Bush, has approved a new spending bill. Who are the losers and cuts of this Republican bill? It's you, the American people. Details of the cuts include, "Funding for job training, rural health care, low-income schools and help for people lacking health insurance would face big cuts under a bill passed Friday by the House."

The news always gets worse for Steve Sailer and his supporters. Overlooking the charade that Sailer's supporters are rich and educated, the reality is that Sailer's supporters are primarily poor to middle class, and tend to live in poor, unpopulated rural areas. Now the Republican Congress passes this bill that cuts rural health care, education financial aid, and overall domestic spending, while the Republicans have no problems spending hundreds of billions of dollars to countless foreign countries.  Since the Republicans keep screwing their red states, this must be why red states have lower births (see July 03, 2005 entry) despite all the advantages Sailer claims the red states have. 

These cuts come at a time when America is economically suffering with jobs, both blue and white collar, being outsourced overseas, salaries of jobs which remain in America remain stagnant at best while housing, health care, and education continuously rises to record levels, and the gap between America's rich and poor also reaches new heights every year.

CNN Article - House OKs cuts to labor, health, education programs


July 03, 2005

Blue States Have More Births

In the continuing battle of Red States vs. Blue States, Sailer wants to pick a fight with us who are in blue states, or who didn't vote for George Dubya. First, we debunked Sailer's fradulent claims that the Red States have higher birth rates.

Now, statistics from 2002 by the Center for Disease Control show Blue States have higher total births than Red States. Looks like the red states aren't pumping out the babies like Sailer wants us to believe.


State Total Births in 2002
California 529,357
Texas 372,450
New York 251,415
Florida 205,579
Illinois 180,622
Ohio 148,720
Pennsylvania 142,850
Georgia 133,300
Michigan 129,967
North Carolina 117,335
New Jersey 114,751
Virginia 99,672
Arizona 87,837
Indiana 85,081
Massachusetts 80,645
Washington 79,028
Tennessee 77,482
Missouri 75,251
Maryland 73,323
Wisconsin 68,560
Colorado 68,418
Minnesota 68,025
Louisiana 64,872
Alabama 58,967
South Carolina 54,570
Kentucky 54,233
Oklahoma 50,387
Utah 49,182
Oregon 45,192
Connecticut 42,001
Mississippi 41,518
Kansas 39,412
Iowa 37,559
Arkansas 37,437
Nevada 32,571
New Mexico 27,753
Nebraska 25,383
Idaho 20,970
West Virginia 20,712
Hawaii 17,477
New Hampshire 14,442
Maine 13,559
Rhode Island 12,894
Delaware 11,090
Montana 11,049
South Dakota 10,698
Alaska 9,938
North Dakota 7,757
D.C. 7,498
Wyoming 6,550
Vermont 6,387



July 01, 2005

Dissention Among Republicans

Awwww, Steve Sailer has finally shown public disapproval against George W. Bush, by writing a blog entry against the Iraq war. As with Sailer, he's always been in a dead-end situation under the Bush administration.

First, Bush's economic policies disproportionately benefits the extremely wealthy, and the poorer the American citizen, the more screwed they get by Bush's economic policies. The Sailer family is in poverty, and they will be hurt the most by Bush.

Second, Bush is no friend to education or domestic American policies. Sailer has two sons in high school, and they will be eligible for college in a few years. Bush has been relentless in cutting a much needed 2 billion dollars in educational funding to help lower and middle class families, yet Bush has no problems spending your taxpayer money overseas, such as 200+ billion to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, or billions of dollars to foreign aid, while America is economically suffering with jobs outsourced.

But the real reason Sailer denounces Bush on Iraq. Steve Sailer has no way to pay for his kids' college education. The only realistic plan, like all poor families do, is for his kids to join the ROTC or military to pay for college. That means the Sailer kids will be shipped to the killing zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, in order to afford skyrocketing college tuition costs.

With Steve Sailer, when he supports the Republican party, there's always bad news, worse news, and worsening news for him.


June 29, 2005

Another Reward for Bigotry

Way to go, Steve Sailer. Your racist, bigoted, and hateful writings help you receive more attention and publicity from anti-racist watch groups.

In 2004, your primary internet hate outlet was added to the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group watch list.

This year in 2005, you are on the front cover for Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), a media watch group that monitors the lies, fallacies, and hate right-wing extremists and bigots (Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc...) like you spread.

Read the FAIR Article


June 27, 2005

Keywords Webpage

Since Steve Sailer has an incredible ability to write worthless amounts of drivel and garbage that permeates the internet, posting a keywords section every couple weeks is a waste of time. Instead, we'll just copy entire pages of his website every now and then so people can find us on the internet.

Keywords Webpage


June 26, 2005

Minutemen Are Outnumbered

The LA Indymedia reports the Minutemen and Save Our State (SOS) were outnumbered and beaten by counter demonstrators in Baldwim Park, June 25. The Minutemen side numbered about 40, pretty much the same ones in the previous Baldwin Park protest in May. The counter demonstrators numbered at least 300, at least the more vocal and active ones. There were over well over 1000 people at the Baldwin Park protest, and they were overwhelmingly against the Minutemen and SOS.

LA Indymedia Article, includes pictures.


June 25, 2005

Quote of the Day

Here's a quote for Steve Sailer and friends to ponder, in this continuing war on internet racism and bigotry.

"A military operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective."

- Sun Tzu, Chinese military general and strrategist in the 4th century B.C.

So Steve Sailer, do you think your racist flagship VDare or other racist right-wing organizations you are affiliated with, can't go down and leave you unemployed? Do you think your financial situation can't get any worse? Do you think if you just ignore us, we will simply go away? Think again.


June 23, 2005

Minority Home Ownership Increasing

Steve Sailer claims to be a statistics geek, but he only shows biased, and sometimes fictitious, stats to carry out his agenda that the white race is superior and everyone else is inferior.

Here's one graph you won't see on Sailer's website. On household trends by race, by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.


June 20, 2005

Copyrights and Piracy

Steve Sailer thinks he can get away with stealing other journalists' hard work. The three major credible news organizations Sailer typically references/steals from are the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times.

So what are the copyright laws, and specific examples of copyright court cases? Here is a true court case of the Free Republic (a right-wing internet publication which Sailer used to have ties to).

LA Times v. Free Republic

The Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post sued the Free Republic website for copyright infringement for publishing copies of news stories from their websites without permission. The Free Republic raised the affirmative defense of fair. The Free Republic lost in the District Court, and has appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

And here is a portion of the copyright rules from the Washington Post:

4. (a) Except for content you have posted on the Service, or unless expressly permitted, you may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, enter into a database, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any part of this Service, except that you may download material from this Service for your own personal use as follows: you may make one machine readable copy and/or one print copy that is limited to occasional articles of personal interest only.

So Steve Sailer, don't press your luck with copyright infringements. Since you never tell these news organizations that you are stealing their articles for the purpose of spreading your bigotry and profiting off of them, we will inform them that you are stealing from them if you press your luck.


June 17, 2005

Heart Drug for Blacks Endorsed

Article on today's Washington Post called, "Heart Drug for Blacks Endorsed - Racial Tailoring Would Be a First; Idea Stirs Debate"

This is the type of article Steve Sailer likes to post on his website, as he has posted similar articles like this in the past. However, be warned that Sailer is not a credible journalist. Because Sailer is a shoddy, unaccomplished pseudo-journalist, what he does in this situation is:

  1. Steals articles from more credible news media and posts it on his website without the permission of the journalist or news organization
  2. Provides commentary on the article to fool his audience into believing he contributed to this article, or has expertise in this subject.
  3. Misquotes the article and journalist to spread his message of subliminal racism.
In this case, this article is about a medication designed to help Blacks. However, Sailer will deliberately overexaggerate and misquote the article, and make it sound like Blacks are a distinct, separate, and inferior race from all human beings. Watch out which experts you find on the internet.

Washington Post Article


June 16, 2005

The Neo-Confederate Movement

Here's a logo that is up to the times for Steve Sailer and his neo-Confederate followers.

Steve, it's been well over a century (you guys lost in 1865) when the Confederates lost. We know your infatuation with poor, uneducated, xenophobic white people in secluded rural areas in southern states. Stop speading your desired illusion that the southern confederate states will revive and America will revert back to slavery, segregation, discrimination, and racism.


June 14, 2005

The Blog Wars On Sailer

Sailer's primary, and pretty much only, moral support on the internet comes from radical, right-wing extremist blogs. His shoddy journalism and pseudo-science has no recognition from reputable, accredited journalism organizations or medical/scientific organizations. His quasi-scientific resources primarily comes from these surreal right-wing blogs, showing how desperate he is trying to make a living to fool everyone to believe he is a scientist.

There are more blogs that have caught onto Sailer and his surreal science and subliminal racism. Some blogs to check out.

Dissecting Rightism - Entry on Sailer

It Affects You - Refuting Sailer's claim that red states are statistically better than blue states

Liberal Avenger - Entry (1) on Michelle Malkin refers to Sailer

Liberal Avenger - Entry (2) on Michelle Malkin refers to Sailer

Malkin-Watch - A website dedicated for Michelle Malkin


June 13, 2005

Sailer, Blondes, and Interracial Marriage

Sailer wrote another bigoted VDare article (June 12, 2005) on how blonde, light-skinned white women are the creme de la creme (the very best) in attractiveness. Dude, what's up with Sailer's obsession with white, blonde women? We're guessing it's because his white wife, Carole Sailer, is a blonde woman with blue eyes - the perfect Aryan genetic breed. This is also another reason why Steve Sailer writes racist articles to appeal to a white supremacist group.

Just like every other VDare article, his scientific references to back up his bigoted claims come from shady and controversial pseudo-scientists who are part of Sailer's own Human BioDiversity Group. In this VDare article, Sailer references the pseudo-scientific research of Peter Frost, who by no surprise is a member of Sailer's HBD group. Last week, Sailer wrote a massive positive review on the IQ scores of Ashkenazi Jews, whose research came from Gregory Cochran, Henry Harpending, and Kevin MacDonald - all members of Sailer's HBD group.

Since Sailer claims to be such an expert on female attractiveness and interracial marriage, and he has to judge and trash on so many variations of women, men , and non-heterosexuals, let's see how hot his wife really is. If you have any pictures of his wife, please send us an email. We are also looking for biographical information on her, including her maiden name and place of employment (if any). Let's see how hot Steve Sailer really is with attracting women.


June 11, 2005

Republicans and Education Don't Mix

On June 04, we reported George Bush is planning more cuts in education, especially federal government financial aid and low interest student loans which would greatly help lower and middle income families afford the skyrocketing college tuition costs. George Bosh (Bosh in Arabic means "zero") is relentless in cutting 1.3 billion dollars of funding toward Pell Grants and more, which would greatly help poor and needy families like Sailer. Yet Bosh already dug up 80 billion dollars annually of your taxpayer dollars to get us into a lethal and unpopular war in Iraq, while cutting taxes for the the richest millionaires in America (i.e. repealing the inheritance tax, cutting corporate dividend taxes, cutting the highest income tax brackets).

With Sailer, there's bad news, worse news, and worsening news when he supports the Republican party. It's even worsening for Sailer, as the Republican education cuts sweep to the state and local Los Angeles area where Sailer lives. Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger plans massive cuts in education and public services, thus mounting many protests across California. The Republican cuts by Schwarzenegger will hit the lower and middle income Californians the hardest, and with two sons who are already in public school, the Republican party which Sailer supports is further cutting educational funding for them. In a few years, when his sons are eligible for college, the Republican educational cuts at the federal, state, and local level will do even further damage, translating to even greater tuition costs as government cuts educational funding to colleges and universities, less (if any by then) financial aid, and higher interest student loans.

Thousands Protest at Governor's Benefit

Schwarzenegger cuts funding for California schools


June 09, 2005

More Protests against the Minutemen in Southern California Planned

The Minutemen Project and SaveOurState (SOS) are planning more protests against the non-white immigrants in California this summer. The bigger news is that we the diverse American people are planning even bigger protests against the racist agenda of the Minutemen and SOS. For those in Southern California this summer who wish to be part of a greater cause, you can take action against racism. Here are some resources to kick the racists out of our borders.

Check out the One People's project website, in the alerts section down at the right-hand column with an orange background, for a summary.
One People's Project

Check out the LA Indymedia website for more detailed information.
LA IndyMedia

And by the way, we haven't forgot about you, Hal Netkin of the Minutemen Project, for your attempted vehicular homicide of five protesters. Some web pages to help you track down Hal Netkin.

Wanted Poster, inculdes contact information.

Another Picture and Article of Hal Netkin.

Pictures of victims of Hal's van, and a picture of the rear of his van, including license plate.


June 08, 2005

Minority Test Scores Rise in Maryland Schools, Cut Achievement Gap

Here's a WaPo article you won't see on Sailer's website, or at least the kind of news he doesn't like to hear or report. The shocking news - test scores of Blacks and Hispanics are increasing in Maryland's public schools.

Maryland's elementary and middle schools improved reading and mathematics test scores for a second straight year, with black and Hispanic students closing achievement gaps in some key measures, according to state data made public yesterday.
Washington Post Article


June 04, 2005

White House Planning Education Cuts

Looks like George W. (Dubya) Bush is giving Sailer and company the shaft again. Sailer's already financially broke, and it gets worse for him as his core audience of white supremicist racists slowly but steadily declines as the white population ages and declines, and America becomes more diverse in racial demographics. There's bad news, worse news, and worsening news for Sailer, as it worsening more for Sailer's family, as he has two sons, approximately ages 16 and 13, who are approaching college age.

The problem is that George Bush has been relentless in cutting financial aid to poor and middle class families, as college tuition costs rise dramatically, where Sailer and most of his audience fits. Details of Bush's education cuts from this article include:

  • The Bush administration is seeking to ease its budget shortfalls by squeezing $1.3 billion from a federal student loan program
  • The proposal would prevent millions of college students and graduates from consolidating their education loans to lock in low interest rates.
  • Officials said the White House proposal would end a program that has allowed college and university students and graduates to consolidate their student loans at a federally subsidized, fixed interest rate and take up to 30 years to pay them back.
  • Under the proposal, the consolidated loans would be offered only at variable rates. This is expected to make them far less appealing and ultimately save the government billions in subsidies for the program. The change would not affect students and graduates who have already consolidated their loans.
  • Mr. Duffy said the loan proposal was "very preliminary" and was offered as an option to make room in the budget for spending elsewhere. Officials said Mr. Daniels noted to the House Republicans that the proposal would offset a $1.3 billion shortfall this year in the budget for Pell Grants, the education grant program for low-income students.
  • "The president and his budget director are finally being honest about their misguided priorities - more tax cuts for Enron paid for by effectively raising taxes on middle-class students and their families," Mr. Sirota said.


May 30, 2005

In Honor of Memorial Day

Sailer's favorite President, George W. Bush, is celebrating Memorial Day to honor all the American soldiers who so valiently gave up their lives for our country, that has made America diverse and prosperous. Well, Bush isn't such an ally toward his American comrades, as he actively dodged the Vietnam draft when he was called to serve his country.

Here's a picture saluting George Bush's valiance.

And another site to pay tribute to those American soldiers lost in Iraq, a questionable war Bush got us into and losing much support.
Iraq War Casualties


May 27, 2005

Minuteman get violent, so we turn up the heat

On Wednesday, May 25, a crowd of protesters came out to confront the Minutemen project in Garden Grove (Southern California). The protesting crowd well outnumbered and overwhelmed the Minutemen, and this event turned especially violent, as a van driven by Hal Netkin hit several people protesting an appearance by James Gilchrist.

James Gilchrist is the organizer of the Minutemen project, and Hal Netkin, age 69, is an active member. The LAPD dismissed all charges against Netkin, and instead arrested some protesters, but we won't let this go so easily. We are going to press hard on them, as they have very close connections to Sailer's racist groups like VDare, American Renaissance, American Patrol, etc... (google up "Netkin Steve Sailer" or "Gilchrist Steve Sailer").

We are looking for the following information on Hal Netkin:

  • Home Address and phone number, including cell phone number
  • Work Address and work phone
  • Cars he owns, including license plate numbers and pictures
  • Other addresses and phone numbers, including volunteer organizations he is affiliated with.
  • Any biographical information on him
  • Any court records on him
  • Pictures of him
Hal Netkin is 69 years old, and his picture is on the bottom of the OPP article. He struck the people with a dark green Dodge Caravan, license plate number 4KVE303. Please send all correspondence (emails) to [email protected] . Similar information on James Gilchrist will help.

OPP article

Los Angeles Times article


May 25, 2005

Minuteman Project being countered

A few weeks ago, Sailer wrote a positive article about the Minutemen Project, a project by the right-wing group Save Our State (SOS) dedicated to kicking immigrants and non-whites out of California. The Minutemen Project scored one, and Sailer praised them, for legally taking down a billboard advertisement for a Spanish-language television station they thought was offensive.

Well, we're not letting the Minutemen and SOS go by so easily. They tried to go after a piece of art in Baldwin Park. This time, however, they saw opposition. Lots of it. As 50 of the SOS crew mounted on a protest of what is a monument to the original people of California, 500 more came out against them.

Read the article on Save Our State


May 5, 2005

Chris Brand - Racist, and a Pedophiliac

We always knew Sailer's Human BioDiversity group was filled with racist, xenophopic scumbags. But we recently learned one of his key members of HBD, Chris Brand, is also a staunch defender of pedophilia (adults having sex with children). He was an infamous psychology professor in Scotland who was allegedly fired for writing the racially flammatory book, the g factor.

Actually, it turns out Chris Brand was fired for defending pedophilia. This link has more information, or Google up yourself for "Chris Brand pedophilia".

So you thought Sailer's group couldn't get any lower? Think again.


April 30, 2005

Media Watch: John Cloud of Time Magazine

John Cloud of Time Magazine recently wrote an article on Ann Coulter. As a disservice to the reputation of Time magazine and it's diverse audience, the extremist right-wing, white supremecist, hate-mongering, Aryan queen Ann Coulter appeared on the front page of Time magazine.

Ann Coulter has a notorious reuptation for promoting hatred, racism, bigotry, and fallacies (google up on Ann Coulter), but who is the reporter, John Could, that helped place her on the front page of Time magazine? John Cloud is no stranger to the right-wing fascist movement.

  • Prior to joining Time magazine as a staff writer in 1997, he was a senior writer at Washington City Paper.
  • He has written numerous right-wing biased articles for right-wing biased publications. In March 2000, he helped write "Marriage and the Gay Agenda" for The American Prospect, doing its usual routine of trashing on gays.
  • In the August 30, 2004 issue of Time, he wrote a major article praising/marketing the Young America's Foundation (YAF). YAF is notorious for providing incomes for right-wing bigoted speakers like Ann Coulter (noticing a pattern?), David Horowitz, Patrick Buchanan, and much more.

And more links on John Cloud and Ann Coulter.

Media Matters



April 22, 2005

President George Bush backstabbing his supporters

Here is a Washington Post article showing how Bush is backstabbing those who supported him in 2004.

Bush generally won the rural states (red states), while Kerry fared better among more urbanized states (blue states) with higher average incomes, higher average IQ scores, and greater minority populations with higher birth rates and increasing political and financial influence (we'll post an article on this soon).

Why are the red states getting the raw deal with Bush's budget, and rural Republicans protesting? Some details from the article.

  1. Agricultural programs would be cut 17 percent by 2010. Cuts in farm subsidies would hit solidly Republican southern states that produce cotton and rice.
  2. Veterans' programs would be cut 16 percent.
  3. Help for rural airports would be cut in half.
  4. Red states won by Bush in 2004 would experience cuts in federal grants in 2006 equal to 2.33 percent of their budgets on average. But blue states won by John Kerry in 2004 would lose federal grant money equal to only 1.74 percent of their budgets on average.
It looks like Steve Sailer and many of his right-wing xenophobic supporters, who tend to be lower to middle class whites living in rural or suburban areas, got the raw deal when they supported Bush.

February 15, 2005

Sailer's Newest Media Outlet: The Washington Examiner

Sailer is writing articles for a new and free tabloid publication in the Washington D.C. area called the Washington Examiner ( ). With Sailer being a bigoted, shoddy, and unaccomplished journalist, you can tell any pseudo-news organization desperate enough to hire Sailer has alot of bigotry, bias, and troubles within itself.

So what is the Washington Examiner? Here is a Media Matters report on the tabloid that came out on February 1, 2005.

On February 1, a free daily tabloid arrived on newsstands and in mailboxes in the Washington, DC area: the Washington Examiner. The new paper is owned by Denver billionaire Philip F. Anschutz, an Evangelical Presbyterian who has bankrolled numerous ultra-conservative causes and has donated at least half a million dollars to Republican committees and political candidates. The Examiner's first three editorials all took hardline conservative positions.
Click here for entire Media Matters article.

December 26, 2004

Fire Karl Rove? Fire Steve Sailer!

Steve Sailer has been relentless in attacking George W. Bush's chief strategist and campaign advisor, Karl Rove. Although Sailer supports George W. Bush, he has been vicious in attacking Karl Rove. What was Karl Rove's crime in Sailer's eyes? It's because Karl Rove is trying to outreach to the non-white races to gather votes, which goes against the Sailer Strategy that the non-white/minority vote is irrelevant.

Let's take a closer look at Sailer, Rove, the Sailer Strategy, and the Republican and Democrat future for 2008 and beyond.

Fire Karl Rove? Fire Steve Sailer!

December 15, 2004

White Vote not as Influential as Sailer Predicted

In 2000, Sailer wrote an article for Vdare called 'GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote.' Since then, one of the main highlights of his website is the Sailer Strategy - that the white vote is important, and the non-white vote is irrelevant. After the 2000 Presidential Election ended, Sailer made this prediction.

What if Bush II had won 57% of the white vote? That's hardly an outlandish figure since Bush I had taken 59% in 1988. If Dubya had garnered 57% instead of just 54% of whites, he would have cruised to an Electoral College landslide of 367 to 171. Why? Because whites remain by far the dominant bloc in the U.S. They count for 81% of all votes cast.

Four years later, let's examine the impact of race and voting. Data from CNN, the same source Sailer originally derived his raw data from in 2000.

2000 Election Results Data
2004 Election Results Data

The biggest news in the race and election results for the likes of Sailer is that George W. Bush did gather a greater share of the white vote in 2004. In 2000, Bush won 54% of the white vote; in 2004, Bush won 58% of the white vote. If Bush earned a staggering 58% of the white vote, he should have crushed the electoral votes, according to Sailer (Sailer predicted if Bush won 57% of the white vote in 2000, he would have crushed the electoral votes, 367 to 171).

However, Bush marginally beat John F. Kerry 286 to 252 in the electoral votes (and even less in the popular vote, 51% to 48%). There were five states Bush narrowly won (Ohio, Florida, Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada), which could have allowed Kerry to tie or win the electoral college. So why didn't the white vote carry Bush to a landslide electoral victory as Sailer predicted? It's because the white vote is losing influence as America becomes more diverse and multicultural in population and in the voting booths.

From 2000 to 2004, the white vote declined from 81% to 77% of the total popular vote. Every year the minority population and vote increases, and statistical trends indicate the trend will continue for decades to come, much to the dismay of white supremacists like Sailer.

The election results show minorities tend to vote Democrat, and that trend has remained relatively stable into 2004. The difference is that the minority vote increased in numbers, allowing the Presidential race to come to a close result.

December 14, 2004

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Steve Sailer is fascinated with the topic of white birth rates and voting patterns. His article even made it to the front cover of the American Conservative. The topic has been so emotional for Sailer that he takes time to write blog entries on critics, like American Prospect's blog TAPped writer Garance Franke-Ruta, and his allies, like New York Times columnist David Brooks.

Well, we have an article to refute some of his statistical findings on this topic.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

December 9, 2004

Refutations Against Scientific Racism

Links to recent articles and blogs refuting Sailer's scientific racism. article on Sailer's birth rate by race article published in the American Conservative. blog on the real Steve Sailer.

Also, look for updates and new entries on the Links and What You Say pages on this site.

December 03, 2004

Population and Birth Rates by Race

Sailer is at it again, publishing his white-supremacist biased articles, about how states with higher birth rates of white families are more likely to vote for George W. Bush. He also refers to his old article four years ago about how irrelevant the minority vote is.

Unfortunately for Sailer, he as usual is only partially correct. What he deliberately omits is that the population and voting power of the non-white races in America keeps increasing and having a stronger influence every year. Article and statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau 2000:

U.S. Population Share by Race
American Indian0.9%1.0%1.1%

So don't be fooled by Sailer's half-truths and deliberate, fraudulent omissions of relevant facts. The truth is, the non-white races in America keep growing in size, power, and influence. Every year, the non-white races make up a larger share in the voting polls, and more minorities are being elected into places of power.


October 26, 2004

Sailer on IQ Scores

Steve Sailer is gloating on the New York Times' publication of his article on the IQ scores of the Presidental candidates. However, the "expert" on IQ scores may really not be an expert after all. Problems with Sailer's IQ expertise that the New York Times looked over.

Well, that's what we're here for, to expose the truth on Sailer and his pseudo-scientific research. Here is an article for permanent reference on Sailer and IQ. Link up with your websites and blogsites.

August 10, 2004

Racism 101: In Defense of Internment Camps

Sailer has written another VDare article (Aug. 8, 2004) supporting Michelle Malkin's (who is his coworker and ally at VDare) new book, "In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror". Although Michelle Malkin is Asian American herself and would suffer from the same fate as the Japanese Americans in America in World War II if her ideals were practiced again, and that she has drawn owerwhelmingly negative criticisms (,, our primary focus is on Steve Sailer's fallacies, lies, and racism on this topic.

First, here is a web blog that directly refutes Sailer's inaccuracies on the internment camps of World War II.

Second, Sailer tries to divert attention away from the American internment camps by bringing up Japanese war atrocities (e.g. book "Rape of Nanking") in Asia, when the topic is the internment camps in America. He spreads his subliminal message that all Japanese are evil, and interning the Japanese Americans in WWII was justified.

Third, Sailer criticizes historians and the American public for focusing too much attention on the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Looks like to him seeing over 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust was overrated to him (and Michelle Malkin links to Sailer's article, when her husband is Jewish!).

In his final conclusion, Steve sailer flat out lies on his feelings toward Japanese and Asian Americans, to divert us from the true racist he is. His whole article is about supporting the internment camps, then he states, "Unlike Michelle Malkin, I approve of the 1988 payment of $20,000 to each internee. The U.S. is a rich country and can afford to pay off at leisure for decisions that need to be made in haste." So Steve Sailer justifies the entire internment camp process, then he supports the compensation (meaning the internment process was wrong) to each internee. A few weeks ago, he wrote a blog that Black Americans do not deserve reparations from America (Yeah, we know what Steve would say about this - that there are too many Black to compensate, and America would go broke - BUT Steve already stated that "The U.S. is a rich country and can afford to pay off at leisure for decisions that need to be made in haste.").

August 2, 2004

Fight Tax Fraud

By popular demand, we have revived the Fignt Tax Fraud web page. See the menu above for the link.

April 29, 2004

Blacks and Hispanics do not deserve health care

In another racist diatribe against his favorite targets, Blacks and Hispanics, Sailer writes another VDare article explaining why they don't deserve equal health care. For many years, he has used his racist viewpoints of genetic inferiority of Blacks and Hispanics to justify inequalities in education, employment, and housing. Now he goes another step further - justifying unequal health care.

March 10, 2004

Sailer Shows Bigotry Against Hispanics Again

In a recent blog entry, Steve Sailer writes about how rising employment among Hispanics is causing unemployment for white Americans. He refers to a VDare article written by a VDare co-worker, Edwin Rubenstein, blaming Hispanics for unemployment.

According to the likes of white supremecists like Steve Sailer, if employment rates increased among Whites, it would be considered a positive economic sign, but if employment increased among Hispanics or any non-white race, it is an economic downturn by their racist standards.

February 23, 2004

The Definition of Pseudo-Science

Steve Sailer likes to use big scientific words like DNA and epidemiology to fool the public into believing he is some kind of doctor or scientist. However, the reality is that Sailer is not a doctor or a sceintist; rather, he is a third-rate, right-wing freelance writer who hides his scientific racism under the disguise of pseudo-science. So what is the definition of pseudo-science?

Google up on the term "pseudo science", and you'll find so many sites debunking pseudo-science. This site has a good definition of Sailer's pseudo-science.

Science is a wonderful thing ... and for comic value "pseudo-science" is even better. What precisely is pseudo-science? It's that collection of fables that sounds as though it ought to be true, might be true, or contains some parts that are true, but in reality lacks substance in the form presented.
The link below is a rebuttal to the book The Bell Curve, written by Charles Murray and Arthur Jensen, two of Sailer's favorite scientific racists and hbd members.

January 24, 2004

Darwinism and Immigration

Steve Sailer has written alot about immigration. He opposes George Bush's amnesty program for illegal immigrants, and wants to see immigration in America come to an end.

Ironically, Steve Sailer is a strong supporter of Darwinism. He believes in Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. If this is so, then the new immigrants who enter America should be welcomed by Darwin's theory, because the new immigrants provide competition to make the American workforce more competitive.

The question then becomes, why is Sailer making a backtrack against Darwinist principles when it comes to immigration? Because:

  1. Sailer is a true racist who hates anyone that is not white like him.
  2. Sailer worst nightmare is coming true. He knows he is not part of the "fittest" group determined to survive, so he acts like a coward and demands that immigration must stop.
  3. Sailer knows that his time is coming up in the battle on racism. With major civil rights groups like Southern Poverty Law Center,, One Peoples Project, on him, he is not deemed the fittest to survive.

January 3, 2004

Southern Poverty Law Center monitoring hate groups

Congratulations, Sailer and HBD. Your group of scientific racists have been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hate group watch list. SPLC is a civil rights group that has been around for many years, and monitors many kinds of hate groups across America.

Here are quotes from the SPLC article related to Sailer and HBD.

The personal Web site maintained by the man behind the Human Biodiversity Institute,, provides a different window into Sailer's way of thinking.

The site is dominated by crude racial and gender stereotypes as Sailer mocks professional golfer Annika Sorenstam for her muscles, claims that Asian men have a hard time finding dates because they look "less masculine" than other men.

Salier also invokes the spirit of his friend Bailey when he claims to have found the real reason Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election. He chalks it all up to a lisp that makes the former vice president "sound prim, even homosexual."

Also, here is a SPLC article on Peter Brimelow.

January 1, 2004

Steve Sailer on Eugenics and Mating

This quote is from Steve Sailer's Human Biodiversity presentation, slide 43.

Eugenics has a terrible reputation, much of it deserved. Until recently, eugenics in action mostly consisted of governments murdering people they didn't like, as in Nazi Germany, or sterilizing them, as in Socialist Sweden. In contrast, today's eugenics consists of couples freely choosing to improve their own children.

Humans have always lusted after superior genes for their future children. (Trust me on this one, because I know -- I was turned down for a lot of dates.) Today, however, researchers are learning how to turbocharge gene selection.

While Steve Sailer likes to trash on millions of Black females and Asian males (e.g Is Love Colorblind) as being genetically unattractive, this important quote reveals the real loser behind the bigoted racial attractiveness theory. For someone who has been turned down by a lot of dates, a picture of a frustrated loser is being drawn out - that is, someone who dwells on his own insecurities and rejections to trash on a whole race of people.

December 14, 2003

Steve Sailer trashing on Muslims on VDare

You are probably aware by now that Steve Sailer hates and trashes on the non-white races, all non-white immigrants, and homosexuals. Steve Sailer has made another group of enemies: Muslims. In his latest VDare article, Sailer is trashing on Muslims.

In that VDare article, Sailer makes a positive reference to a notorious racist, David Horowitz.

December 6, 2003

Introducing the Gene Expression Members

In the words of Gene Expression themselves.

"We are a human biodiversity related site in the mold of Steve Sailer's site."
Their pseudo-scientific racial research is primarily based on scientific racists like Steve Sailer, Philippe Rushton, and Murray and Jensen (authors of the Bell Curve). Let's introduce you to the two head honchos of GNXP, Razib and Godless. They are both of South Asian descent (from Bangledesh and India), and it's time to reveal the true names of the ones who are judging us by race.

Razib = Newamul K. Khan
Godless (formerly Godlesscapitalist) = Paul Wickre

October 25, 2003

Fighting Right-Wing Junk Science

Here's the story. Since Michael Bailey wrote a book this year, "The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending And Transsexualism", which based on faulty empirical data and falsified pseudo-science garbage to justify bashing on transsexuals, a transsexual rights group has been gathering and investigating the real scoop behind Bailey and his colleagues.

Bailey is like a Philippe Rushton clone. Bailey is a professor of Psychology at Northwestern University who targets homosexuals as genetic garbage, like how Rushton targets Africans as genetically inferior. Bailey is a close friend of Steve Sailer and a prime member of Sailer's Human Biodiversity Group.

The transsexual group have successfully fought Bailey for months now, and have done a great job exposing him and his colleagues for the fraud and hate-mongers they are.

The lesson from this. If a transsexual group of considerably smaller numbers (in the tens of thousands) can successfully fight such hateful junk science that bashes on them, then us racial minority groups (Blacks, Latinos, Asians) that number in the millions should fight back when scientific racists like Steve Sailer, Philippe Rushton, and Peter Brimelow spread their racist junk science garbage to justify kicking us out of America.

October 24, 2003

Human Biodiversity Group

While Steve Sailer has bashed on the non-white races for awhile, he also has a long standing history of bashing on homosexuals and transsexuals. Like how we have been researching and exposing Sailer's racist ideology, a transsexual rights group has similarly been researching and exposing Sailer's bashing of homo/trans sexuals. Their primary objective is to expose Sailer's racist, homophobic, eugenics group, the Human Biodiversity Group.

Their websites on the Human Biodiversity Group.

September 28, 2003

Philippe Rushton takes over Pioneer Fund.

The Pioneer Fund that is infamously known to fund racist research projects like distributing Nazi propaganda, opposing desegration of American schools in the 1950s, offering free sterilization to blacks in the 1960s, and reducing college admissions for blacks in the 1970s, found a new leader in January 2003, Jean Philippe Rushton.

Rushton is the infamous race scientist whom Steve Sailer primarily bases his race research. While the demented likes of Steve Sailer delight in such news, here is an article explaining the dangers of Rushton and the Pioneer Fund, and why the rest of us should be concerned.

"But with Philippe Rushton's ascendancy to the control of the Pioneer Fund, the floodgates will be opened to every racist and fascist propagandist that hides behind the cloak of science."

Although Sailer's name is not mentioned in the Bethune Institiute article, Steve Sailer is connected to the racist research because:

One last note on his comments to the Pioneer Fund critics, "Allow me to end by issuing a challenge to the enemies of the Pioneer Fund. Rather than devoting so much time and furious energy to trying to prevent scientific research, if you don't like what these scientists are discovering, go fund your own research."

This is the detestable type of argument the South used against the North to support slavery before the Civil War (if you don't agree with slavery, then don't own slaves, but leave us alone), or the Nazis used against America to carry out the Holocaust (if you don't like us cleaning out unwanted ethnic groups, then mind your own business, but leave us alone and run your own country the way you want it).

We are all part of the human race, and we all live in the same world. The time has come to hold accountable those who are trying to incite hatred and suffering to the human race.

September 1, 2003

Happy Labor Day: Immigrants and Taxes

Another analysis of Steve Sailer's newest Labor Day VDare article.

1) Steve Sailer mentions a document by sociologist in Chicano Studies, Lisa Catanzarite, from UCLA. Of course, it's typical for a fraud and liar like Steve Sailer to twist the words. The 11% wage decline figure is not for immigrants. Page 1, column 2, explicitly states, "Importantly, these wage effects held true for native-born workers as well as immigrants."

2) Steve Sailer introduces the Law of Supply and Demand theory, claiming that the surplus Latino workers will reduce wages for everyone. However, he deliberately omits the next fact of economic theory, that more suppliers will benefit the consumer by creating more competition by the producers, resulting in lower prices and improved services and products for the consumer.  This is the backbone of the Republican and Libertarian parties economic stance. The only reason Steve Sailer did an about face on basic economic theory is because he is a racist bastard and the surplus workers are not white.

3) Steve then presents us a worthless website with no credentials, correlating an increasing immigrant population with a decreasing state bond status. The website is by a no-name computer programmer with no credentials in economics or sociology, who plugged in random numbers into an Excel spreadsheet and came up with bogus results (something I or anyone else can do).

4) Steve does his usual racial stereotyping, tying Latinos as welfare deadbeats and prison inmates. His only sources are his crappy VDare articles to back him up.

5) While Steve Sailer is bitching on all of us about how these non-white immigrants (actually, just the illegal ones, but Steve ties all Latino immigrants as non-tax paying illegals through his manipulative writing), he ignores how we the American taxpayers are being shortchanged by the tax evading practices of his right-wing friends. People and organizations like Bill O'Reilly, Dinesh D'Souza, Ann Coulter, VDare, etc... who make considerably greater sums of money doing nothing for the country expect making trashy speeches to appease a small, alienated right-wing faction of America, and avoid paying taxes. Click here to find out how they get away with it, and how you can fight back.

August 06, 2003

Aug 4: Brazil's Racial Diversity
In his latest VDare article on Brazil's racial diversity and the problems it causes, here is his underlying message.

1) Steve presents that article where the rich white entrepreneur flies to work rather than drive on the ground and deal with the resentment of poor blacks. He shows us this trivial article to encourage us to get rid of the blacks so rich white people can safely drive on the ground.

2) His usual redundant white supremacy statement on interracial marriages. He's saying white women are the prized trophies and better than black women. Only the best black men with leadership skills are marrying white women and creating mixed children who are not truly black and cannot relate to the black community.

3) "Quotas aren't going to do Brazil much good." Steve is so addicted to the word quota, because it connotates a zero-sum game, where the success of one person is the loss of another. He's afraid any sort of socio-economic advance by a black citizen will result in a loss of a white citizen.

4) "The lesson for America: don't make the problems even worse by needlessly importing more differences through immigration policy."

Steve covered this conclusive statement so he wouldn't sound like a hateful KKK racist. What he is really saying is:

"The lesson for America: don't make the problems even worse by needlessly importing more Africans, Latinos, Indians, Asians, and Arabs through immigration policy."

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