Fight Tax Fraud

The internet publication is a right-wing publication employing the likes of Steve Sailer and other racists. Amazingly enough, VDare declares itself a project of the Center for American Unity, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, so it doesn't have to pay taxes, and can give tax breaks to its contributors.

Why should we as Americans be so concerned about these right-wing racists' tax evasion practices?

  1. They whine about how America is going downhill because there are growing numbers of non-whites.
  2. They complain about how oppressive the U.S. government is through taxes, when they don't even pay taxes themselves.
  3. By avoiding taxes, they are passing the rest of us, especially in the lower incomes groups, a greater tax burden.
  4. They claim they are non-profit to avoid paying taxes, but they generate substantial revenue to pay and employ numerous extreme right-wingers, some who make salaries in the millions.
  5. They claim they are non-profit, but they are part of a multi-million dollar industry that generates revenue through media (magazines, books, audio, internet) sales, speakers honorariums, gifts from wealthy partons, and merchandise sales.

Here is the IRS webpage where you can report suspicious tax fraud activity via phone, mail, or walk-in. You can ask the IRS to review VDare's non-profit status.

Here is a list of other similar right-wing organizations who declare themselves as non-profit to avoid paying taxes, and give tax breaks to its contributors. It is recommended you report them to the IRS as well. If you know of any other organizations, please email me: [email protected].

Name Website
American Renaissance
Center for American Unity (VDare)
Numbers USA
Young America's Foundation (YAF)
The Reagan Ranch

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