The Safewater Coalition was founded by Christina Lai .

The coalition is comprised of you, your neighbors, and local leaders who are for a safe and healthy environment.   We are focused on water issues that may affect your family's health, immediate and long term.

Our coalition is currently focused on keeping Treated Wastewater (Recycled Sewer Water) from being used where children would be exposed, and in residential areas in Redwood City such as your front lawns, parks, playgrounds, and schools.

To date, the Safewater Coalition has been focused on communications and outreach regarding the treated wastewater issues.

Issues covered include

  • Health
  • Financial Impact
  • Landscaping
  • Political Money Trail

Mission and objectives

  • Keep Treated Wastewater (Recycled Sewer Water) out of your children's play areas, and residential areas in Redwood Shores (e.g. front yards, parks, playgrounds, schools).
  • Educate Redwood City residents about the risk associated with Recycled Sewer Water near your children.
  • Ensure that the city protects resident's rights to maintain control over the application of treated wastewater in residential areas.

Special endorsements


To join the Safewater Coalition, please send an e-mail to [email protected]





  Message from Founder  

Looking back, 2 years ago, Safewater Coalition started with a war.  It was a war declared between Safewater Coalition and Redwood City .  Today, we trust each other.  Trust is finally there. 

First, I congratulate the Recycled Water Task Force for finding a solution that keeps recycled sewer water away from schoolyards and playgrounds.  I appreciate the time and thought and effort you have contributed and I know that the mothers and fathers of the community will appreciate your work too.   

I thank the City Council for responding to Safewater's concerns although it took some time to get your attention.  

At the beginning our numbers were few but once the problem was defined and publicized, large numbers of my fellow-citizens quickly rallied.  The end result after 2 interesting years is that no Homeowner Association has had recycled sewer water forced upon them and I know that our efforts and Council's cooperation have reached a fair and democratic goal.  

Again, thank you to all those who helped.








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