
February 11, 2003

Dude, two updates in two days? I think the world has come to an end... Or hell has frozen over. Come to think of it, it's very cold here in Jersey. Just to note that I added a section of vignettes for random amusements, scenes that caught my fancy, things that are cool but will never be finished, etc.

February 9, 2003

I am a bad little s1ncer1ty when it comes to updates. I will relink that whole doujinshi section one of these days! I only wanted to move it because I'm quickly running out of space here. Meantime, a slight redo of the pages are available here. Doesn't include some of the newer doujinshi I've managed to pick up.

Oh, and I wrote a new story. First major thing I've done in quite some time! Yay! I love it when I get a break from my slumps. It's another Remus/Sirius angst-puppy called Bleeding October.

2002 Updates

2001 Updates

Digimon -- Gundam Wing -- Lord of the Rings -- Harry Potter -- Doujinshi -- Updates

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