Digimon Fan Fiction

*** Note: I think I'm having some technical difficulties here. Some fics appear to be cut off 3/4 of the way through. I'm in the process of attempting to fix this. If, for some reason, the fic doesn't load completely, go to FanFiction.net and do an author search for 's1ncer1ty'. You can find all but two of my stories there. Thanks for the patience.
~s1ncer1ty, 12/2/00

Title: "Hiro"
Posted: (about) 10/1/00
Rating: PG
Summary: Joe and Izzy travel to the Digital World to escape reality for a time, and there Joe makes a shocking discovery about his past.
Author's Notes: My first fanfic ever written, and I think it's the best thing I've created in terms of plot. It's got some unique references in it, including Tommy and M*A*S*H (free cookies to anyone who can guess the M*A*S*H reference!). It's a little sappy, but it's cute, all in all.
Musical Inspiration: "Chigau Boku Ga Iru" from the "Digimon Best Partner" soundtrack for Joe and Gomamon. "Pinball Wizard" by the Who.
Archive: Height

Title: "Fanatic Heart"
Posted: (about) 10/1/00
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's been six years since the Digidestined children have been to the Digital World, and everyone has gotten on with their lives -- everyone except Yamato.
Author's Notes: This, I think, is my best work in capturing a mood. This is fairly angsty, but I like it. After Jyou, Yamato is my favorite Digidestined to torment, because he's just made that way.
Musical Inspiration: "Fanatic Heart" by Black 47.

Title: "Strange Currencies, Part 1"
Posted: (about) 10/1/00
Rating: PG
Summary: Several years after their encounters in the Digital World, a group of eight Digidestined -- minus their memories -- gather at a soccer game. And wackiness ensues.
Author's Notes: I haven't worked on this story since I posted it. It ends on a cliffhanger, so I suppose you're reading this one at your own risk. What I've got so far is pretty decent, though, I think. I'll get back to it sooner or later, though more likely it will be later.

Title: "For Jyou's Sake"
Posted: 10/17/00
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Koushiro finds out that Jyou has been seriously injured in a car accident, memories of a previous battle in the Digital World overwhelm him.
Author's Notes: My first Jyoushiro! *dance* I'm very, very happy with it. It spans two time frames (Hint: The odd numbered sections are the present, while the even numbered ones are the past.) and is full of much angst, as usual.
Picture Inspiration: "Jyoushiro" by Shimmercat.
Musical Inspiration: "The One" by Live
Archive: Height

Title: "It's for His Own Good"
Posted: 10/21/00
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jyou betrayed Koushiro's trust once in the Digital World. When faced with similar adversity ten years later, will he betray him again?
Author's Notes: The sequel to "For Jyou's Sake." It turned out happier than its predecessor. Maybe that's why I'm not quite as pleased with it. Or maybe it's because I didn't get as in depth in the emotions and situations as I could have. Eh. It has a happy ending, so all is good.
Musical Inspiration: "Inheritance" by New Model Army.
Archive: Height

Title: "Love Lies Bleeding"
Posted: 10/28/00
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After Yamato attempts suicide, Jyou reflects on promises made and broken years ago in the Digital World.
Author's Notes: This is about as close to a songfic as I'll ever get. This is technically the sequel to "Fanatic Heart," though it can be read as a stand-alone. You don't need the first story as a reference. Originally, I didn't intend Yamato to try to drown himself as his first suicide attempt. I'd originally intended for him to try to cut his wrists and then be discovered by Jyou. However, drowning made more sense after some story kinks worked themselves out on their own.
Musical Inspiration: "Hemorrhage" by Fuel.

Title: "The Crests' Ascension: Part 1 - Run to the Water"
Posted: 10/29/00
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Joe! Mimi! Skinny-dipping! And life-sucking entities of darkness and evil!
Author's Notes: Rated for a slightly racy scene between Joe and Mimi (My first "kumquat!"). This is the first part of a much longer fic that I'm in the process of pounding out. It's long.
Musical Inspiration: "Run to the Water" by Live.

Title: "Never Broken"
Posted: 10/30/00
Rating: R
Summary: Held captive, one of the Digidestined pays the price for another's failings.
Author's Notes: This is a little side-story that accompanies "For Jyou's Sake." But, again, I made it a stand-alone. At first, I didn't like this because of the violence in it, but looking back on it again, I think I like it a bit better. It works on a lot of levels, including non-Digimon levels.
Picture Inspiration: "Beaten Children" by Shimmercat. (I suggest you view the picture after you read the story, though.).
Musical Inspiration: "Red Sector A" by Rush.

Title: "Alpha Wolf"
Posted: 11/4/00
Rating: R
Summary: After a mysterious canine attack, Yamato begins to act strangely, lashing out violently even to those he loves most.
Author's Notes: Mmm. Yamajyou/Jyouto/whatever. The two of them together are just so loverly. But fear not, those of you what don't like Yaoi! It's not the focus of the tale, just an enhancement to it. It's a bit odd, with a strange plot, but I like it. Expect a sequel at some point. The idea ~is~ there. I'm just lazy in getting it out.
Musical Inspiration: "Wolf Moon" by Type O Negative.
Related Picture: Yamato and Weregarurumon -- I don't know who the illustrator of this picture is, nor do I know its title. I found it at a Japanese site, and ... well, I don't read Japanese. I thought it was an awesome accompanying picture. This was found after the tale was written. The picture is not mine! Hence why it's got a link to the original site.
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "The Road Less Travelled"
Posted: 11/11/00
Rating: PG
Summary: Jyou explains to Iori why he chose to continue his studies as a doctor after returning from the Digital World.
Author's Notes: This is a bit tamer than what I've been writing lately. I think it's kind-of cute. It's a speculative, 'what if' sort of fic. I'm especially proud of the interplay between Jyou, Iori, and Gomamon. I think I managed to capture their personalities quite well.
Musical Inspiration: "Everywhere I Go" by Shawn Mullins

Title: "Learn To Swim"
Posted: 11/14/00
Rating: G
Summary: Jyou and Gomamon do bonding type stuff. Told from Gomamon's point o' view.
Author's Notes: I don't have much to say about this fic, except that it took me maybe an hour to write. It's just a cute little bit of fluff, nothing major.
Musical Inspiration: "Sora Wo Crawl," Jyou and Gomamon's theme.
Archive: Height

Title: "The Crests' Ascension: Part II - Heaven or Hell?"
Posted: 11/18/00
Rating: R
Summary: Mimi and Joe have escaped the Black Virus in the Digital World. ...Or have they? An old friend gives them new advice, and a new tool to aid in their struggle.
Author's Notes: Aha! At long last, I am happy with Part II! I totally deconstructed it with the exception of the scene where Joe discovers... Well, I won't spoil it. I've started to get some new inspiration, thanks to "Beast Machines" in part (What an awesome series! I'm so sad it's over!).
Musical Inspiration: "Hotel California" by The Eagles.

Title: "Alpha Wolf: Revised"
Posted: 11/19/00
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A revision of "Alpha Wolf," with a rather different scene at one point in the story.
Author's Notes: Major, major kumquattage here. Shimmercat talked me into this revision, and I'm glad she did. I'd originally intended the first fic to come out this way, but I chickened out and didn't write the kumquat part... Shimmy-san picked up on the initial hints of it too. Weird. I like this version better, although I realize lemon (kumquat) content isn't everyone's bag, bay-bee. If you're squeamish, read the first one, instead.
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "Little Miracles"
Posted: 11/19/00
Rating: R
Summary: Sora discovers that she is pregnant -- but there's a serious problem, that tests the bounds of her relationship with Tai.
Author's Notes: This fic is pretty angsty, even by my standards. But, despite it being a Taiora, I think it's my best work so far. Grab your hankies if you're prone to sobbing at fanfics, because it's pretty darned sad.
Musical Inspiration: "Begin" by Toad the Wet Sprocket

Title: "Little Miracles: Reconciliation"
Posted: 11/24/00
Rating: R
Summary: Tai and Sora deal with the aftermath of their child's death, while mending their broken relationship.
Author's Notes: Well, this isn't quite as sad as its predecessor. I kinda wanted a happy ending for Tai and Sora after the tear-fest of the previous story. Though looking back on it now, I should have let Jou figure more significantly into this part, not Izzy. Oh well. C'est la whatever. :)
Musical Inspiration: "Better Hold on Tight" by Lake of Tears

Title: "Digimon Dogma"
Posted: 12/2/00
Rating: R
Summary: Oh no! The 01 gang still hasn't defeated the Dark Masters! So Gennai gives them help in the form of two new Digidestined! Watch the wackiness ensue when the newest members of the team turn out to be .... Jay and Silent Bob?!
Author's Notes: Umm. I had an odd idea one day. And this is what happened. If you're not familiar with the Kevin Smith series of films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma), you're not going to get this. Um. It's odd.

Title: "Past Lives: Hikari's Vision"
Posted: 12/3/00
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A Hikari of another era of time deals with disturbing premonitions of destiny.

Title: "Turn My Head"
Posted: 3/25/01
Rating: R
Summary: At a low point in his college career, a chance encounter with an old friend gives Joe a second chance at happiness and a new love.
Author's Notes: I kind-of like this tale, even if it is fluffy and angsty at the same time. I don't know... The plot isn't as strong as it could be, and I think I could have done a bit more character development... But in all, it turned out okay.
Musical Inspiration: "Turn My Head" by Live
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "Yamato Beats The Devil"
Posted: 3/25/01
Rating: PG
Summary: With Jou's life hanging in the balance, Yamato must race against time in order to save his friend.
Author's Notes: Like I say in the fic's notes, I wonder if I focus too much on Jou's allergies in my fics. Eh, it's cathartic to me, and that's all that counts. This one was a long time coming, and I think it's about my fourth favorite (With "Little Miracles," "Hiro," and "Alpha Wolf" coming in first). I'd initially wanted to focus on Jou and Gomamon again, but it turned more into a Yama-fic than a Jou-fic, even though Jou's plight is the impetus for the story. It's cute. It turned out way differently than I expected, and I'm thankful for it!
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "An Open Letter"
Posted: 4/3/01
Rating: PG
Summary: A letter to Jou from his beloved, letting him know just how much he means to his love...
Author's Notes: Not much really. Except that, for some reason, the spelling of 'Jyou' has been annoying me lately. I'm not quite sure why. I think 'Jou' is a cooler spelling of the name.
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "Jou's Reply"
Posted: 4/13/01
Rating: PG
Summary: A letter to Jou's beloved from the blue-haired hearthrob himself. This is the sequel to "An Open Letter."
Author's Notes: This is the first time I actually made an effort to distinguish the roles of 'seme' and 'uke' in a relationship. Most times, I really don't bother, because I can't see anyone being significantly one or the other most of the time. Maybe it's just an odd hangup of mine, an inability to distinguish sexuality. Such is my life, confusing as it is... But anyhoo, I also like the musical inspiration, because it's just as ambiguous as the short little reply is. I'd suggest hunting the song down.
Musical Inspiration: "'74-'75" by The Connells

Title: "Unsinkable"
Posted: 4/13/01
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The open sea from England to America brings Jou the opportunity for both romance and tragedy.
Author's Notes: You know, I really don't like this fic. I got good reviews on FFN.net, but I believe this is one of my more mediocre works. It's written well enough, but I think the plot is kind-of contrived. But, you live and you learn. Then you write better fics. ;)
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "Shades"
Posted: 4/22/01
Rating: G
Summary: Mimi gets it into her head to dye Jou's hair ... and wackiness ensues.
Author's Notes: Gah. This is nothing but pure, unadulterated fluff. Again, I got good reviews on FFN.net, but I think the people that hated it are just holding back. Either that, or people like fluff more than I thought. Oh well.

Title: "Open Letter: Resolution"
Posted: 4/22/01
Rating: PG
Summary: Part III of the "Open Letter" series, written out as an actual story. Yamato unexpectedly shows up at Shuu's apartment, hoping to resolve his issues with Jou.
Author's Notes: I wrote this to counteract the utter fluffiness of "Shades." It's another angst-o-rama, with a lovely tearfest at the end. Aaah. I feel better now. Phew! I'm especially happy with the first section of the story. It strikes me as almost ... poetic. Very different. Um ... something.
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "The Storyteller"
Posted: 4/22/01
Rating: G
Summary: Daisuke, Jou, and Iori witness an accident on the way to a soccer game ... and Daisuke shows a rare side of himself.
Author's Notes: My first time at attempting to write up Daisuke's character. I really don't mind the little guy... I don't think he's given enough credit, and he so falls into one of two stereotypes in fanfics: he either fawns over Ken, or he's the subject of a ton of bashing from the Takari fans. Maybe one day this bashing will jog some sense into him -- Hikari ain't worth it, my bishonen babe!

Title: "Amaxophobia"
Posted: 4/29/01
Rating: PG
Summary: Jou's phobia of driving overwhelms him on the way to a dinner date, causing him to relive painful memories of an old relationship.
Author's Notes: I'm still undecided on just how much I like this fic. I think it's a little disjointed, and it relies too heavily on conversation. But I do like the concept behind it. It's something that I put up with day in and day out, myself... the phobia, not the mushy, relationshippy stuff. Pfeh, I only wish...
Musical Inspiration: "It's Not So Bad" by Vertical Horizon
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour

Title: "Amaxophobia: Revised"
Posted: 4/29/01
Rating: NC-17
Summary: This is a revised version of the previous story, only with a different ending to it.
Author's Notes: As I was writing this story, I couldn't decide whether or not to make one scene a kumquat (a.k.a. lemon, for those unused to s1ncer1ty-speak). I thought it might hurt the plot, and I thought the characters would be way OOC. However, looking it over a second time, I happen to like this version a lot better than the first. I don't think the characters are really as OOC as I'd feared, and it gets a bit more into Yamato's role in the story. The only drawback is that it's not at all subtle, unlike the first version. In this case, I can deal with that. Hooray for surprises while driving. *evil grin*
Archive: Sweet'n'Sour
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