Gundam Wing
Fan Fiction

Title: "Blood Brothers -- Part I: Routine Assignment"
Rating: PG-13
Posted: May 15, 2001
Summary: On a routine sabotage mission, Trowa was supposed to be protecting Quatre. Yet when Trowa is seriously injured, roles are reversed, and it's up to Quatre to get both of them home alive.
Author's Notes: Wee! My first GW fic! Happy happy happy! (And also ticked at CN for cancelling the show, just when I started getting obsessed over it, grumble grumble...) It's my first go at such a fic, so don't hate me if I'm not as accurate as I could be. I don't know ~every~ detail of the series yet.

Title: "Blood Brothers -- Part II: The Deliberate Trap"
Rating: PG-13
Posted: May 17, 2001
Summary: As Trowa fights to stay alive, Quatre realizes the cruel nature of the trap. Meanwhile, Duo wrestles with guilt in his own way, and Wu Fei and Heero continue their search for the missing pilots.
Author's Notes: I'm still excited that I've managed to write up a GW fic, and it doesn't suck! I think this is one of the better things I've done in a while. Maybe it's the subject matter -- so full of angst potential and hentai hints...

Title: "Keeping Warm"
Rating: NC-17
Posted: May 22, 2001
Summary: Assigned to a surveillance mission on Earth with Trowa, Duo searches for warmth and humanity from his silent companion.
Author's Notes: Eh. This piece is so-so. And it's lemony and Yaoi, with some lovely 3x2 bits mixed within.
Archive: Deathly Silence, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "Fill My World"
Posted: May 31, 2001
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Two former Gundam pilots. A quiet drive in the rain. A chance to define a new life, a new love.
Author's Notes: I like this. Different style than I usually work with. It's cute. This story is also a scene from a yet-unfinished fic of mine, but told from the point of view of another character. Mmm... Uke Trowa...
Archive: Deathly Silence, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "Shattering the Mask"
Rating: PG-13
Posted: June 10, 2001
Summary: For the past year, Triton Bloom has tried to leave the war behind and move on with his life. Yet it takes the assistance of a merciful Shinigami to help gain the strength to look to the future without Trowa Barton's mask.
Author's Notes: This is the full story behind "Fill My World." The ending gets a little cheesy, but in all, I think this is a good piece. I'm hoping to follow it up eventually with a semi-sequel. I've got the beginnings of something worked out -- I'm just not sure where to take it from there. As with the first piece, this is 2x3.
Musical Inspiration: "Anna Begins" by Counting Crows
Archive: Deathly Silence, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "Boys Don't Cry"
Rating: PG
Posted: June 10, 2001
Summary: Angsty Duo reflects on why he left his beloved behind without saying goodbye.
Author's Notes: A little more 2x3, a bit more angst. Um. Not much more to say at the moment, really. This is a side-story to the "Shattering" arc.
Archive: Deathly Silence, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "Good Clean Fun"
Rating: NC-17
Posted: July 16, 2001
Summary: Running the washer to interrupt another's shower has never been so much fun!
Author's Notes: Definite PWP, definite 3x2 here. Trowa is definitely a horny l'il cuss.
Archive: Deathly Silence, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "The Evening Speaks"
Rating: PG-13
Posted: July 16, 2001
Summary: On a hot summer's evening, one of the Gundam pilots discovers that he's not the only one up for a midnight skinny-dip... or an unexpected romance.
Author's Notes: No, I'd rather not give away the couple. But, if you've actually read my other fics thus far, you probably won't have too much trouble picking 'em out.
Archive: Deathly Silence, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "Dogs of War"
Rating: R
Posted: October 20, 2001
Summary: A renegade colony cries for blood and the deaths of the Gundam pilots.
Author's Notes: I'm not fond of this fic, really. I wrote it a while ago, and it's taken me this long to actually stick it up here. I think it's a bit too tweeky for my tastes.

Title: "Return to Me"
Rating: PG
Posted: November 6, 2001
Summary: After months apart, Wu Fei returns to ease Duo's nightmares.
Author's Notes: Aaah, my first 5x2! It's short, but I kind-of like it.
Archive: Wufei Duo Yaoi ML Archive, Jaded Amethysts

Title: "Bleed"

Rating: R
Posted: December 5, 2001
Summary: After Wu Fei's latest tryst with Treize turns bloody, Duo intervenes to return Wu Fei to his senses and to help stitch his life back together again.
Author's Notes: Insert *gasp* 13x5 here. I know, I don't like it either, but it had to be done for plot development. Don't hate me too much for it. There's 2x5/5x2 in here, however, which should make it all better in the end!
Archive: Wufei Duo Yaoi ML Archive

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