Lord of the Rings

This had previously been more of a miscellaneous section, but since I never have finished my Weiss Kreuz monster, I've decided to make it exclusively LotR. If I do happen to finish my monster, I'll figure a way to put in a new fic section, methinks.

Title: Together's Scars
Genre: Lord of the Rings
Rating: PG
Posted: March 10, 2002
Summary: Merry and Pippin have always possessed an intensely close bond. In this alternate escape from orc captivity, this almost telepathic bond is tested to its limits, and both Merry and Pippin realize how truly intertwined their lives have become.
Author's Notes: What, no slash?! Sheesh, they're cousins! So what if their family trees are inbred as all hell, I still think it's a little squicky. But if you wish to interpret this story as slashy, I'm not stopping you.
Musical Inspiration: "Beautiful Alone," Weiss Kreuz ending theme

Title: Second Star on the Right
Genre: Lord of the Rings
Rating: G
Posted: March 18, 2002
Summary: Unable to find peace within the Shire after the Ring's destruction, Frodo turns to the unlikeliest of sources for sympathy and counsel -- Pippin Took.
Author's Notes: Still no slash. They're still cousins. I'm still squicked. I'm also less than happy with a lot of this piece, but overall it isn't horrible. It just seems like it's missing something.
Musical Inspiration: "Fragile," Sting

Title: Tomorrow Never Knows
Chapter 1: Merry Mine
Chapter 2: Concerning Estella
Chapter 3: Diamond's Darkest Hour
Chapter 4: Pippin's Reconciliation
Rating: PG
Posted: April 28, 2002
Last Updated: May 5, 2002
Summary: Pippin and Diamond Took and Merry and Estella Bolger retire to Crickhollow with plans to start a family. But somehow, even the best-laid plans can go sadly astray...
Author's Notes: Het-fic, with both fluff and angst. This fic speculates on why Merry and Estella are childless and Pippin and Diamond only have one child listed in Tolkien's geneaology in the appendix to LotR. This is based off the family trees directly, not the timeline that states "...soon after they [Merry and Pippin] handed over their goods and offices to their sons and rode away over the Sarn Ford, and they were not seen again in the Shire." Yeah, that'd imply more than one son between the two that isn't recorded on the family trees. If anyone could clear this matter up for me, it'd be much appreciated!

Title: Drowning in Amber
Chapter 1: Quorin
Chapter 2: Nienaite
Chapter 3: Tindoome
Rating: PG-13
Posted: May 5, 2002
Summary: Upon Gandalf's descent into shadow, a great despair and sickness overcomes Pippin, and it takes unexpected counsel for him to realize that he is not the only one grieving.
Author's Notes: I was sad when I wrote this. Very sad. Bad week... But I got the angst out of my system, and I do feel better now. This is angsty, especially the first chapter. And the first part is a little surreal... Pippin and his odd, off-centered view of the world took over. o.o
Musical Inspiration: Several, noted in the intros to each chapter.

From my trip to I-Con, April 20-21, 2002 in Stony Brook, NY:

Meeting Billy Boyd
Random Babylon-5 Moment
Miscellaneous I-Con Wackiness

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