Season 2 - Runaway
Pacific Blue
"I know how you like surprises."     "I hate surprises!"
Fun Stuff
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Two young women Amy and Darla chat up a drunk man and take him underneath the pier on the pretence that they will make out with him.
Their boyfriend, Johnny Sweet then comes from behind with a knife to the man's throat and the three demand his money.  The man has a wife and two children.
The man gives the bad guys the money and they leave him saying that if he tells the police what happened then his wife will divorce him for hitting on the two women.

A young African-American boy sees Victor and wants to ride his bike.  Victor refuses saying it's against the rules.  The boy then asks for a race.  Victor knows he'll win as the boy (Hunchy) has a very old and badly conditioned bike.  The boy is angry and tells Victor to watch his back

Maggie, a woman that runs a runaway shelter comes into the firehouse and asks Tc if she's seen a teenager by the name of Amy Duke and shows him a flyer with her picture on it.  Amy is one of the girls from the mugging the night before.
Tc hasn't seen her but offers his assistance in finding her by handing out flyers with Chris's help which Chris then teases him about saying he's only helping Maggie because she is beautiful.

At Amy, Darla and Sweet's hotel room you find out that both Amy and Darla are in love with Sweet and are jealous of the other's relationship with the man.  You also find out that Sweet has a physically violent temper when Amy made the mistake of picking a man with bad shoes to mug, thus assuming the man would not be wealthy.
You also find out they are going to catch a bus to Seattle with the money they are stealing from the drunk men they rob.

At the firehouse Palermo brings in his new and very expensive mountain bike.  Victor is in awe and asks to ride it.  Palermo hesitates but gives in to Victor's pleading on the condition that Victor brings it back as soon as he's finished as he trusts Victor.

Victor is happy and takes it for a trial ride.

While riding he witnesses a woman on rollerblades and a man on a bike almost collide on the footpath.  The man is angry and voices is annoyance to the woman.  Victor steps in and tells the man to apologize to the woman and buy her a drink.  At first the man refuses to take the blame until Victor points out that the woman is beautiful.  Then the man agrees.

Victor goes back to where he put the bike only to find Hunchy's old bike in it's place.  Hunchy has ridden off with the bike and Victor cannot catch him.

That night Chris and Tc are handing out flyers and asking people if they've seen Amy, Chris is still teasing Tc about his attraction to Maggie.  Tc then spots Maggie also handing out flyers and re-introduces himself, informally this time.

Maggie finds Amy in a cafe chatting up another man with Darla.  Maggie asks Amy to come back to the shelter.  Amy refuses saying that she'll be 18 tomorrow and will no longer have to listen to authority.

Maggie comes up to Tc and Chris on patrol on the boardwalk and tells about her encounter with Amy and gives them a description of Darla.  Tc and Chris go to see if they can find Amy.

Amy and Darla lead a rather overweight, drunken man to where they mugged the last man, also with the promise of making out.  They rob him with Sweet's assistance but the man has a heart attack.  They panic and drag him into the surf to make it look like an accident.  However, witnessing the incident is a homeless man Dusty and his puppet Woody.  Dusty does not want Woody to get involved in the incident by calling the police.
Chris and Tc are called to the mugging and Tc is almost knocked down by Sweet on his dirtbike while Tc is going to aide the man in the water...which makes Chris worried.

At the firehouse the next day Victor is hiding from Palermo with Cory's help.  Victor thinks by taking his own bike and finding Hunchy hanging out on the boardwalk he'll be able to get Palermo's bike back.

Also, Tc tells Palermo that the men who were mugged are pretending not to remember being mugged by two young women for the fear of their wives divorcing them.  Without this information the bad guys cannot be properly identified although witnesses gave a description of Amy.

Chris tells the two men that Woody can ID Sweet.  Tc and Palermo share the private joke and give Chris the job of interviewing him.

On the way to see Woody, Tc sees Maggie and stops to talk to her leaving Chris to interview Woody by herself.
Tc asks to date Maggie but she refuses and tells him she's a nun.  He's disappointed.

Chris interviews Woody and is rather disconcerned that she's interviewing a puppet.  Dusty and Woody also prove difficult customers as they are street performers doing a comedy routine.

Amy and Darla are cat fighting back at their hotel room.  Sweet breaks them up telling them he has a present for them.
He tells them that they had a big score on the overweight man the night before in spite of Amy refusal to drag the man into the surf however Sweet has punished Amy, evident by the bruise on her cheek.
The present he bought them was a rather revealing outfit for Darla and a skimpy red dress for Amy.
He tells them that instead of robbing drunks they would make more money if the girls were prostitutes.  Amy doesn't want to go along with it but feels she has no choice.

Hunchy sees Palermo outside the firehouse and asks him to race.  Palermo politely declines.  Hunchy brags about his new ride before leaving.  Much to Palermo's dismay Hunchy's new ride is Palermo's bike.  He tries to follow however is unable to because his bike has been handcuffed to the bike racks for safe keeping.

Chris meets back up with Tc and wonders why he's not gloating about letting her interview Woody.  Tc tells her about what happened with Maggie.  While they are riding they spot Sweet playing guitar and singing on the boardwalk.  He sees them and runs away.

They chase him but are caught up behind a van and lose sight of him and he gets away.

Darla and Amy are alone together in their hotel room when Chris and Tc burst in looking for Sweet.  The girls pretend they don't know Sweet but evidence is found that link them together.  The girls are arrested.

Maggie shows up at the firehouse looking for Amy but because the men who were mugged are not going to identify the girls for fear of divorce they had to be let go.  Maggie tells Tc that she should have kept Amy here.  Tc says that not all teenagers can be helped and that she should cut her losses.
Maggie is upset and tells Tc that her father had molested her so she'd run away from home and that she'd already been through what Amy is going through.

Victor arrives back at the firehouse and Palermo confronts him making up a few scenarios about why Hunchy might have the bike such as Hunchy is Victor's son or is Victor's dearly trusted friend.

Cory is sitting nearby having a chuckle to herself about it.

Palermo asks if Victor let the bike get stolen.  At first Victor says no then changes his mind and says yes and that Palermo's home insurance may cover the loss.  Palermo then yells at Victor.

Amy and Darla get out of a man's car wearing their outfits.  Sweet is waiting for them and is pleased at the money they made.  He tells them he has another 'gig' for them that night.  Amy points out that they have enough money for bus tickets to Seattle.  Sweet then says that they will be flying and that the process of getting the money will be sped up.  Amy asks how but Sweet tells her to let him worry about it.

They walk past Victor and Cory who are discussing Hunchy.
Hunchy then shows up and Victor tries to bargain with him, Hunchy's freedom from prosecution for the bike.
Hunchy tells Victor that is okay as long as Victor catches him.  He rides off.
By the time Victor rides up a rather steep hill Hunchy has disappeared.

A man called Marvin is Amy and Darla's next client.  Amy finds out what Sweet meant by speeding up the process; Darla tries to knock Marvin unconscious and steal his money.  However she fails to completely disable the man and the two wrestle until Darla calls for Sweet.
Sweet comes into the room brandishing his knife.  Marvin then pulls out a gun and the two men wrestle.  It ends up Marvin being shot twice by his own gun with Sweet's help.  Amy is horrified.

Chris and Tc are called to the hotel room by the night manager who said he heard gunshots.  They break into the room and find Marvin dead.  They also find Sweet's knife.

Victor and Cory are at the place where they saw Hunchy the previous day.  Victor is saw the boy will return as he doesn't want to keep the bike, he just wants to beat Victor.  Cory is skeptical and says that Hunchy has already beaten Victor and won't return.  That hurts Victor's pride.

At her hotel room Amy finds plane tickets for Sweet and Darla but not herself.  She also finds Marvin's gun.  She takes both and leaves the room.

At the firehouse Palermo tells Tc and Chris that forensics matched the fingerprints on the knife to Johnny Sweet.
Maggie then shows up and says that Amy contacted her and didn't sound very well.
Tc tells her that Sweet killed a man and Maggie says it makes sense because Amy apologized, said she was right to distrust Sweet.  Maggie is worried because it sounded like Amy was saying goodbye to her.

Hunchy is riding down the boardwalk and rides past Woody and Dusty.  Woody is on the phone to Chris at the firehouse.  Woody tells Chris that he just saw Sweet and Darla go into a guitar shop.

Sweet and Darla come out of the shop and see Amy.  Amy tells them she knows they are going to leave her.  They deny it but she sees through them and rips up the tickets before pointing the gun at them.
Tc and Chris arrive on the scene and tell her to put the gun down but she is too angry and too desperate to listen to them.  She puts a few bullet holes in Sweet's beloved guitar case.
Amy makes Sweet confess about making her rob the men, prostitute herself and that he killed Marvin.
Maggie arrives on the scene and walks in the path of Amy's fire.  Tc yells for her to get back however Maggie walks up to Amy gaining her trust and takes the gun from her.  Maggie and Amy hug, with Maggie being relieved and Amy being sorry.
Chris takes the gun from Amy before handcuffing Darla.  Tc handcuffs Sweet.  Sweet says that they can't use his confession as evidence because he was 'under redress'.  Tc corrects him and roughly drags him away.

At the firehouse Victor is planning a budget to sell off his bikes and save money but realizes that he'll only be able to pay back Palermo's bike in a year and a half.
Hunchy then comes in with the bike and says that he made a deal with Cory.  The same deal he made with Victor.  Freedom from prosecution if he brought the bike back.
Victor is annoyed at Cory for making a deal with Hunchy but she says she didn't want Victor to be in debt with Palermo.
Palermo then comes downstairs and is happy to be reunited with his bike.
Hunchy says he just found the bike and was good and brought it back.  he also asks for a reward.
Palermo promises him $100 and says that Victor should pay because the bike was in his care when it was 'lost'.
Victor refuses then Cory points out that the bike would have cost Victor a lot more money.

Tc and Maggie are walking and talking.  Maggie says Amy is going to testify against Sweet and that Amy's public defender says there is a good chance the girl will get probation.
Tc asks if there is a loophole so that Maggie can date.  Maggie tells him no.  Tc goes to confess his undying love for Maggie but she says he doesn't have to because she feels the same but if she dates her life's work will have vanished unlike Tc's life which will be there waiting for him.
She kisses him gently on the cheek as a departure.
Guest Cast
"I think you're playing yourself."
"No Officer Kelly, we did."
"Did you just wheel in a piece of heaven?"
"I promise I'll be real gentle."
"You da man."
"She's the one...who's very attractive if you hadn't noticed."
"Come back here you little turd!"
"I'm sure there's a regulation about using department personnel to score points with the opposite sex."
"Are you sure?"
"Do you know something about this?"
"You're a nun?"
"Cool it!"
"You ungrateful log!"
"He's got my bike."
"Sounds bad enough to be him."
"Let's try to cut him off."
"Oh would you look at that.  They're picking up IQ points already."
"It's easier to get mugged than it is to get divorced."
"Not so fast Del Toro."
"Where's my bike?"
"Now there's an interesting story."
"I've never heard the Lieutenant yell at anybody like that before."
"I swear if I lay eyes on that kid again he's mine."
"We're not dealing with criminal masterminds here."
"Send coroner."
"Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but it's true."
"We think her boyfriend killed somebody last night.  Did she say anything about that?"
"Say hi to Dusty, I assume he's nearby."
"Don't make us shoot you to protect that lowlife."
"You found her!   My baby!"
"I'm not paying this hustler one red cent!"
"Why don't we take a chance?  See where this takes us."
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