Pacific Blue
Bad Company
Fun Stuff
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Two men are fighting in a boxing ring.  When the bell rings for them to take a break one of the boxers goes to his corner and is instructed by the owner of the ring to lie down for his opponent.
The ring owner leaves and the boxer's manager tells him that they will soon be 'out of this nickle and dime crap'.
The bell rings to end their break and the two men continue to box.
The other boxer wins via technical knockout to the displeasure of the crowd but to the delight of his younger brother who is watching on.

Outside, Elvis is walking a friend's dog.  He stumbles across a scene.
The manager of the boxer who lost - Sonny McCue is doing a gun deal with a bike gang leader - Willie Hicks.
The boxer who lost - Jerome 'Cobra' Flagg comes out of the complex and talks to McCue and they two split the money he won for participating in the fight.
Jimmy Guererro - the winner, and this brother Billy emerge from the complex.  Billy heads home before Jimmy.
Cobra goes over to Jimmy and beats him into a coma due to sour grapes about losing the fight.
Hicks tell McCue that he doesn't need guns because his rival gang isn't a threat anymore since the two groups have signed a truce.  He still agrees to buy one gun though.  McCue tells him the guns will arrive in a few days.

The dog Elvis is walking barks at the scene and Elvis is discovered.
McCue sends his two German Shepherd guard dogs after Elvis and they chase him into a phone booth.

Chris and Tc are on patrol together discussing the event with Elvis the night before.
Chris tells Tc that Jimmy is in a coma and Victor and Cory were going to visit him in the hospital.
They cease their discussion when they see Willie Hicks reving his gang up over a South V tag in the graffiti pit where they hang out.
Chris and Tc go over to investigate and say that they will talk to the South V.

Victor and Cory visit Jimmy in the hospital.  Billy is also visiting.
Billy tells them that Jimmy won't be the same if he wakes up.
Victor can tell by the bruises that Jimmy as been boxing underground.  Billy says this isn't a cop problem and when Cory tells him otherwise Victor asks her to leave.
Billy tells Victor that he's going to kill whoever is responsible for his brother's condition.  Victor offers to help but Billy revokes, not trusting the justice system to give Jimmy a fair go.
Billy storms out.

Chris and Tc tell Palermo of the trouble with the biker gang - The Stone Boys and their offence at a South V tag on their turn.  Palermo says he'll talk to the South V about it.

Victor and Cory return from the hospital and Victor informs everyone that he'll be working on Jimmy's case.
Elvis, who's been looking through photo albums trying to identify the man who beat Jimmy comes up with a possible suspect...Cobra.
Palermo says he'll run Cobra's sheet but Victor insists he'll do it.

Palermo approaches South V playing basketball by the beach.
He calls over their leader, E-Z to talk.  E-Z tells Palermo he doesn't know anything about the tag in the Stone Boys hangout but is annoyed that the Stone Boys have been tagging his turf.

Sonny McCue is on the phone arranging the deal for the guns.  When he gets off Cobra points out that they have an order for only one gun of the crate that is coming in.  Sonny says that when demand is low you must create.
Chris and Tc ride up and question the pair about the incident where Elvis was chased by dogs into a phone booth and the gun deal.
Sonny denies any knowledge.
Victor and Cory are looking after Elvis behind the scenes so Elvis can make a positive identification of Cobra.  Elvis is still unsure.
When Chris and Tc leave Cobra tells Sonny that he is concerned that Elvis is still out there.
Sonny tells him that Elvis is a bike mechanic for the cops and that he has an idea.

That night Willie Hicks is almost run down by E-Z's car.

The next day Palermo crashes in at South V basketball game and accuses E-Z of trying to run down Willie.
E-Z, offended, says that his car was stolen and that it wasn't him who is out to break the peace.

Victor and Cory do not get a response when they visit Billy's house.  Victor is concerned because Billy wasn't at the hospital or at school.
Billy rides up but runs away when he is spotted by the two officers.
They chase Billy but lose him.  They do find a package he's dropped containing a gun which leaves them even more concerned.

As Cobra practises at the boxing ring, Joey informs him that Billy is out looking for him.

The Stone Boys are covered up the South V tag when Palermo comes over for a talk.
Palermo asks him about the gun deal he was involved in as well as the beating of Jimmy.
Willie denies everything but Palermo says that he's not after Willie, he's after those involved with the guns and is trying to stop the gangs going back to war.
Palermo tells him that E-Z's car was stolen and asks Willie to back down while he investigates.

Billy arrives at Jimmy's hospital room and finds Victor waiting for him.
Victor sympathizes with Billy being upset but is worried about his recent behaviour and tells him that Jimmy was only fighting to give Billy a good life.
He gives Billy some food for thought and as Billy is contemplating this, Jimmy dies.
Victor calls for a doctor but it is too late.

Willie meets with Sonny and Cobra and Willie accuses them of being the trouble makers and the ones who tried to run him over.
Sonny, of course, denies everything and says that the guns will be here soon.
Willie also voices his concerns about the witness that can testify.
Cobra tells him that the witness won't be around for much longer.
Chris and Tc are secretly watching the scene and are now worried about the treat to Elvis's safety..

As Elvis walks along the boardwalk he is grabbed by Sonny and Cobra.
Chris and Tc arrive just in time and the two would be kidnappers flee in their van.
Chris and Tc give chase but their efforts are thwarted when Sonny opens the back doors of the van and sets the two German Shepherds onto the officers.
Chris and Tc have no choice but to flee, their lives saved when they climb a tall chain link fence to escape.

Upon their return to the firehouse, Chris and Tc are ribbed and the 'World Champion 15 ft Fence Climbers'.
Victor wanders over the four officers and tells them that Jimmy died.  They all give him their condolences.
Victor tells Palermo that he's going to investigate the underground fights in the hope to arrest Jimmy's killer.  Billy arrives to talk to Victor.
Palermo tells Elvis that he's now the witness in a murder case.  Tc says that Elvis will probably be kidnapped again.  Cory says Elvis will need protective custody but Elvis refuses saying that he's claustrophobic.
Cory then suggest that one of either her, Tc or Chris can look after Elvis much to the disfavor of Chris and Tc.  Palermo however agrees with Cory and breaks pencils to play a game of short straw get the first shift.  Tc drew the short straw.

Victor becomes an underground fighter through a meeting with Joey set up by Billy.
He shows off his talents by easily beating against one of Joey's fighters.

Joey accepts Victor and tells him the terms of the fight and also books Victor his first fight.

That night Elvis is creating art by welding together pieces of bike Tc's living room.
Tc comes in and tells Elvis to remove it and Elvis has a claustrophobia attack.

The next day Victor tells Palermo about the fight.  Palermo doesn't want Victor to go in there without back up but Victor refuses thinking that it will raise suspicion.

Willie is with is gang and they see Elvis walking down the street.  Thinking he would make a good leverage for more guns, the gang kidnaps Elvis under the pretence that they want Elvis to 'hang around' with them.

Cobra is fixing the van and is pining for the dogs who've been impounded.
E-Z approaches him and Sonny saying that he has information about the gun deal with the Stone Boys and also wants to buy guns.  Cobra is reluctant, concerned about playing both sides of the street but E-Z tells him that he has no say in the idea.

Elvis is hanging around with the Stone Boys when E-Z pulls up to talk to Willie.

Victor gives Palermo the money he has won as evidence.  Palermo says that the group is ready for the raid on the boxing ring tonight and Victor says they'd better be punctual because he's fighting Cobra and has every intention of causing injury to the man if he's left in the ring too long.

As E-Z leaves after the discussion with Willie, Willie realizes that Elvis has disappeared.
Outside, E-Z and his friend are surprised to find Elvis hiding in the backseat of the car.

Tc and Cory are on patrol and Cory is angsting because Elvis disappeared on her watch.
E-Z's car drives up and Elvis is pushed out, otherwise unharmed.

Victor is in the ring with Cobra.
Palermo and Cory, and Chris and Tc are outside trying to figure out which building the boxing is taking place in.
They soon find the building and move in announcing that it is a raid.

Cory arrest Joey, Tc arrest McCue and Victor takes great delight in arresting Cobra.

The next day in Palermo's office Tc announces that Joey has been charged will illegal gambling and will make a statement saying that Joey fought Cobra.  Palermo correctly guesses that he's also denying any knowledge of Cobra's beating of Jimmy outside.
Tc also says that they can't charge Cobra without Willie giving a statement and they can't get a statement without a warrant.  Their hands are tied.
Victor is not pleased to hear this.
Tc says that the only thing that Cobra and Sonny can be charged with is disturbing the peace, a minor compared to the murder charge.
Palermo recieves a call and says to the group that they all have to 'move'.

E-Z is doing the gun deal with Sonny and Cobra when Willie shows up and the two bad guys realize they've been set up.
Cobra points a gun at Willie and E-Z tells him to think better of it.  Cobra and Sonny look around as E-Z's and Willie's gangs show up.
Sonny flees.  Cobra tries one last threat with the gun but also flees when E-Z kicks it from his grip.

The officers are racing to the scene as the bandits are running away.

Victor and Cory ride past Billy who is anxiously watching on.  Victor orders Billy to stay put.
Palermo and Tc who were riding together, split up.
Chris jumps over a wall and meets up with Willie and E-Z.

Tc and Palermo are both chasing Sonny but are coming from two different angles.  It is Palermo who catches him first with Tc arriving a few seconds later.

Victor is riding alone.  Cobra comes out from behind a building.  Billy yells to Victor from his vantage point but Cobra knocks Victor from his bike.
They fight and Victor has his gun knocked from his hands.  Cobra gets Victor in a headlock but Victor throws him over his shoulder, giving Victor enough time to retrieve his gun.
Cobra mocks Victor about being a tough guy with a gun.  Victor puts the gun away, removes his helmet and prepares to box Cobra.
Victor wins hands down, much to Billy's delight.

Elvis is happily walking the dog again.

Victor and Palermo go over to thank E-Z's gang who are again playing basketball.
Billy walks up and tells Victor that he's been thinking about what Victor said about Jimmy fighting so Billy could have a better life and has decided to become a bike cop when he's old enough.
Willie comes over and hands over a gun for the 'Gun for Tours' exchange program for children.
E-Z approves of Willie's statement and invites him to play basketball.
Guest Cast
"Help!  I'm about to be eaten alive to death by dogs!"
"She's an angel.  I'd stick her on a Christmas tree."
"We're gonna get the guy who did this."
"Last thing we need is fireworks over there."
"You found the guy right?"
"I know, by the book."
"This is my case."
"You tell those farm boys to stay off my street else we're going to be having a beef."
"You’re going down and when the judge locks you up and throws away the key remember you heard it here first."
"We all face pain; it’s how you deal with it the makes you a man."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the new world champions in the 15 foot fence climb."
"Billy says you're one hell of a fighter."
"Look, if you don't need a real fight that's fine by me."
"I’m fighting Cobra tonight and if you leave me in there too long I might kill him."
"You set this up!"
"You're smarter than you look."
"Big man with a gun in your hand."
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