Travel, Science, Mountains and Oceans



At the early stages of formation, the Earth appeared as a cold body in space, containing all of the chemical elements known in Nature. The atmosphere and hydrosphere did not yet exist; the surface of the planet was completely lifeless. But gradually, due to gravitational forces, energy released by the breakdown of radioactive elements and lunar tides deep inside the core of the Earth began to heat up. When temperatures near the core of the Earth reached that level where the melting of iron oxides and other compounds could occur, the active processes began for the formation of a nucleus and the main environment of the planet.

The general process of formation of the Earth's environment, was through zoned melting in the mantle, situated around a nucleus. Thus the dense, and heaviest sank toward the centre, increasing the size of the nucleus, and less dense and lighter elements rose to the surface, forming the lithosphere, the top-most part of which is the Earth's crust. These processes caused the onset of great volcanic activity over all areas on the surface of the Earth and produced great and extensive outpourings of basaltic lava, releasing gases and water vapour. Gravity forces kept the gases and water vapour in the near-earth proximity, and these formed a primitive, proto-atmosphere, but deprived of oxygen.

By radiating heat into Space, the Earth's surface gradually cooled. The water vapours (gas) condensed, and became liquid water. Active elements and compounds, discharged from still more volcanic activity, interacted with the water, forming acids and salts.

It is probable that such processes occurred on the Earth's surface and deep within the core of the Earth as well, between about 4 billion years ago  billion years ago .

Deep tectonic processes and the heterogeneous nature of the earth's crust are not uniform. Therefore, raised areas with thickened but chemically lighter crust have developed into land masses, and sunken areas with heavier crust have become the sea floor, covered by water. The availability of an atmosphere, a planetary water-cycle, and seasonal and daily changes of temperature above the surface of the sea promoted the development of processes of weathering, erosion and mass-wasting. The products of mass-wasting and erosion accumulated at the bottoms of basins and reservoirs, forming the layers (strata) of sedimentary rocks. A continuous cycle of formation and destruction of parts of the earth's surface occurred, causing a constant change in the morphology of the mountains, plains and seas.

Redistribution of mantle materials within the Earth and their rise to the surface and above caused the development of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. The duration of these processes was all throughout the geological history of the planet and is still going on today. The weight of the water on the surface and in the oceans gradually increased, having formed a World Ocean, and the modern salt structure of the seas was established many hundreds of millions of years ago. In the atmosphere, with occurrence and evolution of vegetable (plant) organisms, oxygen was released by the normal processes of plant growth and living. The oxygen accumulated, lowering the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen. The Earth's crust was divided into continental and oceanic areas, sharply distinguished by their structure and thickness. The crust under the oceans has a high density, with an average thickness of 5-6 km; continental (subaerial and coastal) density is lower and the average thickness of the land crust is between 30-40 km. Although the thicknesses are very different, the balance is maintained because of the densities of the crust, keeping the planet rotating smoothly on its axis.

There are various points of view regarding the origin and development of continents and oceans, some of which sometimes contradict each another:

According to one of these points of view, the bottom of the oceans represents primary basalt from the earth's crust, and the continents were formed later as a result of the accumulation of very great thicknesses of sedimentary rocks which were deposited in great, shallow ocean basins, which, because of the great weight, became compressed into folds, forming folded mountain systems.

Another hypothesis assumes that modern ocean basins (or their parts) occurred in areas where earlier, huge continents partially collapsed, compressing these materials into the basins and transforming them from "continental" into "oceanic" deposits, during a cycle called "oceanisation."

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There is another hypothesis which shows that the Earth has expanded over long periods, during which time, the area of the bottom of the oceans between the continents began moving apart. The distance between these continents increased, and the water, earlier only the lower parts of continents, completely flowed into the ocean basins.

The hypothesis of horizontal movements of lithospheric plates is the most widely accepted today. According to this hypothesis, the uppermost part of the Earth - the lithosphere - is joined by a number of adjacent, rigid plates, under which the effects of convection currents in the mantle cause these plates to move relative to one-another.

Where the plates diverge due to spreading, there is an upwelling of mantle material into the crust in the rifted area. As this hot mantle material (magma) rises, it cools and crystallises. As more magma upwells into the rift zone, it pushes the crystallised material upward and away from the rift zones, causing mid-ocean ridges to form. Moreover, the iron minerals in the magma take the exact properties of the Earth's magnetic field at the time that these minerals crystallise, and are sometimes used in geophysical measurements. You will learn more about this process later.

Where these plates converge upon each other, one of the plates is pushed downward beneath the other plate. This is called "subduction" and occurs at all convergent plate boundaries. As the one subducting plate is being pushed down, the other plate rides up and over the downward moving plate. Very deep trenches are formed in these subduction zones (for example, the Kurile Islands Trench), and just behind them, island arcs (such as the Kurile Islands and Japan), or mountain systems (such as the Andes and Rocky Mountains in the western hemisphere.)

Along the edges and borders of plate divergence and convergence, because of the active tectonic processes beneath them, high seismicity and intensive volcanic activity occurs. The movement of the plates have resulted in continental drift, closing and opening of oceans, but the water of the ocean remained, flowing from one depression to another.

What is the practical value of the study of these geological processes? The knowledge of the history of the formation of the Earth permits us to understand the formation of useful minerals which have come to us from deep within the core of the Earth. By tracing the different continents and oceans, geological structures and borders of lithosphere plates, scientists can reconstruct their previously adjoining areas, and predict the formation of petroleum and other exploitable minerals and ores. They can also try to predict disastrous earthquakes and other natural hazardous phenomena.

Main lithosphere plates

The arrows show the directions of movement of the lithosphere plates moved by convection currents in the mantle.

Intensity of plate movement:

1.Direction of plate movement
2.At spreading
3.At subduction

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The constant rise of mantle material (magma) along an axis of a mid - oceanic ridge causes divergence of lithosphere plates.

Collision of oceanic and continental plates. The subducting of an oceanic plate under a continental plate creates a deep trench adjacent to the continental coast and a great mountain range on land.

Down-drag of an oceanic plate in the mantle results in the formation of an volcanic island-arc system in the ocean and deep trench seaward of the island-arc.

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Earths Cross section

Earth's crust






This era begins with the formation of the Solar System and Earth, outgassing of first atmosphere and oceans, bombardment by left-over planetessimals and debris. The name says it all; a hellish period lasting some 760 million years, when the Earth was subject to frequent bombardment by comets, asteroids, and other planetary debris. At one point, early in this era the moon was formed when a Mars-sized body struck the original Earth, pulverizing both. Yet incredibly, the first primitive life emerged even at this early stage. This was an era characterized by extensive volcanism and formation of first continents. By the end of the Hadean, the Earth had an atmosphere (unbreathable to most organisms today), and oceans filled with prokaryote life evolution

The name Hadean was coined by geologist Preston Cloud for the pre-Isuan sequence whose record may not be preserved on Earth but is better known from Moon rocks

During Hadean time, the Earth and Solar System formed by coagulation and gravitation contraction from a large cloud of gas and dust around the sun, called an accretion disc.  The sun formed the nucleus, shrinking in on itself by gravitational compaction until it reached a stage where it ignited with nuclear fusion and give off light and heat. The surrounding particles within this cloud coalesced into planetisimals which then aggregated to form microplanets (rather like modern asteroids).  The energy of the collisions between the larger microplanets, as well as interior radioactive and gravitational heating, generated a huge amount of heat, and the Earth and other planets would have been initially molten.   The Earth and Moon formed from a collision between two previous planets - a mars-sized and a slightly larger one.

During this period the heavier molten iron sank to the down to become the core, whilst the lighter rocks rose to the surface, the lightest of all becoming the crust as a sort of "scum" on the surface.  There was also an outgassing of volatile molecules such as water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.   An initial steam atmosphere was made of water from comets and hydrated minerals.  Rain fell into proto-ocean 4.3 to 4.4 billion years ago.  All terrestrial planets had a similar process in their early histories.

Once most of the planetisimals were gone the planetary bombardment stopped, and a stable rocky crust was able to formed on the Earth.  This is the age of the oldest rocks on earth and also of moon-rocks.   Atmospheric water condensed into oceans and proto-life formed in the soup of primordial organic molecules, either in the early oceans or in clay or rocks within the crust itself.


Lasting more than twice as long as the Phanerozoic eon, the Archean was a time when diverse microbial life flourished in the primordial oceans, and the continental shields developed from volcanic activity. The reducing (anaerobic) atmosphere enabled archea (anaerobic microbes) to develop, and plate tectonics followed a regime of continental drift different to that of the Proterozoic and later. During this era, one type of organism, the Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) produced oxygen as a metabolic by-product; the eventual build-up of this highly reactive gas was to eventually prove fatal to many life-forms, and converted the atmosphere from.

The Origin of the Continents

Rocks of the Lower Archean (in geology time is often  referred to vertically, because younger rocks are deposited above older ones) are rare, and include the oldest known terrestrial rocks, from 3.8 to 4.2    billion years ago.  Most of the oldest rocks are so altered through subsequent metamorphic processes it  is difficult to know under what conditions they were   formed.  The situation is rather brighter with the more numerous rocks of the Younger ("Upper") Archean, from 3 to 2.5 or 2.6 billion years ago.   These are mostly volcanic in nature, consisting of pillow-like structures identical to those of present-day lavas which have formed underwater.  The implication is that at this time the entire Earth was covered by ocean.  Perhaps the bulk of the continental masses, formed through volcanic outpourings, had yet to appear from beneath the waves.

This general period, from about 3.0 to 2.5  billion years ago, was the period of maximum continent formation.  70% of continental landmasses date from this period (Thus, most of the continents  are extremely ancient).  Modern Earth sciences recognize that the present continents are built around cores of extremely ancient rock, called "shields".  A large part of Australia is a "shield", as is much of Canada, India, Siberia, and Scandinavia.    If one could suppose, speaking poetically and metaphysically, that the geography of a region influences the consciousness of those people in that region, one would expect all   these regions to have something very "ancient" about them.   Certainly there is something atavistic about the Scandinavian cosmology, with its fatalistic cycle of war and twilight of the gods.  The spiritual and religious knowledge of India is claimed to go back to the mists of time; Indians  speak of the sanatana dharma, the hoary doctrine,  and of endless cycles of existence.  And it is often said - in conjunction with images of the barren but beautiful outback desert: red ground, goanna lizards, scattered shrubs and grass, stone age Aborigines - that Australia is a very ancient land.

The Origin of Life

The appearance of life on Earth was preceded by a period of chemical evolution, whereby the relative simple organic molecules gradually aggregated together to form larger and more complex  macro-molecules, and finally the first life itself.  Scientists claim to be able to repeat all these  stages in their laboratories, but doubts have been expressed occasionally.

We do not know when life first appeared on Earth.  The oldest fossil microorganisms are as old as the oldest sedimentary rocks.  So we can assume that life has been around as long as conditions have been suitable.

The beginning of life on Earth was also the birth of "Gaia" as a dynamic entity.    When we examine the Earth as a whole, we realize that Gaia itself does not include the entire planet, but only a thin film on the surface of the globe.  It is this crust, or rather, the surface of this crust, along with the oceans (hydrosphere), atmosphere, soil (lithosphere), and living organisms (biosphere), which constitutes "Gaia".

At the time of these first organisms there was no free oxygen, as there is now, but rather a "reducing atmosphere" composed of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen.    The Earth's atmosphere then  was thus not very different to the present atmosphere of Venus or Jupiter.

The microorganisms of this period utilized methane or hydrogen rather than oxygen in their metabolism - they are therefore referred to as  "anaerobic" (non-oxygen-using).  Fermentation is  modern example of anaerobic metabolism.    This type  of metabolism is 30 to 50 times less effective than oxygen-based ("aerobic") metabolism, or respiration.

The first organisms were "heterotrophs";  they derived their food from other organisms or organic matter which they were able to consume.  Very  soon all the available organic matter was exhausted,  and life would have cannibalized itself to extinction, were it not for the appearance of a new type  of organism, capable of manufacturing its own food,  the "autotroph".

What these autotrophs did was the greatest miracle our world has seen.  They fed on sunlight, on pure energy.  Without them, the continuation of life would have been impossible.  They are still  with us now.  We call them "green plants".  These very early green plants were actually an extremely primitive form of algae, similar to modern Blue-Green Algae.

Not all of the single-celled organisms of this time  were solitary.  Beginning around 3 billion years  ago, and much more often from 2.3 billion years ago,    Blue-green Algae would often grow in large mats,  called Stromatolites.    Modern-day Stromatolites can  still be found in a sheltered bay in West Australia,    where the water is so salty that creatures that  would otherwise eat them are not able to exist.

The fact that such organisms have survived to the present day gives some idea of how slow their evolution is.  The transformation of the biosphere seemed to be as slow as the transformation of the geosphere. 

The Proterozoic

The Proterozoic, which lasted even longer than the Archean Era, saw the atmosphere changes from reducing to oxygenated, driving the original anaerobic inhabitants of the Earth into a few restricted anoxic refuges and enabling the rise of aerobic life (both prokaryote and the more complex eukaryotic cell, which requires the high octane boost that oxygen enables.) Stromatolites (colonial cyanobacteria), which had appeared during the Archean, were common. The modern regime of continental drift began, and saw the formation of supercontinent of Rodinia, and several extensive ice ages. Late in the Proterozoic a runaway icehouse effect meant that the preceding warm conditions were replaced by a "Snowball Earth" with ice several kilometers deep covering the globe. Warming conditions saw the short-lived Edicarian biota and finally the appearance of first metazoa.


Early in the 300 million year history of the Paleozoic, atmospheric oxygen reached its present levels, generating the ozone shield that screens out ultraviolet radiation and allows complex life to live in the shallows and finally on land. This era witnessed the age of invertebrates, of fish, of tetrapodomorphs, and (during the Permian) reptiles. From the Silurian on, life emerged from the sea to colonize the land, and in the later Paleozoic pteridophyte and later gymnospermous plants flourished. The generally mild to tropical conditions with their warm shallow seas were interspersed with Ordovician and Permo-Carboniferous ice ages. Towards the end of the Paleozoic the continents clustered into the supercontinent of Pangea, and increasingly aridity meant the end of the great Carboniferous swamps and their unique flora and fauna. The Paleozoic was brought to an end by the end Permian mass-extinction, perhaps the most severe extinction the planet has seen.

The Paleozoic (also spelt "Palaeozoic") era lasted from about 540 to 250 million years ago, and is divided into six periods The 320-odd million years of the Paleozoic era saw many important events, including the development of most invertebrate groups, life's conquest of land, the evolution of fish, reptiles, insects, and vascular plants, the formation of the supercontinent of Pangea, and no less than two distinct ice ages.  The earth rotated faster than it does today so days were shorter, and the nearer moon meant stronger tides.


The early Paleozoic saw the continents clustered around the equator, with Gondwanaland (representing the bulk of old Rodinia) slowly drifting south to the poles, and Siberia, Laurentia and Baltica converging in the tropics.  There was a large ocean between Laurentia and Eastern Gondwanaland.

It seems that Gondwanaland underwent a large clockwise rotation around an axis close to Australia during the Early Paleozoic. Laurentia underwent a large eastward movement, as well as a slight southward drift.

Baltica joined with Laurentia during the Silurian, drifting from a moderate southern hemisphere position in Cambro-Ordovician time to an equatorial position in Silurian-Devonian time.  Siberia, and possibly the Kazakhstan terranes, drifted across the equator to the northeast.  All the East and Southeast Asian terranes were around the India-Australia margin of Gondwanaland during the Early Palaeozoic.

During the middle and late Paleozoic (Devonian to Permian), about a third of the Gondwanan mass was torn apart and drifted to equatorial regions. Most of these blocks were assembled by a series of plate collisions into the supercontinent of Euramerica (Laurussia) by the Devonian, which by addition of further landmasses became Laurasia by the late Carboniferous.   Gondwana, rotated clockwise and moved northward to collide with Laurasia.  By Permian time, Siberia and the Kazakhstan terranes were sutured to Euramerica (Laurussia) and the Chinese blocks started accreting to them.  The result was the super continent Pangaea.


The early Paleozoic was cool, culminating in the great Ordovician ice age.  The Silurian saw tropical climes and warm shallow seas filled with coral reefs.  During the late Paleozoic the temperature dipped again and the Permo-Carboniferous ice age meant that most of the great southern continent of Gondwanaland was under heavy ice sheets.

Life - the Biosphere

Life changed so much during the Paleozoic - from seaweed to forests, from proto-chordates to mammal-like synapsids - that it is difficult to summarize.   Although Paleozoic means "ancient life" many of the organisms that lived during the later Paleozoic were much closer to those of today than many of the life-forms of the early Paleozoic.  Basically, at the risk of generalization, we might say that the earlier Paleozoic was dominated by invertebrates, while the land remained barren.  The middle Paleozoic saw the rise of strange armoured fish and the first land plants and insects. While the later Paleozoic was distinguished by great forests of mostly spore-bearing trees, inhabited by a rich assortment of arthropods, tetrapodomorphs and reptiles on land; and by diverse invertebrates in the sea.


Cambrian eco-systems were much simpler and less diversified than anything of today, and hence unstable and prone to easy mass-extinction.  Moreover, it is possible to distinguish an earlier Tommotian type fauna (early Cambrian) from a middle Cambrian to Early Ordovician fauna.

Following the large end-Cambrian and end-early Ordovician extinctions, a new evolutionary fauna originated and diversified during the Ordovician radiation event. This constituted a Palaeozoic marine benthos associated with soft substrates. Articulate brachiopods, stenolaemate bryozoans, stalked echinoderms (crinoids and blastoids), corals, ostracodes all diversified. Higher up in the water column, the plankton and nekton included graptolites and conodonts, cephalopods, and later fish and medusa (scyphozoa). This vigorous early Ordovician radiation set the agenda for much of the Palaeozoic; and most adaptations by the various invertebrate groups had already been tried and tested by the end of the Ordovician. By the Middle to Late Paleozoic marine eco-systems may not have been too unlike those of today.   Ecosystems and energy and nutrient flow on land was much more inefficient, until the rise of reptilian herbivores at the very end of the era (late Permian).


Perhaps the most intelligent creatures to inhabit the earth over this long span of time were the cephalopods, the most intelligent and sentient of all the invertebrates.  Cephalopods were extraordinarily diverse in Paleozoic seas, and were the dominant life-form until the rise of carnivorous fish during the Devonian (mid-Paleozoic).  At the very end of the Paleozoic the Therapsida evolved larger brains than their contemporaries, and paved the way for mammalian intelligence during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

Mass extinctions

The Paleozoic witnessed a number of crises in the history of life, including an early Cambrian, a terminal Cambrian, an Ordovician one, a late Devonian one.   The era was brought to an end by the terminal Permian extinction, the greatest catastrophe in the history of higher life on Earth (although far milder than the Early Proterozoic Oxygen crisis), not counting the present ongoing biocide of life at the hands of man.  There is still disagreement over whether it was caused simply by terrestrial phenomena like loss of geographic isolation and falling sea-levels, or whether (as I feel likely) these factors were aided by an extraterrestrial impact of some kind (similar to the one that saw off the dinosaurs at the end of the Mesozoic).


Lasting little more than half the duration of the Paleozoic, this was a spectacular time. The generalized archosaurian reptiles of the Triassic gave way to the dinosaurs, a terrestrial megafauna the like of which the Earth has not seen before or since. While dinosaurs dominated the land, diverse sea-reptiles ruled the oceans, and invertebrates, especially ammonites, were extremely diverse. Pterosaurs and later birds took to the sky. Mammals however remained small and insignificant. Climatic conditions remained warm and tropical worldwide. The supercontinent of Pangea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwana, with different dinosaurian faunas evolving on each. During this era modern forms of corals, insects, fish and finally flowering plants evolved. At the end of the Cretaceous period the dinosaurs and many other animals abruptly died out, quite likely the result of an asteroid impact and associated extensive volcanism (acid rain)

The Mesozoic Era lasted more than 180 million years.  During this time, many modern forms of plants, invertebrates, and fishes evolved.  On land, dinosaurs were the dominant animals, while the oceans were populated by large marine reptiles, and Pterosaurs ruled the air.  For most of this period, the climate worldwide was warm and tropical, and shallow seas covered lowlying landmasses.   At the beginning of the Mesozoic, all of the world's continents were joined into the supercontinent of Pangea, which rifted into Laurasia in the north and Gondwanaland in the south.  By the end of the era most of continents had separated into their present form.

The Mesozoic Era is divided into three periods, each lasting many millions of years: the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.   The Triassic saw the emergence of many modern invertebrate groups, and on land the archosaur reptiles replaced the therapsids.   In the oceans Ichthyosaurs such as Shonisaurus became as large as whales.  The Jurassic was the height of the dinosaur era, with giants such as Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, etc, and mammals tiny and shrew-like.  Distinctive plants like ferns, Cycads, Bennettitales, and Cheirolepidiaceae conifers characterised the landscape.   During the Cretaceous period, the first flowering plants appeared, birds and fish diversified, and new types of dinosaurs appeared.  The climate cooled and unique dinosaurs evolved on different continents.

The Mesozoic era came to an end with the great terminal extinction event known as the K-T (Cretaceous-Tertriary) event.


With the extinction of the dinosaurs and the end of the Mesozoic, the mammals swiftly inherit the Earth. Archaic mammals co-existed with birds and modern reptiles and invertebrates. The current continents emerged, and the initial tropical conditions were replaced by a colder drier climate, possibly caused by the Himalayan uplift. The appearance of grass meant the rise of grazing mammals, and the cooler drier world allowed modern mammalian groups to evolve, along with other lineages now extinct and a few archaic hold-overs. Among the newcomers were the anthropoid apes that culminated in the australopithecine hominids of Africa. Decreasing temperatures and a polar landmass of Antarctica resulted in a new Ice Age. Most recently, in the blink of an eye geologically speaking, this era saw the rise of Man (Homo erectus, Neanderthal and Cro Magnon) and use of stone tools and fire, the extinction of Megafauna, and civilization and human activities that have transformed the globe, but at a cost of great environmental destruction

During the 65 million years of the Cenozoic era (also spelt "Cainozoic") or Age of Mammals the world took on its modern form.  Invertebrates, fish, reptiles etc were essentially of modern types, but mammals, birds, protozoa and flowering plants still evolved and developed during this period.

The Cenozoic Era is divided into two very unequal periods, the Tertiary (which made up the bulk of the Cenozoic), and the Quaternary, which is only the last one and a half million years or so.  The Tertiary is in turn divided into Paleogene and Neogene.


During the Cenozoic the fragmentation of continental landmasses continued as the Earth's surface took on it's present form.   Beginning in the Late Cretaceous rifts separated Africa from South America and then Australia from Antarctica.   Gondwanaland thus ceases to exist as a supercontinent.  North America drifts away from Europe, widening the Atlantic Ocean. Africa moved northward towards Eurasia, closing the Tethys Ocean and raising the Alps.   India collided with Asia, forming the Himalayan mountains.  Like India during the Cretaceous, Australia rifts free of what is left of Gondwanaland and becomes an Island Continent drifting northwards towards Asia.   By the Neogene the continents had pretty much taken their present positions.


During the Paleogene the climate worldwide was warm and tropical, much as it had been for most of the preceding Mesozoic.  The Neogene saw a drastic cooling in the world's climate, possibly caused by the Himalayan uplift (Tibetan plateau) that was generated by the Indian subcontinent ramming into the rest of Asia (and is still going on now).  During the Quaternary period the continuing cooling climate resulted in an ice age, or rather a series of ice ages with interspersed warm periods


The Paleogene saw the diversification of many mammalian and bird groups, flourishing in the tropical conditions.   During the early Paleogene the continents were isolated by shallow seas, and different lineages of Mammals evolved on each one.  Mammals included many giant yet small-brained rhinoceros-like types - the Asiamerican uintatheres, and brontotheres and the African arsinoitheres.   There were huge flightless carnivorous birds - the Laurasian diatrymids (left) and the South American phorusrhacids - 2 meters tall with cruel curved beaks, that mimicked the great theropod dinosaurs of the Mesozoic.  All these animals lived in tropical forests.  The champsosaurs, crocodile-like "eosuchian" reptiles - living fossils of their time - survived the dinosaurs and the K-T extinction but died out later in the Paleogene.  In the seas the first archaic toothed whales appeared.  Giant marine protozoa, (foraminifers) the size of lentils evolved during the Eocene.  Bivalve and Gastropod molluscs were basically the same type as today.   The nautilids experienced their last mild evolutionary radiation.   Transitional forms ancestral to modern coleoid cephalopods evolved.  Echinoderms, corals, bryozoa and sponges were basically of modern type.  On land insects were generally of modern type.    Ants were even more numerous then they are today.

During the Neogene modern mammals and flowering plants evolve, as well as many strange mammals that are no longer around.  The most astonishing thing to happen during the early Neogene was the evolution of grass.  This led to the evolution of long-legged running animals adapted to life on the savanna and prairie.  The horse family - Equiidae - was an especial success story during the Neogene.  Horses and other grazing mammals evolved high-crowned teeth to cope with a diet of abrasive grass.  There were still many forest animals however.  The Mastodons lived on every continent except Australia.   Many strange mammals - litopterns, notoungulates, ground sloths, borhyeanas, etc - continued to evolve in isolation in South America before a land bridge formed and allowed a devastating invasion of forms from the north.   Meanwhile during the late Neogene Hominids appeared in the Africa savannas, the Australopithicines.    The oceans were inhabited by whales basically like modern forms, which had replaced the archaic toothed whales.  They were the most intelligent animals of their time, but they never developed the use of tools or a memetic noosphere.  In the north Pacific were the Desmostylids - a sort of cross between an elephant and a seal.  Also in the seas were the largest carnivorous sharks ever to live - the Carcharodon megalodon, a predecessor of the modern White Pointer but much larger and heavier.

The Quaternary period saw essentially modern flora and invertebrate species.  However many mammalian types were of species and genera now extinct, and generally of large size - the various species of mammoth, the Irish "elk" (left), a large diversity of rhinos, the giant ground sloths, the diprotodonts of Australia, and many more.    Man evolved as an ice-age mammal in Europe.   A combination of human hunting ("stone age overkill") and climatic change served to kill off most worlds megafauna.


Unlike the previous eras of life, the Cenozoic was characterized by a progressive increase of intelligence - an intelligence arms race compared to the "brawn" arms race of Mesozoic (to give a simplistic but perhaps apt generalization).

The Paleogene saw an abundance of small-brained "archaic" mammals.  Even though Paleogene carnivores had consistently larger brains than Paleogene herbivores, both had much smaller brains then later mammals.  Obviously, plant eaters had to evolve bigger brains to cope with the meat-eaters, and the meat-eaters had to evolve bigger brains again to out-smart the plant-eaters.  By the Neogene larger brained mammals of essentially the same intelligence as modern forms appeared.    But the most intelligent animals of this time were the forest dwelling monkeys and early anthropoid apes on land, and essentially modern cetaceans in the seas.  One lineage of apes came down from the trees, perhaps due to population pressures and increasing aridification, and began to explore the African grasslands.   These were the hominids.  During the Quaternary the hominids took up using tools, and their was an exponential increase in their brain capacity, a sort of feedback loop stimulated by tool-using and gestural proto-language.    The result was the evolution of Man and the birth and exponential acceleration of the Teilhardian Noosphere, a process that began with the discovery of language and tools and is still continuing

Ocean issues are not receiving the attention they ought to be given." The ocean is a resource that is less well known than some distant planets and undoubtedly contains a resource potential that remains partly untapped. But this resource is limited, both in capacity and in its ability to absorb the effects of reckless development and pollution. Signs of stress are already visible, especially in low-lying coastal areas and small islands. The picture of the ocean that is emerging from shared observations all over the world is not very comforting. The catalogue of symptoms of disease include: pollution, exhausted fishing stocks, disappearing coastlines, rising sea level, increasing surface temperatures that threaten the deep ocean currents, more frequent storms, melting ice caps... When we understand the ocean system better, we will be able to predict some of the changes expected in the next century and, hopefully, offset them through intelligent, co-operative action. In the shorter term, better and more systematic observations of the ocean will enable us to forecast imminent disasters from storms, floods and drought and mitigate their effects, by warning the populations at risk. 



Waves rise as mountains

And rise to the heavens,

And with horror drops glances

Into instantly dug abysses

A disturbing force like passion,

Does not know of a centre point,

Now to the sky, now into the precipice throws

A boat without an oar or rudder. A.K. Tolstoy


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