Travel, Science, Mountains and Oceans

Marine Species:

1. Plankton - drifting organisms

Size classification

ultraplankton - bacteria and other very small plankton, <5 µm (0.005 mm)

nannoplankton - mostly phytoplankton, 5 - 70 µm (0.005-0.07 mm)

microplankton - mostly zooplankton, 70 - 100 µm (0.07 - 0.1mm). Also called “net plankton”

macroplankton - not microscopic, for example:


Sargassum (a type of seaweed that floats at the sea surface)



Another classification of marine organisms is:

(1) Phytoplankton - plants, primary producers or autotrophs.

The most important primary producers of the sea.

In general, phytoplankton can grow only in the photic zone, but living phytoplankton can be found in deeper water.

Most phytoplankton are microscopic algae, and the vast majority are single-celled (unicellular) or colonial (made up of many, identical cells).

The three most important phytoplankton groups are:




(2) Bacterioplankton - Bacteria

Some are primary producers or autotrophs:

Blue-green “algae” or cyanobacteria may be responsible for most primary production in some areas of the open sea

Some other bacterioplankton, such as sulfur oxidizing bacteria, are important primary producers in specific locations

Some are heterotrophs and decompose the remains of dead organisms, excreta, etc.

(3) Zooplankton - Animals, may be either herbivores (eat plants) or carnivores (eat other animals) or bacteriovores (eat bacteria) or omnivores (eat plants or animals). All are heterotrophs.

Examples: copepods, euphausiids, jellyfish

(4) Nekton - Not plankton. Swimming organisms, mostly high trophic level carnivores, but a few are herbivores (e.g.,anchovy). All are heterotrophs.

Examples: fish, squid, marine mammals

(5) Benthos - Not plankton. Bottom-dwelling plants and animals. These can be any size and have any degree of mobility.

(6) Intertidal and coastal organisms - Not plankton. These plants and animals are often closely related to benthos living in deeper water; some are land organisms adapted to tolerate salt. Primary producers include seaweeds of coastal areas, sea grasses, mangroves, and other coastal plants

2. Major Phytoplankton Groups 

2.1 Diatoms

2.2 Dinoflagellates diatom[1].jpg (7033 bytes)


·         Usually red or red-brown in color, due to carotene and xanthophyll pigments.

·         Have flagella, and are motile. (Move vertically in response to light).

·         Some can absorb organic substances from solution (heterotrophy).

·         Most have “armor” made of cellulose.

·         Many are bioluminescent (glow, especially when agitated).


·         Ubiquitous, favor warmer and more nutrient-depleted water than diatoms.

·         In temperate regions, often “bloom” in late summer or early fall.

Dinoflagellates and “Red Tides”

·         Blooms of certain species of dinoflagellates give reddish or brownish color to the water.

·         Some of these dinoflagellates produce toxins responsible for PSP (paralytic shellfish poisoning) or NSP (neurotoxic shellfish poisoning).For example: Gonyaulax and Ptychodiscus are major toxic species in U.S. waters.

·         Shellfish accumulate the toxin as they filter-feed on algae. They are not affected by the toxin. Crabs, shrimp, fish, marine mammals, and humans are affected.

·         The human lethal dose is ~1mg.


·         Numbness (lips)

·         Poor coordination, slurred speech

·         Dizziness, nausea

·         Paralysis, respiratory arrest leading to death.


·         Golden-brown color owing to a pigment fucoxanthin in addition to chlorophyll.

·         Diatoms have a frustule (shell-like covering) made of an organic matrix or framework impregnated with silica (SiO2)

·         Diatoms have 2 basic shapes: centric and pennate


·         Ubiquitous, but most abundant in cold, nutrient-rich water. Often make up >45% of phytoplankton biomass in such waters. Often responsible for spring phytoplankton blooms in temperate and polar oceans. Also abundant in upwelling regions at low latitudes.

Siliceous sediments are often found under regions of high diatom productivity.

Safety Information

·         Cooking does not destroy the toxin.

·         Toxic organisms are endemic to Alaskan waters. This means that toxic shellfish can occur at any time of the year and at almost any location. A few beaches are generally safe (e.g. Clam Gulch) for unknown reasons.

·         In general, it is a bad idea to eat mussels or clams collected on Alaskan beaches.

Occurrence and Causes of Harmful Algal Blooms

·         Worldwide, harmful algal blooms (HABs) appear to be increasing in frequency or duration. Many of these are due to dinoflagellates, although other organisms, including diatoms, are involved.

·         Possible causes of increased HABs are:

·         Excessive nutrient input to coastal due to agricultural fertilizers, sewage

·         Transport of new species from their habitat to new locations, mostly in ships ballast water

2.3 Coccolithophores

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·         Occur as single cells.

·         Covered by plates made of calcite (calcium carbonate) called coccoliths which make up some calcareous sediments on the sea floor.

·         Have 2 flagella.

·         Are smaller in size than most diatoms or dinoflagellates.


·         Dominate in warm, low nutrient, low productivity waters of the oceans.

However, blooms occur in colder waters as well, e.g., Bering Sea since 1997, North Atlantic, Barents Sea

3. Bacterioplankton

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The most abundant organisms in the ocean (1,000,000 per ml). Have the greatest “standing stock” of biomass in low-productivity regions of the ocean.


·         Very small (usually <1µm in diameter). Prokaryotes (lack nuclear membrane). Come in many shapes:

·         May be either free or attached to surfaces, including other organisms.


·         Everywhere.

·         Cyanobacteria are more numerous than other primary producers where nutrient concentrations are very low, because they have the ability to fix nitrogen.

·         Heterotrophic bacteria are more numerous where there is a lot of organic material, i.e., areas of high primary productivity


·         Primary producers or decomposers of organic matter and recyclers of nutrients.

·         “Blue-green algae” are actually prokaryotic organisms that are bacteria, not algae. They are photosynthetic (autotrophic) primary producers.

Heterotrophic bacteria are the main decomposers of the sea, and are responsible for most nutrient recycling and oxygen consumption in the oceans.

4. Summary

 (1) Plankton are drifting organisms at the mercy of the currents.

(2) There are 3major groups of plankton, phytoplankton, the main primary producers of the ocean; bacterioplankton, which can be either primary producers or decomposers; and zooplankton, which are animals.

(3) The four major groups of primary producers (autotrophs) in the ocean are:

diatoms, golden-brown algae with siliceous frustules that are commonest in cold, nutrient-rich water

coccolithophores, algae that are covered with small, calcareous plates (coccoliths) and are commonest in warm, tropical waters.

dinoflagellates, red or brown algae that usually have hard coverings of cellulose and are motile by means of a flagellum. They are commonest in summer and fall in the temperate zone of the oceans, and can cause PSP.

cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are really bacteria that are photosynthetic primary producers, commonest in nutrient-depleted areas of the open ocean.


Heterotrophs— consume organic matter rather than manufacturing it, as do autotrophs.

Zooplankton can be:


carnivores (several levels)

detritus feeders


Zooplankton, in addition to being much smaller than familiar land animals, have shorter generation times and grow more rapidly (in terms of % of body wt / day).

 1. Crustaceans- include shrimp, copepods, euphausiids (“krill”)

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Characteristics: Copepods, euphausiids and shrimp superficially resemble one another. All have:

Habitats: Ubiquitous.

Shrimp are usually carnivores or scavengers.

2. Chaetognaths - (“Arrow worms”)

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Habitat: Ubiquitous

Role in food web: Carnivore feeding on small zooplankton such as copepods.




3. Protozoan - Include foraminifera, radiolarians, tintinnids and “microflagellates” ca. 0.002 mm

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Habitat: Ubiquitous

Role in food web: Feed on small phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, and other protozoans. They can be bacteriovores, herbivores, or carnivores.

4. Gelatinous Zooplankton: includes a variety of fragile, jelly-like organisms which are not closely related taxonomically.

Cnidarians: jellyfish


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Very simple body structure, with 3 layers: inner membrane, jelly,

Habitat: Found everywhere and at all depths. More abundant in surface waters.

Role in food web: Carnivores, trap prey in tentacles.

Ctenophores: “comb jellies”.


Habitat: Found everywhere

Role in food web: Carnivores, predators.

Salps: A type of tunicate.


Habitat: Warm surface waters. Rare at high latitudes.

Role in food web: Largely feeds on phytoplankton. A “ciliary-mucous” filter feeder.

Overall: Gelatinous zooplankton are very important, but little-studied because of sampling problems; they often disintegrate in nets or other sampling devices.

5. Pteropods

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Habitat: Found everywhere

Role in food web: May be herbivores or carnivores. Filter-feed using a “mucous net”.

6. Meroplankton

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Meroplankton are organisms which are part of the plankton for only part of their life cycle, usually an early, larval stage.

As adults the meroplankton are benthos (including intertidal organisms) or nekton.

The meroplankton often do not resemble the adult forms, to the extent that some were once thought to be separate species.

Meroplanktonic larvae promote survival of the species:

Meroplanktonic larvae also have disadvantages:

Mplankton2[1].jpg (22094 bytes)

Therefore, organisms which have meroplanktonic larvae usually produce hundreds or thousands of eggs, so that a few will survive.




Nekton: swimmers

Taxonomic Classification of Nekton

1. Phylum Mollusca

a. Cephalopoda

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·         squid

2. Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata

a. Agnatha - jawless fishes

·         lampreys and hagfishLmaprey[1].gif (8494 bytes)

b. Chondrichthyes- jawed fishes with skeleton composed of cartilage whaleshark[1].jpg (49423 bytes)

·         sharks

·         skates and rays

. Osteichthyes - jawed fishes with a bony skeleton

·         common fishes, such as salmon, herring, and halibutsalmon[1].jpeg (22603 bytes)

d. Reptilia

·         sea snakes

·         sea turtles

e. Aves (birds)

·         Penguins

·         Seabirds capable of flight, such as murres, kittiwakes, puffins, etc. (Although some of these spend little time in the water, they are part of the marine food web.)

f. Mammalia

·         seals, sea lions, walrus

·         whales

·         sea otter

·         polar bears

·         manatees and dugongs

Of the taxonomic groups listed above, the most important globally are the bony and cartilagenous fishes and the squids. Other groups can be locally important predators, e.g., birds and mammals in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Nearly all nekton are carnivores (= meat eaters) and predators (organisms that kill and eat other animals). This lifestyle requires the rapid swimming that is characteristic of nekton. Adaptations related to swimming include:

streamlined shape. Nekton also generally have relatively (compared to most animals) highly developed nervous systems,

However, a few nekton are filter feeders and scavengers are fairly common. Often predators will eat dead animals if available.


2. Fish











Cartilagenous Fish

Sharks: Most are predators. They have many abilities related to finding and capturing prey:

A few sharks (whale shark, basking shark) filter feed on zooplankton.

Rays and skates: most are predators also. They have many of the same sensory abilities as sharks, but are generally rather slow swimmers. They often feed on slow-moving or sessile (immobile) benthos. Manta rays are filter feeders on zooplankton.

Bony fish

Pelagic fish: live in the water column. They are often streamlined, swift swimmers, predators and carnivores.

examples: salmon, tuna, swordfish

Herring prey largely on zooplankton, as do many other small fishes. Anchovies are filter feeders on phytoplankton or zooplankton. There is a productive anchovy fishery in Peru upwelling region.

Demersal fish: Live on or near the bottom. Some have a flattened shape. They tend to be slower swimmers, since their prey is often slow or sessile.

examples: halibut, sole, cod, adult pollock.

Deep-sea fish: Predators, (scavengers opportunistically), carnivores. Deep-sea fish have adaptations to an environment where food is scarce.

Small, thin body, low food needs

3. Squids


Squid are abundant in the ocean but hard to catch, and so population estimates are uncertain.

Have large eyes and highly developed nervous systems.



4. Reptiles

Sea snakes


Sea turtles -many endangered species

Other dangers:

Hunting, especially while laying eggs, or egg gathering.


5. Marine Mammals









1. Cetaceans: whales

All are nekton and carnivorous.





2. Pinnipeds: seals, sea lions and walrus

All are nekton, carnivores, and predators except the manatee and dugong, which are herbivores.






Seal Classification

Order Carnivora

Suborder Pinnipedia = “Feather feet”


Otariidae = eared seals

Phocidae = earless seals

Odobenidae = walrus

Pinniped characteristics:

Earless Seals

Eared seals


Earless seals include the elephant seal, ribbon seal, spotted seal, harbour seal, ringed seal, and bearded seal.

Eared seals include the California sea lion, the Northern fur seal, and the Steller sea lion.

Walrus are divided into Pacific and Atlantic walrus, but these two groups are very similar.













Cetaceans are entirely aquatic mammals. Their body structure has undergone many evolutionary changes from that of the ancestral land mammals. The hind limbs are absent, fore limbs are adapted to flippers, and the tail has evolved into horizontal flukes. The skin is smooth and lacks fur or hair. Breathing is through a blowhole on the top of the head.




(toothed whales)

(baleen whales)

All are carnivores.

All are carnivores.

All are filter feeders, that strain zooplankton from huge mouthfuls of water using 100s of baleen “plates” that hang from the upper jaw.

All are predators that pursue and capture their prey.


Right whales


Gray whale


Sperm whale

Beaked whales





Suborders of Cetacea 


Characteristics of baleen whales

Right whale group, including the right and bowhead whales.

Rorquals include the blue whale (the largest animal ever to live on Earth), the fin whale, the sei whale, the minke whale, and the humpback whale.

Gray whales are a single species, with subpopulations in the western and eastern Pacific; the eastern population is larger. Gray whales were once found in the Atlantic, but are now extinct there.

Hunted to near-extinction in the 1930s, they are now considered Recovered


Characteristics of toothed whales:

Sperm whale

Beaked whales include the Cuvier’s, Baird’s, and Stejneger’s beaked whales. These whales are rarely observed, since they mostly remain in deep water and appear to avoid ships, so little is known about them.

Dolphins include the orca (killer whale) and Pacific white-sided dolphin in Alaskan waters, and many other species worldwide.


Porpoises include the Dalls and harbour porpoises in Alaskan waters, many others worldwide.

Belukha, the white whale

Not currently endangered, but the Cook Inlet population seems to have declined. Population estimated at 70,000 worldwide.



Many marine animals use sound to locate prey, to avoid obstructions, and to communicate. Echolocation is specifically the use of sound to locate objects, usually food. Echolocation is particularly well-developed in the toothed whales, but may be used by some baleen whales also. The sound is generated by the blowhole (often focused by the “melon”) and received by the jaw, thereby channeled to the middle ear.


Whaling and its Regulation

European whaling was recorded as early as 800-1000 A.D. Inuit and other native peoples hunted whales long ago. However, the focus of this lecture is on European, American, and Asian whaling of the 19th and 20th centuries, since the this whaling industry endangered many whale species.

Before 1867, all whaling was done with hand-held harpoons. It was a fairly even contest between man and whale.

In 1868 the harpoon gun was invented. But, whales could be hunted only close to shore, because they could not be butchered at sea.

By 1925 “factory” ships made it possible to process whales killed far from shore.

During the 1930s, several species, including the right, bowhead, and gray, were hunted nearly to extinction.

In 1946 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established and the gray, bowhead, and right whales were protected. However, whaling of other species continued. The IWC had little power to enforce regulations.

In 1962-63, the peak years of whaling, >60,000 whales were killed.

In 1972 the Marine Mammal Protection Act ended whaling in U.S. waters or by U.S. vessels.

In 1982 the IWC passed a moratorium on whaling that took effect in 1985-86, with some exceptions for “scientific” whaling by Japan, Norway, Iceland, the USSR, and Korea. Although the IWC ban continues, Japan and Norway currently harvest minke whales. The IWC also permits subsistence whaling for traditional uses by native peoples.


Gray Whales




Human Impact:

The gray whale has successfully recovered from near-extinction. But, it remains vulnerable to harm by humans. Its reliance on two small, critical habitat areas (the amphipod beds and the coastal lagoons of Mexico and Central America) could lead to new problems for the species due to climate change, fishing, or coastal development.




Benthos: organisms that live on the ocean bottom or within the sediments.

The benthos includes plants (in shallow water where there is enough light for plant growth), bacteria, and animals.

 1. Intertidal Zonation

The distribution of plants and animals in the intertidal zone (as well as other areas of the sea bottom) is controlled by variations in the physical environment, by competition among organisms for scarce resources, and by predation on animals (or herbivory on plants).

Physical Environment includes the following:

Competition for scarce resources, including:

Predation on animals and herbivory on plants:

 2. Benthic Plants

Benthic plant types:

Seaweed types include green, brown, and red algae.

Green: Sea lettuce (Ulva)

Dead man’s fingers (Codium)

Brown: Kelp (the largest seaweed)

Brown rockweed (Fucus)

Red: Corallina (found on coral reefs)


Seaweed parts:

Seaweed importance:

Calcareous red algae help to build coral reefs and contribute to sediments and beach deposits.






3. Bacteria

As they are in the water column, bacteria are important decomposers of dead organic matter and recyclers of nutrients.

There are about 1 billion bacteria per each cubic centimeter of sediments.


4. Benthic Animals

Categories of benthic animals:

Major groups (phyla) of benthic animals:


Porifera (sponges)




Cnidaria (sea anemones and corals)

Mollusks (clams, mussels, oysters, snails, slugs, octopuses)



Annelids are segmented worms, similar to earthworms.

Arthropods include insects (rare in the ocean but common in lakes) and crustaceans (very numerous in the oceans).

Echinoderms include the sea stars (starfish), sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumber.

Chordates include the fishes (already discussed) and the tunicates (such as sea squirts).

Adult tunicates are filter feeders (ciliary mucous feeders), omnivores that trap and consume particles in the water.


5. Benthos Summary

 The kinds of plants and animals found in the intertidal zone or on/in the sea bottom are controlled by the physical environment, competition for scarce resources, and predation or herbivory.

The physical environment is highly variable in the intertidal, and often results in intertidal zonation, distinct plant and animal communities found in bands spanning narrow ranges of tidal height.

Competition for space is especially important in the intertidal, competition for food is crucial in most other areas of the sea floor. Predation is important in most areas, but is less in extreme environments like the high intertidal, and herbivory is important wherever plants can grow.

The kinds of plants and animals found in or on the bottom include:

Epifauna live on the bottom surface. They are often filter feeders or surface grazers. They are found on hard or soft bottoms.

Infauna live in the sediment of sandy and muddy bottoms. They are often deposit feeders, but also can be filter feeders. They are found in soft bottoms.

The major feeding strategies of benthos are:





Food Webs


1. Food webs and food chains are the feeding relationships among organisms in an ecosystem.

Food webs show more complex, but complete feeding relationships, for example see class notes or notes in the library.

The trophic level is the feeding level in a food web, e.g.,:

3rd level carnivore (top predator)

2nd level carnivore

1st level carnivore


primary producer (plant)

Trophic efficiency is the efficiency of energy transfer from one trophic level to the next.

E = (growth + reproduction)

food consumption

Productivity is the rate of production of biomass. Biomass is the weight of living organisms.

In the oceans (but not on land), the size of organisms tends to increase with increasing trophic level. The number of individuals and their total productivity decreases with increasing trophic level.

Organism Relative Size Relative Number Productivity
Small Fish 10 cm 0.0005 1
Zooplankton 0.01-1 cm 5 10
Phytoplankton 0.001-0.01 cm 100 100



2. Controls on Primary Productivity

Since primary productivity is the basis of the entire food web, primary productivity is one important factor determining the productivity of higher trophic levels.

The two major factors controlling primary productivity (plant productivity) are the availability of:

Light and Nutrients

Nutrients are the main factor controlling the geographic differences in the amount of primary production in ocean surface waters.

Light (or, rather, lack of light) limits primary production in waters beneath the photic zone (depths greater than 100-200 m) and in temperate and polar regions in winter.

The Nutrient Cycle

The nutrient cycle refers to the recycling of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and other substances that phytoplankton need in order to grow.

Geographic variations in nutrient availability:



3. Fish Production


Tons/year % of plant production
Open ocean 1,600,000 0.01
Coastal ocean 120,000,000 3
Upwelling areas 20,000,000 20

Fishery productivity is controlled by primary productivity and food web structure.

The problem for fishery managers is that they have only the foggiest idea what the MSY is.


4. Summary

Primary productivity is controlled by the availablilty of light and nutrients.

Primary productivity is lowest in the central ocean gyres (equivalent to deserts on land in yield per acre), medium in temperate and subpolar oceans (comparable to grasslands or savanna on land), high in many coastal areas (comparable to wheat fields), and very high in upwelling areas (comparable to the most productive croplands, e.g., sugar cane or rice).

Fishery productivity is affected by primary productivity, food web structure, and human exploitation of fisheries.

Human Impacts on the Ocean: The Ocean’s Future

topics covered

Which human activities are changing the oceans and affecting marine life?

1. Fossil fuel burning

Increases atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, which will probably double over the next century.

·         Sea level rise will flood low-lying coastal areas and increase coastal erosion and the damaging impact of hurricanes.

·         Some coastal ecosystems may not be able to adapt to the sea level rise, e.g., coral reefs, salt marshes, mangroves.

Fossil fuel burning also introduces sulfur compounds into the atmosphere.

International agreements have been made to decrease rate of increase in burning of fossil fuels.

·         Cost 1 million jobs in coal, oil, and chemical industries.

·         Increase gasoline prices $0.50/gallon.

·         Decrease the gross domestic product by 1.5% (relative to no-treaty 2010 level).


2. Eutrophication and harmful algal blooms

·         Eutrophication (excessive productivity of algae) is caused mainly by the use of artificial fertilizers.

·         Controls on fertilizer use and sewage discharge have been very effective in developed countries (although clearly much more can be done.)

Third-world and developing nations usually cannot afford the capital costs of controlling eutrophication (although these can be cost-effective in the long run).


3. Overfishing

·         Industry has fixed (and often increasing) costs due to capital investment in vessels. This results in pressure to maximize quotas.

·         Fishery managers have very limited ability to predict the productivity of a fishery in a given year.

·         Natural climatic (or other) variations can cause large (10-fold or more) fluctuations.

·         The maximum sustainable yield in one year, or decade, may not be the same as the MSY this year.

·         Managers can almost never make definite predictions about effects of fishing or overfishing. Vessel owners, on the other hand, can be absolutely sure they will be bankrupt if limits are too low.

Many fishes spend all or part of their life cycle in international waters, where restrictions (if any) are even more difficult to impose and enforce.


4. Toxic pollutants

o        In the US, this has resulted in the closure of fisheries (e.g., New Bedford Harbor, Boston Harbor).

o        In other countries, people are probably consuming toxic seafoods; deaths and permanent disability have resulted in the past. Worst well-documented example: Minimata, Japan methyl mercury poisoning.

o        Third-world and developing countries (and some industrial nations, e.g., Russia, former East Germany) often do not have adequate monitoring, environmental regulations, or enforcement.

o        Some organisms (mainly filter-feeding shellfish, carnivorous fishes, and marine mammals) can concentrate metals (usually organo-metallics such as methyl mercury) or organochlorines by 1,000,000 times or more relative to the water concentration.

o        This is a function of mode of feeding, trophic level, fat content, and life span.

o        “Global distillation” (transfer from warm to cold climates) has led to rather high concentrations of PCBs, DDT, and other organochlorines in the Arctic and subarctic.

o        Also, marine mammals are especially large bioconcentrators, due to their high trophic level, high fat (blubber) content, and long lives.

o        Subsistence diets including whales and seals (especially blubber and oil) may expose people to undesirable levels of some toxic pollutants, although detrimental effects on health have not been demonstrated.

Most developed nations have already instituted fairly effective controls on the most toxic pollutants. Again, many under-developed and developing nations cannot afford to.

Often, the problem of controlling human impacts on the ocean

boils down to short-term, certain cost vs. long-term, less certain benefit.

Too often, short-term costs prevent effective controls


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