I've finally decided to do some remodeling of this website. While many sites attempt to cover as many species as possible with short"quick stats" profiles etc., I decided to take a different path. Here are articles on a few species of fish that I have had personal experience with(as opposed to random fish species)-which I will add to as my experience grows. I will try to make my articles as long and as comprehensive as possible. Things have changed quite a bit now for me and my fish. I will be leaving the old pages for reference and writing new ones for the new species I've kept through all this time. Also, a few species which I have kept but which many, many other larger and better sites have written about have been removed, as has some basic information that can easily be found elsewhere.

Jordanella floridae

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Paradise fish(Macropodus opercularis).

The swordtail Xiphophorus helleri

The montezumae swordtail Xiphophorus montezumae

Kribensis-Pelvicachromis pulcher.

White Cloud mountain minnow(Tanicthys albonubes)

The pygmy Livebearer(Heterandria formosa) Write up on this excellent planted tank fish.

Aphyosemion splendopleure My experience with these fish and some general killifish info.

How to select, purchase, and acclimate fish. What to do with the new treasures.

Photo Gallery. Select fish pictures...badly needs updating

3 year mark of my 46 gallon bowfront-old memories :) .

Fish and foodNow adding information on live food.

Last updated 12/19/05

Don't pay attention to the date, as I often forget about it. 1