Asian Jokes
Chinese (Pake)
Japanese Korean

Da Church

Deahz dis church in Honolulu called Honolulu Chinese Alliance Church. Dis church fo da Pakes. Da pastor says, "Dis Sunday everyone must give one t'ing they would hate to give fo da Lord". All da Pakes did sometin'g day really hated to do. All the Pakes place in one penny in da box. All of dem cryed an' was so habuts dey wen break da peppah benches!

Contributed by Jake

Life aft'a Death

(Hapa: pidgin for da non-local)

There's deez t'ree haole, one Hawaiian and one buddahead (Japanese)(Ey no offense, I one too). Deez guys are are dead, yeah, and dey see da devil. Da devil says "Ey! You guy bett'a burn one t'ing that stay important to yo ethnicity or you go da kine!"

Da haole (white) guy (American) burns da American flag. Da devil says Oh you can go heaven-side, yeah.

Da buddahead, burns a microwave. He says, teknologie. Da devil says " Go da kine"

Da Hawaiian guy t'ink and t'ink and t'ink. An' den he t'row da buddahead eenside da fire.

Da Devil asks "Ey, brah! Howcum you did dat!" Da Hawaiian guys says "That important to me, toureest"

Contributed by Jake


Rodney: Wha'cho you get w'en you cross one blala weed one yobo?

Kim: I donno

Rodney: Bool Lee

Contributed by Jake


Rodney: Wha'cho get w'en you cross one Tita weed one yobo?

Kim: I donno

Rodney: Ug Lee

Contributed by Jake

Da Restaurant

Whatz da difference between a Portagee sitting on a chair weed only one leg and a Pake at a restaurant?

Da Portagee occasinally tips.

Contributed by Jake

Samoan & Korean

Nani: You know dat Miss Kim and Mr. Atuaia make purfect couple

Kimo: Howcum?

Nani: Dey no can get sunburn on top da face.

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