





The Gateway

Issue 7

Created and Written by Joss Whedon

Pencilled by Karl Moline


Icarus "You really think you can put me down girl? What have you got besides a shiny new axe?"

Melaka Fray "Faith."




  • Harth kneels in front of a mound of bodies and drinks blood from a chalice. The ritual to open the gateway is about to begin.

    Mel is confident as she stands in front of Icarus. She tells Urkonn to stand down and announces that she has faith in her victory. She drops her scythe and then a floating transport drops on top of Icarus. Erin clambers out of it. Erin states that she took one look at Icarus and her intentions changed: she’s here to help. Mel asks her sister to find reinforcements for the coming battle and Erin says that she’ll try. Regardless, Mel is going to fight.

    As his ritual continues, Harth chants in an ancient language and hordes of Lurks converge on Versi. In his lair, Harth whispers one word that begins the carnage: “Awaken.”

    Deep inside Versi, the people are finally beginning to see the truth and are ready to fight. Loo’s mother apologises for hitting Mel and Mel is visibly shaken by Loo’s death. Urkonn is concerned that the battle will become a massacre, but Mel isn’t worried. She’s going to fight her “last stand,” and then Erin turns up with reinforcements. As Erin and Mel have a tender moment, someone shouts out… the Lurks are coming.

    As they come forward, the people rally to fight. Kettie Rawls sacrifices his life for the cause and Loo’s parents are determined to continue their portion of the fight. Mel is under intense pressure as the vampires continue their assault, but then she looks up and sees a massive demon overhead.

    Erin is stunned when she sees Harth riding atop the creature. Urkonn realises that the demon is the gateway itself. Erin is enraged and races towards her brother with Mel at her side. Unfortunately the sky sled that they’re on is out of control and as they approach the demon, Mel falls off the sled and into the demon’s open jaws…


  • Icarus is killed in this issue after being squashed by a falling transport. Urkonn explains that it tends to sever one's head.


Big City Girl | The Calling | Ready, Steady... | Out of the Past

The Worst of It | Alarums | The Gateway | All Hell

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