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Life of Brian Scripts

Monty Python's
Life of Brian Scripts

Scene 1 - The Relationship of Men and Sheep
Scene 2 - Three Wise Men with Bad Senses of Direction
Scene 3 - Jesus' Lack of Crowd Control on the Mount
Scene 4 - Stonings: How to Find that Perfect Rock
Scene 5 - Premature Ejection
Scene 6 - Bloody Do-Gooders
Scene 7 - Brian Discovers his Roman Heritage
Scene 8 - The Grumpy People's Front of Judea
Scene 9 - Brian Learns to Conjugate
Scene 10 - Before the Romans Things Were Smelly
Scene 11 - The Plot to Kidnap Pilate's Wife
Scene 12 - Brian Earns Jailor's Pet Title
Scene 13 - What's So Funny About Biggus Dickus?
Scene 14 - Lucky Aliens
Scene 15 - Bloody Boring Prophets
Scene 16 - Crucifixion: Could Be Worse...
Scene 17 - The Futility of the Lily in Parable
Scene 18 - The Holy Gourd of Jerusalem
Scene 19 - Brian Denies Messianic Attributes
Scene 20 - Individualism Can't Beat a Good Crowd Riot
Scene 21 - A Fully Trained Suicide Squadron
Scene 22 - Pilate Sentences Brian to Crucifixion
Scene 23 - The People's Front Engage in Frantic Discourse
Scene 24 - The Line to the Crucifixion
Scene 25 - Pilate's Speech Impediment Becomes a Problem
Scene 26 - Romans and Their Complete Lack of Humor
Scene 27 - Biggus Dickus, the High Wanking Officer
Scene 28 - Crucifixion Party
Scene 29 - Forward! To the Crucifixion
Scene 30 - Get Your Red Hot Calvary Souvenirs!
Scene 31 - Brian Gets a Reprieve
Scene 32 - The Centurion Can't Find Brian
Scene 33 - He's Mad Sir!
Scene 34 - The People's Front Pass a Motion
Scene 35 - There's a Bright Side?

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