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Another Bleedin' Monty Python Page

The Story:
Once upon a time, long long ago, there were a group of struggling young comedians who got together, came up with some smashing good material, a silly name, several funny walks, threw in a bit of violence and gratuitous sex and made loads of money. This is not their story. Well, it is their story, but saying it wasn't just gave me a bit of a haha. Right well, anyway. I was going to include several of my award winning interviews with John Cleese on this page, but unfortunately, I haven't got any. Think this is silly? Well, me lad, you 'aven't seen anything yet!

Latest News:
We at Another Bleedin' Monty Python Page have gone to great lengths to pilfer only the best and highest quality Monty Python scripts and sounds to bring to you, our discriminating customer. We demand only the best from our morons in customer service because we realize how highly you value your chuckle of the day via the hilarious and multi-faceted scripts of that uproarious comedy troupe, Monty Python. If for some reason you are dissatisfied with the efforts to which we have gone in order that you might enjoy this humor, please, don't hesitate to piss off.

Sounds and Scripts:
Our sound collection is small but impervious to wear and tear. View our Monty Python Sounds or Holy Grail Sounds collections. Monty Python  TV Series Scripts can be accessed. Just choose the series you wish to view. Holy Grail Scripts are complete as well as the entire Meaning of Life and Life of Brian movies. If you are in the mood to surf other Python sites whose fearless leaders have braved vegetarian cannibals as well as fierce tribes of nomadic accountants you can do so by visiting the Silly Links section of our web site. Please remember to turn off the lights when you are finished.

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