





Luke ANH Sabre: Emitter

Introduction - Parts - Shaft - Emitter - Details - Assembly

business end of my attempt at a hardware graflex sabre

Trace the pattern from the plan onto the chrome sheet stock (toaster case) with permanent marker. Roughly cut out the shape using the Dremel. I then used a combination of the Dremel and a flat hand file to finish the shape. If you gently put a soft curve in the middle of the emitter you can more easily check the symmetry and finish of the piece. It takes some time to get right.

Add cuts to the 4 ‘wings’ of the piece so that they can be folded down without changing the shape of the piece.

Mark and bend in the vice the two ends at 90o to the middle.

With pliers fold the ‘wings’ 90o to the end pieces.

Bend the middle around something of the appropriate diameter (I used a hammer head) until you achieve the desired, finished shape.

Cut out the 2 ‘bulb holders’ to line the emitter from the z-bar stock with tin snips. Finish with a file. Bend to fit inside the emitter and then bond into place with the epoxy resin glue.

Introduction - Parts - Shaft - Emitter - Details - Assembly


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