





Luke ANH Sabre: Details

Introduction - Parts - Shaft - Emitter - Details - Assembly


"Rabbit ears" of my hardware Graflex sabre

See Project Graflex’s "Button Basics". I used a simplified version of these to create my button as I did not create functioning buttons.

I created the button body from the outer housing from the outer housing of a solderless plug as described the only difference being that I gave the back of the button a concave finish so that it would more easily mount on the tube.

Instead of the working button inner I simply cut an appropriately sized piece from a red plastic marker pen top. This will be glued inside the button case on assembly.


Taking the other solderless plug I made a second button housing but this one is a lot shallower than the button.

I mounted the clear craft bead in the eye at assembly time.

Recharge Sockets

I took one of the black plastic furniture tips and cut 1/3" length pieces from each end.

To the cut end I added a convex finish so that it would mount easily on the inside of the tube at assembly time.

I then drilled 2 small doles in the end of the tip which I then mounted and glued a brass tack into to simulate the electrical contacts.

Introduction - Parts - Shaft - Emitter - Details - Assembly

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