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Visitors since May 2000.

Last updated on 27th May 2000. -Files Movie Theme Song available for downloading added on 22nd of May 1998. X-Files Movie Trailer Song added on 12th March 1999.

Visit the Official Fight The Future-Files Homepage

The new -Files logo for the movie.

Movie scenes again.

There are altogether 8 versions of the X-Files Theme Song shown on T.V. For a start, in the 1st season of X-Files, the starting theme which is usually about 40 seconds seemed much slower than the 4th and 5th season starting theme song because of the different background beat. If you've noticed, the end song is about 27 seconds because of a part cleverly cut off. This phenomenon can be seen in all the X-Files seasons as the end song is the starting song cut short, this gives us 4 versions. The 5th version is the super-short version before any commercials in the respective seasons, all of them the respective versions of the starting theme songs this gives us 6 versions played in the show itself. The third season however is a mixture of the first season and the fourth season theme song thus giving us a total of 8. X-Files songs have many versions and out of my collection, I only had about 35 versions including from the Warner Bros Original X-Files CD. For a start, there are uncountable number of remixes.

Scene from the movie. Aren't their new shirts nice?

The X-Files's scientific explanations mostly offered by Dana Scully played by Gillian Anderson are mostly backed up by famous scientists and simple logic. The Weird Theories put out by Fox Mulder played by David Duchovny are often famous theories and has some truth but on occasions they are real like UFOlogy.

Chris Carter is down there. Not the Aliens.

The X-Files's stories are sometimes so well added by the scientific explanations that some say it might actually all be real and the story may be changed slightly. For example, pyrokinetic abilities have been reported over centuries only that X-Files is much changed and probably changed. Pushers (people with the ability to force their will on others) have also been reported no doubt. However, they normally are reported in developing countries where their brain's magnetic field are not affected by our artificial magnetic fields e.g.. T.V., radios...etc


The X-Files Movie-Fight the Future's theme song.

Full score not displayed as it would mean infringement in copyright.


The X-Files Movie-Fight the Future's Trailer song.

In Stereo


The X-Files Movie-Fight the Future's Trailer song 2nd part.

In Stereo

The amoeba in Spirit lake that is said to suck one brain's out is surprisingly real. In fact, there are some microbiologists that culture fastidious Amoebas belonging to the major group Protozoa with brain emulsion! Area51, being a top secret research center is rumored to be where Aliens are taken to and dissected. Secret military modified UFOs are also said to be tested there. However, in the fifth season of X-Files, Mulder said that there's no Aliens but just a conspiracy by the government to do research and secret experiments. Then again, in the same episode, we see aliens in the faceless men and the 'Black Oil'. This episode is also linked to the third season's 'Cockroach' episode which actually explains that the aliens have sent small space probes in the form of the cockroach to monitor us like we sent a space probe to Mars. Then again, speaking of Mars, we've lost contact with the probe. Is it because the Martians have destroyed it? No one knows. I don't want to know and hope that I'll never know at the same time.

Flesh eating bacteria are known to have existed for centuries and the most common type belong to Streptococcus sp. And they literally eat the flesh from inside out. Fortunately, they are not as potent as those in X-Files and usually antibiotics should be able to remove the infection.

Other episodes on psychic powers e.g. Pyrokinesis (ability to create fire have been reported on people living in China and some Third World countries. Telekinesis or moving of objects are more common though and even City people are reported to possess this skill. Though at a mild level.

Visit the Official -Files Homepage

The Truth of X-Files's motto (some provided)

The Truth is Out There!

Government Denies Knowledge

Trust No One

The Truth and the Light! On the CD)

The Truth will set you free Sounds like the Bible)

All Lies lead to the Truth(5th season)

Resist or Serve

Apology is policy

Terror is Timeless

A scene from the movie. Cool huh?


The X-Files Fourth/Fifth Season Theme Song in au format.

A Preview of upcoming X-Files action figures. I think I will get the Scully one. Let's hope there's the Barbie kind.

I think I'll wait for the Barbie Scully.


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