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Visitors since May 2000.

In the year 1996, there was many ship wrecks, the one near Malacca, the big cruise that sank in Asia...etc Then in the year 1997, many aero planes crashed or almost anyway. We have the near crashed Japanese Flight, Singapore Silkair's first crash......etc In addition to all these disasters, we had the Mad Cow disease, Ebola, Taiwan's Pigs, Hong Kong's Chickens, dogs, cats and rats. To top it all up, Asia was affected by the Economy Crisis, The Haze from the Indonesia's forests, the extra long El Nino and the deaths of great and well-loved people like Mother Teresa. What is the world coming to? For people with Bible knowledge, do you think that the Angel of Epidemic is upon us and that the World may end soon with the Starting of World War 3?What will be next? More Natural Disasters? More Diseases? More Technology disasters?

Now here's a piece of secret of the terrible year 1997. Now for all those that lived in Singapore and watched Show buzz on New Year's Eve, I've got to tell you something. If you have added up the ages of the dead people mentioned e.g.. Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Versace, the Taiwanese Singer....and a lot of famous people's death including Deng Xiaoping, you will get the sum of 569. Now if you take the Devil's number, 666 and minus it by 569, you will happen to get 97, which I presume is 1997, probably the official year when the Apocalypse will start. This is just my deduction and may happen to be purely coincidental so don't trust me completely. I do not wish this homepage to be classified as Cult-like.

Here are some year 2000 news. During the Cold War, USA and Russia were so cold on terms with each other and so afraid that War might break out anytime that they have nuclear missile installations at many top secret bases. Most of these Missile Silos are controlled by computers that are prone to the Millennium bug. Anything wrong with the missile control computers would mean arming the missiles and sending them to possibly any location in the world. With the coming of the millennium bug, the computers might go haywire and cause nuclear missile to fly all over the place and killing people. It was rather impossible to get all the computer fixed by normal technicians are any debugging companies as the silos are top secret and not any Tom, Dick and Harry can get in an meddle with them. When Year 2000, approaches, it would be a real big question if we could all get into Year 2001.

Some news on Aliens. Aliens had long landed on this world and they are still coming. But what I'm talking about it not green or gray beings from planet X. I'm talking about Microorganisms. For centuries, anything that fell from space onto Earth are found to contain Microorganisms. Some of the rocks that hit Earth are hollow in the center and there were bacteria spores found inside. Some even were as big as a tadpole. There were also some speculation that the Ebola Virus, AIDS...etc were of extraterrestrial origin. A theory made in the 1950s said that aliens were more likely to be microscopic size and the some said that they might even form the words "TAKE US TO YOUR LEADER" right under a light compound microscope. Certainly, the theories were half correct. With each new falling star, there might be a new species of aliens landing on this planet. In fact, some scientists believe that all life were due to millions and millions of years of evolution from microorganisms from outer space. Some scientist believe in spontaneous generation when life first started out on Earth as Oxygen proved to be a very toxic gas in the beginning of Earth. For one, the Bible and many other religions say that Mankind were made from soil-which may well mean microorganisms in the soil. It's up to your interpretation and belief.

Do you know that the Loch Ness Monster was said to be actually a long robot covered in rubber tubes and controlled by someone living near Loch Ness? It was said that his intentions was to be able to sell his photographs for a sum of money.

Do you know that if Vampires like Dracula exist, The entire world population of 3 billion would become Vampires in last than a year if every night a vampire bites a victim and the victim too turns into a vampire?

Do you know that in some paranormal books, It was said that the MIB really existed? Only that they probably do not have the Neurolyzer and probably not as friendly as Will Smith in the movie. But one thing's for sure, they used money to keep the person's mouth shut and most of the time, it worked.

Do you know that scientists have proven the existence of souls through the Kirlian photographs taken? So probably afterlife exists!

Do you know that the Kirlian photograph showed that aura of a man's hand sometime after the man's hand have been amputated but the photo showed a weak aura? Some for a broken leaf.

Do you know that there us more than one Triangle of Doom? There is the Bermuda Triangle, The Devil's Triangle and the Limbo of the Lost? Worse still, they have moved a little over the years.

Do you know that I know some of you know what I know and have put it up here?

Do you know that the Christian Art of Covenant exists?


NEW!!! My first published novel available in online bookstores - "The Interplanetary Visit - Mission: Milky Way" published on May 2005. To get it, go to below and search "Samuel Kegan" - This novel contains excerpts from the conspiracy and ghosts page from here and MORE!!!

"The Interplanetary Visit II" is now in progress and should be out in 2007!


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