
All of my dolls are sorted by theme. Please do not steal my dolls, adopt my un-adoptable dolls or frankendoll my dolls. If you do adopt, provide a link back.
Normalish... (12)
Fantasyesque... (18)
En Goth/Punk... (54)
Shop Orders... (Currently Editing)
Otherness... (7)
Collaborations. (6)
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Shop Purchases. (7 - Page is completely screwed, will be redone soon)
Giftageness.. (32 - Page needs to be fixed)
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Converse Knee High Shoe Tutorial (Can be saved and used for reference, do not frankendoll)
Full Doll Tutorial (Old)


These are my own palettes, that I have made taking colours from my own dolls. Do not re-distribute these! Well...if you are gonna hand them out again, at least change the little text and stuff XDXD. You can use these and you don't have to link me back, I don't really care XDXD. If you make anything with these, feel free to email me and show off your creation!
For shiny clothes, eg - PVC, Shiny Leather, Synthetic materials. Or for fluro things etc. Not many colour variations, but these are for hair =D These eye palettes suck, but they do make some pretty eyes =D
For random clothing, there's a special jeans one! It looks best dithered, but I've never bothered to it on a whole doll haha.

For my own embarressment

This is my first doll. For anyone who thinks they suck, or are just starting out. This doll is was my absolute first doll. On a base by Stardust System. Aweful isn't it. So remember, you don't totally suck, just give it time and you'll totally get better =D
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