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Tanya Jawab




Dr EdwinDjuanda




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From the NEWSLINE American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery vol.14 number 4 JULY/AUGUST 2000. E-mail:  [email protected]


When negative press arises, the Academy immediately responds on behalf of the membership. Recently, Ladies Home Journal ran a highly biased and uneducated article on cosmetic surgery. Following was the Academy's response. All members are encouraged to use similar letters when negative press arises in your community.

Dear Editor,

Your article on cosmetic surgery in the June issue was a great disservice to your readers and a case of irresponsive journalism. This piece mislead your audience into believing that only board-certified plastic surgeons are qualified to perform cosmetic surgery. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that cosmetic surgery performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon is safer than when performed by a physician certified in different specialty who specializes in cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic surgery is - and always have been - a multi-specialty discipline. Cosmetic surgeons generaly are board certified in dermatology, otolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial surgery plastic surgery or general surgey. These surgeons then keep current in cosmetic surgery developments through post-graduate education specifically in cosmetic surgery. Currently , there are no residency programs specifically for cosmetic surgery.

A point that also need clarification: Fellow or full members of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) are all board-certified, mainly in head and neck surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery , dermatology or plastic surgery .As with other medical societies, including American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there is a category of membership for those members who have not yet attained the credentials for full member. Only Fellow members are located on the website or information line for the public.

In addition:

* A study published in Clinic of Plastic Surgery (reference enclosed) concludes that " the overwhelming number of significant claims in aesthetic surgery arise mainly from board cetified plastic surgeons".

* Enclosed is a study published in Dermatologic Surgery that sheds light on the safety of liposuction.Please note that the study found that although plastic surgeons perform 150.000 liposuction procedures annualy to dermatologist performing 100.000 annualy, the malpractice claims of plastic surgeons 113 times as large.

* Enclosed are two additional studies. One speaks to the safety of liposuction when performed by American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPRS) member ( a board-certified plastic surgeon). The other is an AACS study administered by Arthur Andersen that shows the safety of the procedure when performed by a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS). Note the fatality rate in the ASPRS study is 1:5000 as compared to the AACS study fatality statistic of 1:40,000. The ASPRS liposuction fatality rate is eight times higher than that of AACS.

* Please also note the history of plastic surgery on the ASPS web site that quite succintly outlines that cosmetic surely has its basis in otolaryngology and oral and maxillofacial surgery.

AACS would be happy to be for future articles on cosmetic surgery so your readers are given factual information to this topic.


Douglas D.Dedo, MD

AACS President-Elect


click here: DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) fatality post Liposuction

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