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Master of Mosquiton   ***

Funny!  This is the only word appropriate for this movie.  It's a serial about a young girl who wants to stay young forever.  She has enlisted the aide of a Dampier (that's half mortal half vampire) to help her find the O-part.  This mystical object was sent to Earth by very powerful beings, and it said that it can grant everlasting life.  Of course the girl is highly obnoxious and almost dies ever episode, but it's all in good fun.  Did I mention the Mosquiton has two servants?  No?  Well he does, and they are both elementals, that change form when they go into battle.  But it's the kind of transformation that makes your eye's pop out as her chest does.  This series is on the market through ADV films there are three tapes in the whole thing and Mosquiton dies in everyone.
Kite     **1/2

Violent and Sexual content contained within.  Little Kite watches as her parents are gunned down in cold blood.  She swears to get revenge for their deaths.  Now that she's older and can be a professional killer, she is.  The man who employes her is actually the guy that killed them, and her current lover.  She meets another killer her age and they become good friends, although never quite lovers.  They decided the time has come for their revenge and to get out of the business.  They take care of the really bad guys, and start out on what appears to be a clean new path in life.  BANG!  There's a bullet shot, kitty food everywhere, and then it ends.  And you aren't sure of what happened to them.  The line work was good, but the story was a little lacking.  You know before she told you that the guy they were working for was the bad guy.  Plus nobody ever makes it out alive.  So it was predictable in that aspect.  But the gun she uses is just so kick @ss cool it makes up for that stuff.  Do not watch this video with small children in the room. (If you choose to watch this get the uncut Japanese version, it makes a WHOLE lot more sense then.)
Those Who Hunt Elves     * 1/2

    Well I have to say I was a little disappointed with this one.  It looked so funny and good.  I was wrong.  While the tank that they have gets a kitty spirit trapped in it is cute, especially when it tries to chase mice, that's about the only good thing I can say about.  The story is almost non-existant.  These three people from Earth get sucked into the land of the elves because the high priestess elf does a spell wrong.  So they have to go off and find the parts of the spell that have, for some reason, tattooed themselves onto the bodies of beautiful elf women all over the world.  So they take their tank and head off to de-robe every elf they can find.  Hillarity ensues, or its supposed to anyway.  Ididn't think it was quite as funny as it could have been.  They spend most of the on-screen time trying to act noble and failing repeateadly.  I was so horribly unimpressed by this trite little piece that I have not been able to look at the boxes sitting on my shelf without thinking about all the really good anime I could have bought instead of the six boxes this set requires.  Worst of all, the plot is set-up and tells a story about how the pieces of the spell have to be found soon or else the two worlds will merge together possibly killing everyone.  Just as the spell is being cast to send them home it goes wrong again, and shatters and the whole thing starts all over.  I hate that.  The artwork is allright, nothing overly fancy or great just basic anime style.  So I really have very little good to say about this show except that the tank when it becomes a kitty is really very cute.  That's all.  Move along citizen no naked elves here.
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