Credits and Thanks
I give credit where it's due.
Mom - This page took me a long time to build, and I often thought of her and her love for small cute jokes.  I hope she never reads the crude humor found in these pages.
Dad - It was his love of History and Odd facts that led me to make such an odd and wide ranging groups of pages.
Mackenzie -  Who pouted that she wasn't on this page, and made me feel guilty about it.  (just kidding Kenze)  She also went with me to the comic book shop and put up with my long conversations with the owner about new titles.
Wally - Whom I bothered the entire time I was first setting this place up, and who talked me into getting this place in the first place.
Kathy- Who helped get the Lindsey-dillo picture up and running.  Without which no one would know what a "dillo" looks like.
Brian - Who drew the  the Lindsey-dillo.  Without which I wouldn't know what a "dillo" looks like.
Gregg - Who supplied me with the "Banana Wars" article.
These people help me make it through the day.  I often forget to tell them how grateful I am for their love and support, so I'm doing it here.
Mom - I would probably starve , spiritually and physically, if it wasn't for her.   I love You.
Dad - It has taken me a long time to come to grips with our relationship.  I am a better person for knowing him.  And though it took a long time to say this...I Love You.
Mackenzie -  Well, now that my sister and I live half a country apart we seem to get along pretty well.  I count on her support and understanding during times of trouble and periods of loneliness.  We've always come together when it counted.
Wally -  For letting me vent my frustrations at the world.  Thank You.
The Cubicle People - You know who you are.  You help me laugh at the world, and keep my perspective on life slightly off center.  No words to tell you how much that means to me.
The KSO -  A couple of the best shoulders to lean on, and some of the best hands to pass you a stiff drink when you need one.  You have truly brightened my life with your presence.
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