Useful Commands

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This page contains information about useful commands that might help with every day play.


"Tactics - the options of combat"

Tactics affect two areas of combat.  Firstly your attitude, this dictates whether you will take an offensive, defensive or neutral stance during combat. Secondly it also determines your defensive nature, whether you will attempt to Parry, dodge or both, attacks towards you.

The tactics command on it's own shows you what tactics you are currently using.

> tactics

Your combat options are:

Attitude - offensive.

Response - parry.

Mercy - ask.


You will use both hands to parry.

You will attempt to parry unarmed.

How you set these are very important. Let us look at both in turn.


In order to use most special offensive fighting commands such as crush and behead, you must have an offensive attitude. This means you focus a little more on attacking than on defending

To chance your attitude you must use the following command substituting either offensive, defensive or neutral depending upon your choice.

> tactics attitude offensive

Your attitude is now offensive.


This dictates

To change your response you must use the following command substituting either dodge, parry or neutral depending upon your preference.

> tactics response dodge

Your response is now dodge.

Unarmed Parrying

Unarmed parrying is 

Finally to set unarmed parrying, you must use the command

> tactics parry unarmed


"Wimpy - set wimpy mode on or off"

Wimpy is a useful setting which allows you to flee in a random direction once a certain percentage of your HP has been reached or passed.  This can be useful in getting out of trouble in a fight, but also it must be born in mind that this can get you into more trouble almost as equally get you out of trouble.

> wimpy

Will show you what your current wimpy setting is.

> wimpy 20

Will set your wimpy to value given, meaning you will leave the room in a random direction when you reach or pass this percentage of your HP.

NOTE: It must be noted that using Berserk turns your wimpy to 0% as a side effect of the berserker state. Your wimpy is not returned to the previous level when you leave the berserk state, so if you rely on wimpy you must remember to reset if after using berserk.


"coverage - check what parts of your body are covered by armour or clothing or what parts would be covered by certain items"

This useful command shows you what and how many items of armor you have protecting your body. You can see what parts of the body are not protected by any armor and finally, it will also tell you what parts of the body an Item will protect.

> coverage

Your chest is protected by seven things, the black backpack, the lion's mane cloak, the fluffy
cloak, the coat of jazerant armour, the coat of brigandine armour, the chocolate breastplate and the small shoulder pouch.

> coverage unprotected

Your hands are unprotected.

> coverage lion paws

Your hands could be protected by the pair of lion paws.



"Condition - Give the condition of all objects matching a description"

The condition command shows you the state of repair of the item. Whilst in use, almost any item may take damage, especially in combat. The condition command can be used to keep an eye on your equipment, so you can see when it needs repairing.

> condition stiletto

The stiletto is in good condition.

> condition all

The stiletto (1) is in good condition.
The stiletto (2) is in very good condition.
The club badge (3) is in excellent condition.
The small shoulder pouch (4) is in excellent condition.

NOTE: Most items efficiency is impaired when they are damage, in the case of weapons, the amount of damage done, is reduced so it is important that you keep your equipment in top condition. Click for more information on the Fix and Leatherwork commands.



"Bright - gauge the illumination and light intensity of things"

The bright command exists to give you an indication as the amount of ambient light that exists in your current environment, and also how much light you yourself are giving off.

> bright

The Office of the Warriors' Guildmistress is brightly lit.

> Bright me

The Office of the Warriors' Guildmistress is brightly lit.
You produce quite a bit of light.

This may also be used on players or items.


"Locate - Find all objects matching a description."

Locate allows you to find out where an item is on your person. It will indicate if it is a worn item, or whether it is in a container

> locate pouch

The small shoulder pouch (worn) is in your inventory.

> locate dagger

The thief's dagger is in the thief's dagger scabbard.

NOTE: This can get confusing if you have multiples of the same item.


"Count - count how many objects are present"

The count command is a handy command to find out how many of something is either in your inventory or in a container.

> count vials in backpack

You count four small turquoise vials with a total of four items.



"Shields - Check the status of your arcane shields."

Shields will tell you if you have any form of magical protection.  This may come in the form of Wizard spells such as Transcendent Pneumatic Alleviator, (TPA), or from any holy protection afforded to you by a priest.

> shields

Arcane protection status:
    You are surrounded by a magical impact shield.
    You are protected by the power of Pishe.

Here you can see this warrior has a TPA and a minor shield, cast on him by a Pishe priest.



Watch is a useful command if you are trying to locate something that is hidden. It makes you temporarily more aware of your surrounding environment.

This command costs 50GP to use, and is based upon your skill in other.perception. This skill determines what you are able to see normally.  Using watch, your other.perception skill is taken into account to calculate how much of a benefit watching gives you, and for how long.  Watch gives a temporary boost to other.perception.

> watch

You force yourself to be more alert and to watch your surroundings more intently.


For problems or questions regarding the information on this site, contact [email protected] or mudmail Silvara.
Last updated: January 18, 2002.
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