Stats and The Warriors Primaries

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This page examines Statistics and their affect on Player Characters. It also analyses how  Warriors primaries are affected by Statistics.


There are five statistics, (stats), used in Discworld. These are Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity and Constitution. You are allocated 65 stat points which may be distributed between these 5 stats, which go to define the makeup of your character. (See Rearranging for more information).

Stats are very important, how they are arranged strongly affects how hard your character need train, (advance skills), in order to be competent at a particular ability or skill, smithing for example.

The higher the relevant stat, the greater affect it has on certain skills. This is not to say that a low value in the a particular stat will prevent you from getting a high bonus in a skill. A low stat means you will have to advance that skill to a much higher level to achieve a similar bonus to someone with a higher stat.

The following is an analysis of how the five stats affect warriors.


Strength without doubt has the largest impact on a warriors primaries.

There is a common suggestion that Strength 23 is imperative to make a decent Warrior. This is largely based upon the fact that Strength gives the biggest benefit to the bonuses of your primaries, (See Stats and Their Affects).

This advice may seem reasonable at first, as it will lead to large bonuses with relatively little effort. As you progress, however, you may find that this, what is know as, extreme rearrange begins to limit you in other areas where other stats are lower.

What is clear, is that when rearranging, you should consider allocating a significant proportion of your stat points to Strength.

Strength also affects the amount of equipment you are able to carry before being burdened.  Being burdened carries a negative modifier to many skills, especially the skills that rely on dexterity. The more burdened you become the worse this modified is to the point where you begin to fumble, (drop), items.

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Dexterity is perhaps the second most important skill in terms of the effect it has on the bonuses of Warrior primaries.

Dexterity has a 40% affect on many skills in the fighting skill tree. It also is the principal stat in a handful of primaries, most notably the dodging tree.

Because Dexterity is the primary stat affecting the skills, It is worth remembering that while it is perfectly acceptable to use dodge rather than parry, most warriors opt to have higher Strength than Dexterity. Based on that principal, parry will be easier to get a higher bonus in.

It also has the secondary use of the most influential stat in the covert skill tree. If you plan to play as Warrior-Thief, this is a very useful stat to have. 

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Constitution is a rather odd stat. It generally affects few skills, with the important exception of Hit points, (HP), are extremely important, your HP is essentially a measure of the physical damage your are able to endure before death. 

The stats that affect and consequently your HP are Constitution, (80%), and Strength, (20%).

Many players opt to choose Constitution over Dexterity. While this may seem beneficial initially, due to the high HP, this once again may become limiting further down the line.

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Intelligence, as can be seen from the table, does not currently play a major part in the fighting skill tree. It does however affect fighting.combat.special.tactics. Your Tactics bonus principally affects two things, Berserk, and Guard.

For a warrior, it is uncommon to invest any points in Intelligence, many warriors stick with the minimum of 8 and work hard to advance fighting.combat.special.tactics to a level where they are able to berserk.

It maybe worth considering investing points in Intelligence, if you plan on using magic at all.  It must be remembered though, that learning magic will cost significant quantities of Experience Points, (XP), to advance to a reasonable level to cast spells proficiently. Also it is likely that high level spells will be out of reach of most Warriors, without a significant investment of points in Intelligence, such that your Strength may suffer as a result. Finally  magic spells may only be cast from scrolls, buying scrolls can be expensive and you may find carry to many scrolls can have disastrous and possibly messy affects.

Intelligence also affects many Covert skills to some degree. If you plan to use covert to a large extent, then it is maybe worth considering allocating some points to this skill. If however, you plan to be an occasional user, then the amount of benefit to be gleaned from a small amount of additional stat points is probably not worth the deficit in other areas.

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Wisdom, much like Intelligence, does not play much of a role in the Fighting skill tree.  Like Intelligence it also affects fighting.combat.special.tactics but to a slightly lesser degree.

Wisdom may be considered if you plan to perform rituals.  Once again, it must be remembered that rituals for non-priests may only be performed from Imbues, (Items imbued with the holy power of the God in question).

There is a small exception of Cure Light Wounds and Calm. A Warrior may, "earn", the right to perform these rituals. Further information on how this may be achieved is not available on this site.

Once again, for the benefit one or two stat points give you it does not seem worth the effort to invest any points in this skill.  Many warriors do not bother allocating points to the this stat beyond the minimum of 8.

Stats and They Affect Primaries

The following table shows how stats affect the bonuses of Warriors primary skills. Included in this list is fighting.combat.special.tactics. While this is not a primary skill, it has a direct impact upon Berserk and Guard. For information on how stats affect all skill trees, click here.

Skill STR INT WIS DEX CON 60%     40%  
fighting.combat.melee.pierce 60%     40%  
fighting.combat.melee.blunt 60%     40%  
fighting.combat.melee.unarmed 60%     40%  
fighting.combat.range.throw 40%     60%  
fighting.combat.range.fired 40% 20%   40%  
fighting.combat.parry.melee 60%     40%  
fighting.combat.parry.range 60%     40%   20%   80%   20%   80%  
fighting.combat.special.weapon 40% 20%   40%  
fighting.combat.special.unarmed 40% 20%   40%  
fighting.combat.special.tactics   60% 40%    
fighting.points 60% 20% 20%    
other.evaluating.weapons   80% 20%    
other.evaluating.armour   80% 20%    

Credit to both Thoin and Quatrocentro for this information, both of their sites, containing the source data for this material may be found on the links page.

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Last updated: February 04, 2002.
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