About the Warriors Guild

About the Warriors Guild

Stats and Primaries


Warriors Guild Titles

Common Commands

Useful Commands

Useful Information

Useful Items

Grouping With Others

Full Stats Analysis



My Skills




The Warriors Guild specializes in fighting, or to put it another way, to hit, strike, slash, hack, impale, and crush things with a variety of heavy objects.

This page looks at

Primary Skills
Warriors Guild Only Commands
Guild Houses / Training Areas
Guild Administration


Primary skills

Warriors get the following as primary skills.
















What do all this mean?

Well simply, you have at your disposal all the skills used in melee combat as your primary skills.

What are Primary skills?

Your Primary Skills are Skills that the Warriors Guild may teach you.  As you adventure into the wilds you will make what are called Experience Points, (XP) these can be seen by running the score command.

You may exchange your XP for levels in certain skills. The skills taught by the Warriors Guild are your Primary Skills.

What is the difference Between Primary and Non-Primary Skills?

Non-Primary skills are skills that may be taught to a very low level by the Guild, but once that low level is reached, must be learnt from sources other than the guild

Okay I understand Levels in Skills, but what's this Bonus Business?

You bonus is what is used to determine your success in any task related to the skill in question. Your Stats, the physical make up of your character, determines how much of a bonus you get in these skills.

To see how stats affect your primaries click here.

So what is my Guild Level?

Your Guild level reflects an average of the levels of Your Primary Skills. 

Guild levels also have titles associated with them, click here to see a list of these titles.

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Warriors Guild Only Commands

The following commands are available exclusively to Members of the Warriors Guild.

For information on other commonly used commands click here.

Behead *NEW*

"behead - attempt to remove someone's head from their body."

A recent addition to the warriors repertoire of commands, is the behead command. Behead is a sharp based attack, which is directed at the neck of your opponent in an attempt to decapitate them.

The command requires 150 levels in fighting.combat.special.weapon in order to learn the command, however a great deal more than that is required to use it competently.

This command is not, as some people have speculated, an instant kill command. It does differ from the other high level attack commands such as crush and impale, in that if your behead deals the death blow to your opponent. You will remove their head, with a suitable gruesome message.

The command requires you to be in offensive mode, and to be concentrating on your opponent.

It costs 45GP to perform the command.

> behead druid

You prepare to behead the druid with the Axe.
You take a massive swipe at the druid swinging your Axe straight at the neck of a druid.
You cut the druid into small pieces with your Axe.
You killed the druid.
A human head drops onto the ground and rolls head over, well, head for a bit before coming to a rest.


"berserk - Go mad and beat people up."

Having entered the fabled Berserker state, you become an enraged fighting machine, you have little regard for damage, or death.  What this in fact means, is because of your state, you are able to get many more attacks per round than you would normally.

The downside to this is that you become more susceptible to damage as your are focused on attacking, rather than defending, and as such using this command, automatically sets your wimpy to 0.

WARNING: You wimpy level will NOT return to it's previous level when leaving the berserk state.  This frequently catches people out so if you rely on wimpy, remember to set it back yourself, once you have finished berserking.

Entering the berserk state costs you 50GP.

Once in the state you will notice that your con is raised substantially, giving you more HP than normal.

WARNING: It is possible to die leaving the berserk state. If you have sustained more damage than your normal amount of HP, and have less HP than the, "borrowed", amount of HP, you will die upon leaving berserk. I.e. Your normal amount of HP is 2000. When you enter berserk your HP becomes, 2800, (I.e. the borrowed amount is 800HP). If during combat your sustain enough damage to take you below 800HP, when you leave the berserk state the borrowed amount is taken back, which if you have less HP than this amount means you will die.

When you enter berserk all of your GP goes into the entering the state, leaving you with 0. The amount of GP you have available to berserk is, alongside your bonus in fighting.combat.special.tactics, one of the factors in determining how long your berserk state will last.

Finally, your bonus in fighting.combat.special.tactics affects your ability to berserk, at level 20 you are able to learn the command, you need a much higher bonus to use the command effectively.

NOTE: Because fighting.combat.special.tactics is based mainly on Intelligence, combined with the fact that many warriors do not bother advancing this skill much beyond the ability to berserk, most warriors make poor teachers of this skill.  Wizards, on the other hand, are able to get a high bonus with comparatively little effort. It is worth asking wizards that are on line, and learning from them to save some XP.

> berserk

You suddenly feel eight feet tall, bloodthirsty and more than slightly insane!
You bare your teeth and growl menacingly.


"Guard - Guard an entrance from unwanted intruders."

Despite that somewhat erroneous description, guard is a command that allows a Warrior to prevent people from using a specific exit.

You are only able to guard a single exit and any one point in time.

Your ability to guard an exit depends on several things, your weight, your skill fighting.combat.parry.melee, and finally your skill in fighting.combat.special.tactics.

You may guard against a specific person, NPC, gender or everyone.

NOTE: If you are a Player Killer, and guard an exit against everyone, you may end up with more than you bargained for.  NON-Player Killers are not able to guard against other players.

Anyone trying to circumvent your guard uses their weight, their skill in fighting.combat.dodging.melee and their skill in fighting.combat.special.tactics against your abilities noticed above.

The help file states that it costs 10 GP for every five seconds that someone is trying to evade your guard. This suggests that there is only a GP cost while someone is trying to get past your. It is not very clear though, and I shall clarify.

> guard north against Clarence

You begin to guard the north entrance against Clarence.
Clarence de Q'ta (sneaking) tries to leave north, but you block his way.

To stop guarding an exit use the command,

> guard exit from noone

You stop guarding any of the exits.

WARNING: Whenever you guard an exit, people in the room with you will see a message like, "Silvara looks vigilant.", as you begin to guard an exit. They will also see something similar to, "Silvara looks less vigilant.", when you stop guarding.


"Warcry - Yell out a cool saying."

Warcry is something you need to prepare before you enter combat. To prepare a warcry you enter the following command.

> warcry I'm going to cover you in fluff.

You prepare to shout "I'm going to cover you in fluff" upon joining combat.

This costs 10GP, and sets you up to shout the words you have chosen as you join combat.

This has the affect of flustering your opponent, whereby their skills are temporarily affected for a very short while.  The effectiveness of your warcry is based upon your score in fighting.combat.special.tactics.

NOTE: If you do not enter combat within a short space of time, the prepared warcry dies upon your lips. You see the message, "You have lost the moment, and the warcry dies unuttered on your lips."

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Guild Houses/Training Areas

There are several places in Discworld where Warriors may advance their skills.  


The first, and perhaps most obvious, is the Guild House in Ankh-Morpork. This is currently situated very close to the Mended Drum

Khot-Lip-Khin (KLK)

The KLK Branch of the Guild, is situated on Barter Street between Phoenix Street and Barracks Road.

It is worth noting, that you will need to be able to speak Djelian to a reasonable level to be able to understand and possibly even use the instructors.


The Guild Presence in Dinky, is not a guild house as such, but is an advancement area. Where you will find Hrun the Barbarian.  You are able to advance skills and learn commands from Hrun, but there is no message board at this location.

The Bandit Camp

Finally you are able to advance your skills with the Bandit Leader. A word of warning, the camp is not easy to get to. Also the Bandit Leader is also often hunted for XP, which means finding him is not always possible.

Also due to the nature of the camp, it is not possible to provide a map to it's location.

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Special thanks to Morgoth and the DW Mud Atlas for the Pictures used on this page.

Guild Administration

Since Spring 2000 the Warriors Guild has had a player run Administration. This currently takes the form of A Guild Master/Mistress, (GM), an Assistant GM, and five Squires.

Currently these are :

GuildMistress : Silvara

Assistant Guild Master : Elessar

Squires :    Balwog





Guild Charter

The Warriors Guild does not currently have much in the way of a charter.  

There is however, one rule. This involves the theft of Quest Items. This essentially covers the deliberate taking and withholding or destroying another players Quest Items. Recently there is a small amendment to this rule. Since some quest items may be bought in shops, these are not considered, "bonded", Quest Items and as such are as replaceable as any other items, and are not considered true Quest Items.

True Quest Item theft and/or destruction, will be punished as a breach of guild rules. 

A final note, the current guild admin are not inclined to impose rules and restrictions on how people play and conduct themselves. 

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For problems or questions regarding the information on this site, contact [email protected] or mudmail Silvara.
Last updated: February 05, 2002.
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