
About the Warriors Guild

Stats and Primaries


Warriors Guild Titles

Common Commands

Useful Commands

Useful Information

Useful Items

Grouping With Others

Full Stats Analysis



My Skills




When newly created, a player character will have all Statistics, (Stats), set to 13. This player may, at any time of their choosing, reallocate these points, thus customizing their character.

This is done using the Rearrange command. This command allows you to modify your Stats to suit the kind of character you wish to play.

NOTE: It is important to remember that you are only able to use the rearrange command once. Mistakes may be corrected, but this is a slow and expensive process. Use of the Retrophrenologist to reallocate Stat points will be examined later.

Allocating Stat Points

You are given a total of 65 Stat points to allocate to your five Stats, Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity and Constitution.

8 is the minimum value any Stat may be set to, although Stats may drop below 8 with negative modifiers during play, these affects are usually only temporary.

The maximum number of points that may be allocated to a Stat is 23. 23 is considered by many to be an extreme value, representing the physical maximum a player may reach without magical or divine assistance. 

This is also considered by some to limit your character in other areas of it's development. Especially when you consider that allocating 23 to one Stat leaves 42 points to split among the remaining 4 Stats. With a minimum of 8 per Stat, (32), that really only leaves you 10 points to use creatively between the remaining Stats.

NOTE: That is 10 points assuming 8 points already allocated the remaining Stats, and that you would be adding to those 8 points.

The Rearrange Command

The rearrange command allows you to modify your Stats.

Rearranging Stats.

Type "c 3" to add 3 points to your constitution from the pool, or "c -4" to

remove 4 points from constitution and add them to the pool. Use "save" to save

the current state and quit. Note that "reset" will return you to your starting

position, while "quit" will quit without saving any changes.


Con: 8 Dex: 8 Int: 8 Str: 8 Wis: 8 Pool: 25

Enter [d|c|i|w|s|save|reset|quit] <num> : 

This is an example of what the rearrange command prompts you for. Provided you do not use, "save", then you will not commit your changes. Once you have committed changes your are stuck with them.

To begin with each stat is set to it's minimum value, 8, the remainder of your your stats points go to the free pool, initially 25.

You may then begin to move stat points around using the following syntax

{The first letter of the stat to be modified} {Number of stat points to modify by may be positive or negative to reduce}

E.g. typing, "d +3",  would add 3 points from the free pool to your Dexterity score and return the following.

Con: 8 Dex: 11 Int: 8 Str: 8 Wis: 8 Pool: 22

Enter [d|c|i|w|s|save|reset|quit] <num> : 

NOTE: Using a positive value will add that amount of points from the free pool, provided there are sufficient points in the pool to fulfill your request.  You may use a negative value to reduce the stat in question and return those points to the free pool.  A stat may not be reduced below 8 nor increased above 23.

The Retrophrenologist

There is a chap who lives in Ohulan-Cutash known as the Retrophrenologist. He may, after you cross his hand with Silver, or at least whatever passes for Silver in Ohulan-Cutash, alter your stats for you by a single point.

His services may be used more than once however, there is a significant time delay between moving each Stat point. There is also a cost associated with moving each point, this cost starts at LC 23|1|9 1/2 and increases by roughly the same amount with each usage.

It will therefore save a lot of trouble in terms of time and money, to get your Stats as correct as you can at the outset.

However, with careful planning, the Retrophrenologist may be used to good effect. Consider the following.


NOTE: This is an example to demonstrate planned use of the Retrophrenologist, not a general recommendation for rearranging.

Here are the Stats for Grul the Barbarian.

Constitution ... 16 Intelligence ... 8 Wisdom ......... 8 Weight ......... 99.6kg

Dexterity ...... 10 Strength ....... 23 Height ......... 178cm

Grul has opted for high Strength and higher Constitution at the detriment to Dexterity. This is to give him a boost in Hit Points, (HP), during the initial stages of his character development. He may then decide to move some points from Strength, Constitution or both to Dexterity at a future date when the time suits him.

He also has the option to move points from Strength and Constitution to Intelligence so he can cast spells more proficiently, should he decide to dabble in magic.

Once again, it is worth remembering that Warriors will struggle to make competent magic users, great cost in terms of Experience Points, (XP), must be invested, each spell may only be cast from a scroll, which in turn may only be used once.

In other words, with planning, you can minimise the negative affects of certain Stats while you initially develop your character, to a time when you are able to advance those skills to a point where you are able to cope with those affects.

Finally, Some Words on Rearranging...

There is no correct way to rearrange your stats, this all depends upon how you want to play. From the analysis on the Stats page, it is clear that Strength plays a key roll in affecting the warriors primary skills, therefore you should consider allocating a significant amount of points to Strength, careful planning should be given to how you allocate the remainder of these points. Remember Allocating 23 points to Strength, effectively only leaves you 10 points to spread between the other stats.

There is no rush to rearrange, in fact it may be beneficial to experiment with each field, covert, fighting etc. To get some insight into how you may wish to rearrange your character.

Finally, having an Intelligence of 13 for a while may be beneficial until you decide otherwise, so a hasty rearrange is not always the best choice.


For problems or questions regarding the information on this site, contact [email protected] or mudmail Silvara.
Last updated: February 05, 2002.
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