


"You know, sometimes I amaze even myself" - Han Solo, ANH

   Species: Corellian
   Born: 19 BE (29 BBY)
   Birthplace: Corellia
   Homeplanet: Various
   Affiliation: Jabba the Hutt then Rebel Alliance, New Republic/ Galactic Alliance
BlasTech DL-44 blaster pistol
   Vehicle: YT-1300 light stock freighter
Millennium Falcon
   Significant Others: Leia Organa Solo (wife) Jacen Solo (son) Jaina Solo (daughter) Anakin Solo (son) Thrackan Sal-Solo (cousin)
Chewbacca (first mate)
   Debut: A New Hope

From a smuggler working for Jabba the Hutt to one of the most famous and respected faces in the galaxy, Han Solo's life has certainly had its twists and turns.
    Born on Corellia but abandoned by his parents only a few years later, Han's introduction to the seedier side of the galaxy came very early on. He learned how to steal money and food, and also how to beg for it, if the situation required it. Han's disreputable career began when he was taken in by Garriss Shrike aboard the Trader's Luck. However, Han was not happy with his life, and managed to escape the ship for Ylesia. After uncovering a plot hatched by the native T'landa til - and finding out the horrors of slavery - Han was enlisted into the Imperial Academy. Han served well, until he freed a
Wookiee slave who was being beaten by an Imperial officer. Though he made a life-long friend in Chewbacca, Han was kicked out of the Academy. He turned his hand to smuggling, running jobs for Jabba the Hutt from his little home on Nar Shaddaa. Eventually, however, this line of work would also land him in trouble; he was forced to dump his cargo of spice after being spotted by an Imperial patrol. By the time he was able to go back for it, the spice had gone. Jabba was furious. Though Han had once been Jabba's favourite smuggler, even he was not immune to the Hutt's wrath.
    Han's luck was soon to change, however. After a fatal run in with Greedo - fatal for the Rodian, at least - Han transported
Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi to Alderaan...or he would have, had Alderaan been there. Instead the Millennium Falcon was captured by the Death Star, and Han ended up helping in the rescue of a princess as well as the destruction of the battle station. Even though Solo became a hero of the Rebellion, Jabba's bounty hunters finally managed to catch up with him. Han was frozen in carbonite and delivered to Jabba by Boba Fett. For a year Han hung in carbonite-induced hibernation until he was rescued by his friends. He went on to become a general in the Rebellion, and also helped the New Republic though he now had thee Force-strong children. However, his greatest challenge was still to come; at the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Serpidnal was destroyed when a dovin basal pulled its moon onto the planet. Chewbacca was one of those caught in the destruction. Han locked himself away from his family, but soon realised he couldn't let his grief overcome him. He carried on the fight, determined to make the Vong pay with their lives.
Han Solo at the controls of the Falcon
Han in Hoth's Echo Base
Han Solo, hero of the Rebellion

JustHan - A smuggler's hoarde of info and pictures

The Han and Leia Page - all about the princess and the scoundrel, including animations

Flyboy - a Han Solo fanlisting
Played by:
Harrison Ford (OT)
Han Solo

First Line
"Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system" - ANH

Last Line
"All right. I understand. Fine. When he comes back, I won't get in the way" - ROTJ

Played by
Harrison Ford (IV, V, VI)

The part of Han Solo was originally offered to Christopher Walken, before being given to Harrison Ford, who was doing a decorating job at the time
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