"Saya adalah anak yang pandai dan berhasil di sekolah, namun belajar tidak menjadi hal yang menyenangkan bagi saya. Kini belajar adalah hal yang menyenangkan tanpa perasaan cemas dan lelah seperti yang saya rasakan sebelumnya." - Rosemary Bova, Asosiasi Bova, New York

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Make Your Learning Activities Fun and Interesting with Quantum Teaching!

As a teacher, figuring out the best teaching method is important. Every teacher needs a variety of different teaching methods to engage, motivate, and reach students in their classrooms. Also, using a variety of different teaching methods can help you to reach your full potential.

While there are so many teaching methods out there, you might want to try quantum teaching. Created by Bobbi DePorter, the method focuses on using teaching strategies through a number of different activities and methods.

In 1982, DePorter developed and tested the idea of quantum teaching in SuperCamp, an international educational summer camp program. With "bring their world to our world, and put our world into their world" as its principle, it urges teachers to build relationships with students, thus making it easier to put yourself under your students' shoes.

Quantum teaching has many advantages, such as to increase students' motivation, value learning outcome, self-confidence, self-esteem, and valuable skills. Likewise, students can also benefit from it as they can find the relation between the subject matter with their experiences and make the lessons more meaningful.

So, what are the principle and learning steps of quantum teaching? Check them out below!

1. Everything Speaks

When you conduct your learning activities, everything around your class should send messages about learning. And by everything, we really mean everything. From the classroom environment, you and your students’ language, lesson plans, to handouts, everything should be aligned with your lessons.

To make your quantum teaching method go successfully, you need to ensure that everyone is involved in the learning process. So in the end, not only students, but also you as a teacher will get more meaningful lessons.

2. Everything is on purpose

Successful teachers have a sense of purpose. Therefore, you should always remember this: What you do and plan in your learning activities should have a purpose for your students as well.

Based on that point onward, try making your lessons purposeful, both for you and your students. Make sure you know the goals that you want your students to achieve at the end of your lesson. To do so, creating a lesson plan will certainly help you since you can plan beforehand the aims and objectives of your course.

3. Experience before label

Our brain develops quickly by the existence of a complex stimulus, which will raise our curiosity for everything. So, before you mention the big topic right away, try giving bits of interesting information about your material first. By doing so, your students will feel more stimulated and motivated to learn!

4. Acknowledge every effort

Acknowledging your students' effort is hugely important. You might find it easy, but for them, it takes a huge deal of courage and confidence to be active in the learning activities.

But how to do that? You can compliment them for everything they do by saying "Keep up the good work", "You're a great example for others", or "You're getting better". Believe us, those simple words will work. Your students will feel appreciated, this motivating them to be more confident and explore new things in the future.

5. If it's worth learning, it's worth celebrating

Celebration gives students a sense of achievement and appreciation for what they have learned so far. That’s why it might be a great idea to reward them whenever they finish a certain lesson, such as giving gifts, eating together in the classroom, making fun challenges, conducting special field trips, and many more.

Six learning steps of quantum teaching

1. Enroll

Enroll comes at the beginning of your class. This step includes designing an intro or hook for students to attract your students to start learning. It should also serve as a step where students can see why the learning is relevant.

You can start with simple interactions with students, then continue to provide encouragement for them to be interested in participating in your learning process.

2. Experience

After that, you must create a common experience for students through examples of events that they can understand. It will also help them to observe easily before actually learning the lesson.

You can play along and be variative with the experiences, for example by creating games simulations, small-group activities, individual activities, and many more. These experiences will later spark your students' engagement.

3. Label

Now, it's time to answer their curiosity! You can try mentioning the topic of your lesson by relating with what your students just experienced.

Remember, use easy words! It will help them to understand your lesson better, as well as to help their learning process be more vivid, meaningful, and memorable.

4. Demonstrate

Once the concepts have been labeled, it's time for students to demonstrate their learning. The key point for this step is to give them opportunities to apply what they have just learned in an interesting way.

There are many activities you can do, such as creating essays, board games, mini-drama, and many more. But if you want to use technology in it, you can also ask them to create presentations in Assemblr EDU. Powered with AR experiences, presenting lessons is much, much more interactive!

5. Review

After your students' demonstration, you can review their ideas. Remember that practice makes perfect. So, reviewing the material can make students understand well the lessons that have been explained.

6. Celebrate

Finally, you can conclude with celebration! After all your lessons have been delivered, try to spare your time to have a little celebration with your students, celebrating their efforts, success, and abilities. Simple chants, applause, high fives, or verbal praise will do the work.

Now that you already understand about the quantum teaching method, time to apply them for your teaching activities right away!