Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Featured Picture:

bev64.jpg (65638 bytes)

Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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Your Site Awards:

Congratulations to MelroseMike for winning our Best Bev Site award for his site, Melrose Mike's Hot 4 Beverley Mitchell Website!  Please visit it here!


Got an awsome Beverley/7th Heaven Site?  These awards goes out to only the best of the best!  The only rules are that you must own the Site and it must be either based on Beverley or 7th Heaven!  Please fill out the form below and choose which award you want and send it in!  Please only enter ONCE for each award!


Entry Form:

Your Name (or nickname): 

Your Website Name: 

Your Website's URL: 

Which Award You'd Like To Win: 

(Note, only one person can win each award!  More awards to win soon!)

Why you should win this award over others: 

Please double check to make sure that you have filled out all the forms above!  Please, also, only enter once per award!  Thanks and good luck!



What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?


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