Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Featured Picture:

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Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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(Frequently Asked Questions)


1)  Ali, are you Bev's best friend?

No, I am not.  We just happen to have the same nickname!  Her real name is Alison and mine is Alisa.


2)  Can you give something to Bev for me?

No, we cannot.  We have no connections with Beverley, the WB, or any of their affiliates.  You'll have to snail mail like everyone else.


3)  Are you planning on doing anything for Bev's 20th birthday?

Absolutely! We'd really like to!  If you have any ideas, let us know!


4)  Have you ever met Bev?

Yes, Ali has met her three times and Jo has met her once.


5)  Why did you decide to make a website for Beverley?

Beverley is both Ali and Jo's role model and we felt that we wanted to make a tribute to her!



Got a question?  Ask us!

What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?


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