Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Featured Picture:

bev64.jpg (65638 bytes)

Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

Previous Featured Pictures

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The #1 Fan Award:

The winner for the week of January 14th, 2001:

Jason Kinterly


Please refer to the bottom of the page for previous winners!

Are you Beverley's #1 Fan?  You could be!  The #1 fan award will be given out once a month as long as this site is up, and you only have to enter once!  Just read the rules, and if you are eligiable, fill out the short form below and hit submit!  You'll stay in the running until you win!


1)  You must love Beverley  (or at least be a huge fan!)

2)  You cannot enter more than once!  (Doing so will disqualify you!)

3)  You must completely fill out the form below!


Entry Form:

Your name (or nickname): 

Your e-mail address: 

Why you love Beverley: 

That's it!  Please go back and check to be sure that you have filled everything out!  Please only enter once!



Previous winners:

December 28th-January 13th:

Timothy Grates


December 17th-December 27th:

Kelly Price

What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?


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