Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Featured Picture:

bev64.jpg (65638 bytes)

Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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Site Stuff:

This site was established on 10.21.00 and was open to public viewing on 10.23.00.  Our goal here at this site is to keep Bev fans up to date and having fun, as well as helping out in the site.  While there is a lot for Bev fans to do here for their own personal enjoyment, there is also a little bit of responsibility that goes along with it!  I know, I know, responsibility, ick.  But, it's not so bad!  I just ask that if you happen to find a mistake somewhere on this site, if you find a magazine with Bev in it, any online things, or anything to just please e-mail us!  We would really appreciate you telling us about it, and as always, you will be acknowledged for your contribution!  We can't keep this site up without you guys!  So thank you to everyone who has helped us out so far!  There is too many to name, but you guys know who you are!  Please keep the comments and suggestions coming!  Thanks to everyone!

~ Ali & Jo



We do not wish to offend anyone in anyway.  If we have done just that, please let us know and we will try to fix the problem asap!  This is a fan site, and just a fan site!  We don't mean any harm and it's just for FUN!  All pictures are considered public domain (unless otherwise noted), and may be taken off this site (again, unless otherwise noted-it will be noted if it is copywritted!).  If you feel that we have taken something (info, pictures...) that belongs to you, please let us know and we will remove it immediately!  All original content is owned by either Jo or Ali, so please contact them before duplicating or using any of it!  All non-original content is copywrite to their original owners.  We are in no way connected to the WB/Beverley herself/7th Heaven/or any of their affiliates!

What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?


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