Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Featured Picture:

bev64.jpg (65638 bytes)

Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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Special 2 Month Note:

Hi!  We know that we are a few days late getting this out, however, we wanted to do another "anniversary note" to thank everyone and address concerns and accomplishments with everyone!

First of all, we'd like to thank Melrose Mike, Kelsea, Obsessedwibev, Bonnie, Zelmer23, Katie, and Robert for all your help and friendship!  Also, we'd like to thank everyone who have visited our site and have participated in our site, weather they have submitted information/pictures or have just entered the contests or written in the forums!  Thanks everyone for making this site possible and helping us maintain it!

Okay, we are happy to report that we have had 4,127 people visit our site in the last two months!  If you recall from our one month mark, we had 1,542 people here!  That means within the last month, we have had 2585 people come to visit!  This averages to be around 83.3 people per day, though after we update and send out the update notices, we usually have around 300+ people, and on other days, we have less than 50.  All in all, we are happy with the way that things are going and hope that you all will keep coming back to our site and helping out!

In the last month, we have had some major additions to our site, including our articles section, where to buy merchandise, and the awards that Bev has been nominated for or has won!  We have had very good response to these additions and we hope that you like them!  If you have ANY suggestions of things that you would like to see on our site, please e-mail us here!

Again, our Inter@ctive features are there for you guys to use, and we love to hear feedback about them!  We have a guestbook now and new polls and awards and stuff!  Please take advantage of them!  We plan on setting up an official chat time, so please let us know when you would most like to chat with us and other Bev fans!  Thanks!

I think that's about it!  Thanks to everyone for all your continuing help and support!

Ali & Jo


What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?


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