Together Is Better: Support
 together is better
the website of Dejan & Julie 
serving in Serbia 
who we are and why we're in Serbia where is Serbia anyway? what's it like? our recent & previous newsletters, important local news a picture is worth 1000 words... the Gospel, our affiliates, resources, and more! prayer requests, budget, support info there's no place like home...


      There are several definitions in the dictionary under the listing "support." This page gives an explanation of the different aspects of missionary support. Wanna know how to be involved? Click on the links below to navigate the page for more information.

prayer support      moral support      financial support      support address

sup-port (v.) 1. To hold in position; to keep from falling; to bear the weight of

Prayer Support
"Brethren, pray for us." (1 Thess. 5:25)

     No work attempted for the kingdom of God can be accomplished without prayer. Numerous times in his epistles to New Testament churches, Paul asked for the congregation to pray for him and his team. It really makes a noticeable difference to us when people are laboring with us, lifting up our hands and strengthening us to serve!

     We will be giving our prayer requests monthly through our updates by e-mail. For those who would like to join us in the work by touching heaven in prayer, please do! If your home fellowship or prayer group would like to adopt us, that would be excellent! Solid prayer support is at the top of our list.

sup-port (v.) 2. to approve of and encourage

Moral Support
"...that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith of both you and me." (Rom. 1:12)

      Moral support involves a willingness to hear and share. Cheerleaders abound when a missionary is at home, but many well-meaning people easily forget to keep it up once they are in a far-away land. True, missionaries are just one part of the body of Christ, but we don't see the other members every Sunday or mid-week service, and you don't see us. "Out of sight, out of mind" happens all too naturally for those at home, and for the missionary, it's easy to feel isolated and a stranger in the other culture.

      Most missionaries don't want to bore people with too many details, but they still want to share what God is doing where they are. Trying to keep it all stored in memory until coming to visit is overload for everyone. Most missionaries feel much more refreshed when visiting home, not to tell stories, but simply to be with other believers and to enjoy their presence and fellowship. Good moral support makes this possible.

      It can be as simple as writing a couple lines in an e-mail, sending a card with some recent family photos, or as involved as putting together a package of favorite snacks, needed or desired items from home, or a book you've read recently and enjoyed. Whatever it is, the love behind it is clearly communicated and the feeling of connection to those back at home is kept in tact.

sup-port (n.) 1. necessary money to live on

Financial Support
"Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account." (Philippians 4:17)

Imagine receiving your paycheck in the mail once every month and not knowing how much you were being paid, or if you were being paid at all. Sound stressful? Everyone knows that money doesn't grow on trees or rain down from heaven. And everyone knows that missionaries receive donations. However, many people assign that donating task to "the church". God's design is to use people in the church to supply wages for those who labor in foreign fields. This way, both missionaries and senders share in the work.

By God's grace, we'll serve Him here in Serbia and the Balkans long-term. In order for us to be here on the field, we need and highly value those who want to join with us through giving financially. We can't be lone rangers out here, so if you desire to be involved, we encourage you to serve with us through the ministry of sending.

One common conflict within a Christian considering missions support is that it is unaffordable. God lays no heavy burden on His people. He says, "For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, not according to what he does not have" (2 Cor. 8:12). That means something different for people like Bill Gates, who have abundance, than it does for the average person. But most people can spare what would be invaluable to someone on the field. A.W. Tozer put it this way:

" and love can transmute (or exchange) lower values into higher ones. It is like this: a twenty-dollar bill, useless in itself, can be transmuted into food for the hungry and clothing for the poor; it can keep a missionary actively winning lost men to the light of the gospel. Earthly possessions can be turned into heavenly treasures!"

If you would like details about how to financially support our ministry, click here.

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