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1.  To make a happy home for each child entrusted to our care.
2.  To give to each child a kind, loving attention, which it would naturally receive from parents.
3.  To acquire an intimate knowledge of each child in order to know its physical, mental, and moral make-up.
4.  To impart to each child a practical concrete training in religious, moral and economic principles, so that
      it may one day hold its own in life.
      There have been many fraternal organizations cognizant of the immense task of the Sisters, who have tried to lighten their burden.  For example, on December 6, 1936, eighteen members of the Sacred Heart Alumnae Association, at the invitation of the Social Service Chairman, met at the Home and formed the Big Sister Group.  Their purpose was a personal contact with those children bereft of any outside social contact.  Through the years many children have benefitted by this friendly gesture.  Picnics were held in the summer and a Christmas Party given each year.  Birthdays, too, were remembered.  Catholic books were provided for the classroom libraries.  The latest project of this Big sister Group has been the financial assistance given in remodeling the kitchen, which is used by the Domestic Science Class.

     The Daly Post of the American Legion has also contributed materials for recreation to the Home.  For example at the time of the dedication of the new swimming pool June 21, 1949, they gave bathing suits for the children.  As far back as October 9, 1947, they gave mittens and rubbers.  Finally, they have been regular contributors to the Christmas cheer of the children with donations of toys and candies.
Girls learning housekeeping responsibilities with Sister Geraldine in the kitchen.
   Practically all of the playground equipment now in use was donated by Voiture 51, Forty and Eight of the American Legion.  These consist of chinning bars--merry-go-rounds--slides.  They are likewise, yearly contributors to the Christmas happiness of the children with dolls, candy and toys.

     The Erie club of the Police Department gave $100.00 donation toward bathing suits.  The Anstifters Club has been playing Santa Claus each year with fruit, toys, candies, etc.  The Fraternal Order of Eagles contributed some playground  equipment and likewise were hosts for the children at Christmas time.  Finally, the Grotto Band gave two concerts at the Home on Sunday afternoons in 1944.  They were so pleased with the reception given them that they sent a donation of $25.00 to the Home.  Brounschidle Post Band, American Legion, gave several concerts.
Sister Melinda, Superior at the time, is on hand as Voiture 51, Forty and Eight American Legion members present playground equipment as the boys wait anxiously to try everything out..
   On May 24, 1949, a Card Party,  sponsored by the Board of directors and their wives, was held at the Home.  The purpose of the card party was to raise funds to defray the expense of sending the Boy Scout Troop of the Home to camp for one week in the summer.  The Card Party was such a financial success that fifteen scouts and two leaders went to Scouthaven for a week this summer and will be able to do so again next summer.  There have been countless other benefactors to the Home during the seventy-five years of its existence.  Their names may not appear in this brief history, but they are surely inscribed on the hearts of those whom they cheered by their generosity, and also in the Book of Life.

     While we have been speaking at length of the material and educational advantages afforded the child in a Catholic institutional program, let us not forget the primary objective in the care of these children, is teaching by example and precept the religion of Christ, who said, 
"Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
October 1948 - October 1949

Rev. Alfred M. Rutke, S.J. , President
George J. Haefner , Vice President
Philip H. Gerhard, Treasurer
Nicholas J. Bock, Financial Secretary
William R. Nolder, Recording Secretary
Mr. Joseph A. Benzinger
Mr. Frank J. Eberl
Mr. William Emhof
Mr. Henry R. Ernst
Mr. Joseph Huber
Mr. Karl B. Huber
Mr. Clarence J. Meyer
Mr. John Schau
Mr. Alex P. Styn
Mr. Lawrence J. Sullivan
Rt. Rev. William J. Schreck, P.A.
Rev, Francis Wanenmacher, M.R., J.C.D.
Very Rev. James R. Barnett, S.J.
Very Rev. John L. Obendorfer, C.SS.R.
Reverend Ludwin E. winter
Reverend Albert Hoffmeyer
Reverend Alfred Hagemaier
Reverend Max Mueller
Reverend Edward Widman
Reverend Charles Schreckenberger
Sr. M. Melania, Superior and Superintendent
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