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The new Dragonball Z game is realesed to come out in May. I can't wait!

The rest of the Buu saga won't air until Fall.

Next 2 tapes of the Buu saga Due in April.

Dragonball is airing on Cartoon Network at 5:00pm EST.

So, our first humor page is How To Tell if You're Addiccted to DBZ. Here are 100 ways to tell when your addiccted. About half of these were done by Kid Buu, the other half by Gohan-guy. Some of these are true, others we just made up. Also, be warned, some are pretty nasty, and should not be read by anyone under the age of 72. Enjoy.
How to Tell if You re Addicted to DBZ
1) If you have ever tried to do a Kamehameha wave.
2) If you do a KaoKen to win at Track.
3) When try to blast away your teacher.
4) If you shave you head to look like Krillin s and draw six little brown dots on your forehead.
5) When you re alone you put on a Goku costume and run around the house yelling at evil villains.
6) If you know exactly what happens in DB/Z/GT but you still watch the re-runs.
7) If you steal the action figures from BK.
8) If you do the chew attack when your eating like Gohan did in The History of Trunks.
9) When you try to fly.
10) When you fail at trying to fly you go to a higher place and try again.
11) When you think you can go Super Saiyan.
12) If you know that Gohan did the chew attack in The History of Trunks.
13) If you write a ten or more chapter fanfic.
14) If you you know to certain female characters in it.
15) If you're 14 or older and still buy DBZ figures just because they look cool.
16) When you have over a hundred dollars one day and it's gone the next because you spent it on GT DVDs.
17) If you buy the Chichi toy just so you can look up her dress.
18) If you ever make the Vegeta and Bulma toys make a Trunks.
19) If you get your friend to close his eyes then run over to him and say you did an instant transmition.
20) If you spend more than 24 hours on something DBZ related.
21) If you make a movie of the action figures fighting.
22) If you think DBZ is actually real.
23) If you paint a third eye on your forehead.
24) If you sing along with Rock the Dragon .
25) If you know how many years it took Master Roshi to learn the Kamehameha.
26) If you know why Master Roshi has lived so long.
27) If you have a DBZ stapler.
28) If you have tried to power up or find you power level.
29) If you have tried to sense someone else s power level.
30) If you throw a party every time you get another thousand hits on your site.
31) If you have a role-playing fight in your friends front yard.
32) If for Halloween you get your dog and put in a dragon suit with wings and try and ride it around saying "Lets go Higher Dragon".
33) If you make a cardboard yellow cloud and put it on your skateboard and act like it s the nimbus.
34) If your aim name is Akiry Torynama.
35) If you try to summon the eternal dragon with the little dragon balls that Funimation gives makes.
36) If you know Namekian.
37) If you draw DBZ everywhere even though you suck.
38) When you actually buy those gay little DBZ shoes for three year olds.
39) If you change your name to Goku.
40) When you spend all your time on the internet working on your site.
41) When you argue about why Vegeta grew like a foot from when he landed on Earth to when he left.
42) You think Bulma's hot.
43) If your rich so you decide to pay millions of dollars for a building company to make a tower like Kami's out of one foot high clindars that have a radius of a foot.
44) You would kill yourself, but the new episodes of DBZ haven't come on yet.
45) You decide to load up on porn mags and head out to an small Island with nothing but a turtle and a small pink house.
46) You find a medicine tablets comtainer and push on the lid, through, and wonder why a airplane or something doesn't pop out.
47) When you find a white cat at a park laying by a long stick, you take it home because it reminds you of Korin.
48) You worship that cat and wait on hand and foot for it until it'll talk.
49) You've memorized everything that Goku says.
50) You wrote 50 ways to tell when you re addicted to DBZ.
51) if you change your name to Goku
52) if you find out u make a mask in art and decide to make Goku
53) you make the goku mask
54) you put the goku mask on your site for the world to see, even though it sucks
55) you buy a bunch of blank tapes so u can tape each and every episode of dbz of cartoon network
56) you dream about dbz...
57) you dream about dbz every night
58) If you know more about when dbz figures come out then the guy working at a store
59) The guy at SunCoast asks you if Cooler is stronger than Freeza when you buy a dbz figure and you know the answere (yes, he is stronger)
60) If Cloud from Final Fantisy VII reminds you of Super Saiyan Trunks
61) If after many, many, many failed attempts, even after being told on #1
and 2 about it being a thing that'll Mark you as an addicted fan, you still try and do a Kamehameha and keoken
62) If you run the 800 in track (2 laps) and at the end you sprint, but you tell your friends you did a Keoken
63) You're name is Gohan-guy
64) You and your friend try and punch and block like Mighty Mask and #18 did in the series
65) if you build a dome out of legos and try to use it as a gravity simulator
66) if you name your cat puar
67) Your favorite wresteler is Hercule
68) and you try to make it shapeshift by bending it
69) You know more about Goku then you do yourself
70) you know goku's age weight address and middle name
71) You lost all your friends, all your family hates you and locked in a basement, and there's 7.9 people out to kill because you talk constantly about dbz
72) you beleive that when you die you will go to king yemma
73) Your glad track's over, not so you can relax, but so you can have more time for your dbz site
74) you get bullied around at school so you draw an M on your forehead hoping it will make you stronger
75) You part your hair in the middle to look like Trunks
76) you jump off a 30 story building just so you can prove to you friend that when your hair stands on end you look SSJ
77) you go to the pta demanding that the cell games be a school play
78) You're in a dbz rpg
79) You ask your grandpa if he was alive in 767 A.D. May 26th, when he asks why its because you wanted to know what it was like when Cell came and fought the Z fighters
80) you have plastic surgery to make yourself look like kid buu and then you realize every one thinks your ugly so you try to do a genocide attack but it doesn't work so you eat a lima/senzu bean and try again
81) you've been to south Dakota
82) you make a dbz shrinkydink
83) You try and turn your friend into chocolate when you're hungry
84) You get a devil suit, put an M on the forehead, and go trick or
treating, when people say what a cute devil you are, you say, I am Dabora, Lord of the underworld, and I will have to kill you now
85) You really do kill them
86) Every frog you see, you wonder if it's Captin Gyinu
87) When all the other guys at your school/grade are worried about girlfriends, your worried about if your vcr will tape dbz
88) You waited 8 months to get the Volume 35 SS Gohan/SS Goten from the DBGT SBC, you also waited to get SS and Non SS Trunks

89) You understood everything said in #88
90) All Australians remind you of Jiece
91) If you're short, have blond hair, brown eyes, wear glasses, and have a nickname of Kid Buu
92) you paint yourself red and tell your friend to paint himself blue and try to do the purple tornado attack
93) If you want to marry Videl
94) If you actually marry Videl
95) You wonder on those long lonely nights just how Vegeta gets his hair to stick up
96) You have Dbz Boxers
97) if you know that the entire Mr. satans name means satan videls name is devil scrambeled and pan is japanese for demon
98) You cry when Goku dies
99) if more than 3/4 of the people on you buddy list are related to dbz
100) You wrote 100 ways how to tell if you addicted to dbz
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