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The new Dragonball Z game is realesed to come out in May. I can't wait!

The rest of the Buu saga won't air until Fall.

Next 2 tapes of the Buu saga Due in April.

Dragonball is airing on Cartoon Network at 5:00pm EST.

Welcome, to a one of kind section. Here, you'll be explained the differences in each style of drawing. I've met some people, and I used to be one, who don't know the differences in DBZ art. Well, there's a big difference. I tried to get all SS/SS2 Gohan's so it's easier to see the differnces. Ginga Gira Gira does have a section like this, but theirs is wrong. They think there are only three types of art, but there is a leat four, I think there may be five. Well, enough of me talking, here you go. Enjoy.

Type of art-The best
Types of episode used in-Ones with importance
Summary-This is by far the best animation in DBZ. It's used in the most important episodes, such as Goku going Super Saiyan, Gohan going Super Saian2, and Goku going Super Saiyan3. I really wish all episodes looked like this.
Differences-This art is differnt from others because the lines are smoother. The drawings are more detailed. They look much more realistic.

Type of art-The new kind
Types of episodes used in-Some of importance, some that have no importance
Summary-This is the newest kind of animation intraduced during the Cell Games. I like and think it's pretty good. It has been seen in episodes like when Gohan Killed Cell. But also, some not so impotant episodes too.
Differences-This art is different from others because the noses, mainly. The noses seem to point up more, and have more wrincles when their made. The hair seems to move a lot more and sometimes even looks different.

Type of art-Second to worse
Types of episodes used in-mainly uniportant ones
Summary-This, as you can see, is nowhere near as good as the best type of art. Thus, they use it for those episodes that don't matter that much, but may have some meaning. Like, when Goku first started fighting Pikan, not a whole lot of meaning, but some.
Difference-This art is pretty bad. The colors are usally lighter, the lines are more straight. The muscles (which you can't see in this pic) aren't that good either.

Type of art-The worst (crappy animation)
Types of episodes-ones with little or no meaning
Summary-This type of animation sucks, I really hate it and can bearly stand to watch these episodes. The animators have no talent, I'm sorry, but it's true. The faces suck, the hair sucks, the noses suck, and muscles suck. I can find nothing good to say about this type of animation.
Difference-If you have eyes, then you can tell the difference. They tend to use very straight lines. They have almost no talent. And they use lighter colors than the others.

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