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The new Dragonball Z game is realesed to come out in May. I can't wait!

The rest of the Buu saga won't air until Fall.

Next 2 tapes of the Buu saga Due in April.

Dragonball is airing on Cartoon Network at 5:00pm EST.

Well, the only reason I'm making this section is because my friends are gay. Yes, I have homosexual friends. Well, they're dumb, they don't like DBZ becasue:1 it's a cartoon, so it must be for little kids; 2 it's from Japan so you know, that automatically makes a show gay and not worth watchting; and 3 they shoot things out of thier hands and can fly, cause, you know, its not like there are any movies/tv shows out there where they can do stuff that they can't do in real life, that'd just be plain insane. Huh, I hate my friends. Anyway, this section is basically here to give the good points to DBZ, why I like it, and why a lot of other people out there like and countinue to like, and maybe why my friends are gay. So, I guess, enjoy.

Ok, first off, the cartoon thing, so what? I don't understand why just because it's a cartoon it's gay. They think because it's a cartoon, it's for little kids. Well, they're gay. That's what Funimation wanted to do, they wanted it to be a kids Saturday morning cartoon. I hate Funimation. But the Japinese version is a lot better. The only problem is, it's in Japenese, and my friends are gay and won't read it. I hate them all.

Next, the Japan thing. "Oh, it's gotta be just like Poke'mon and Digimon, because you know, they don't make anything else differnet in Japan other than gay little kids show. Yep, it's gotta be dumb" I HATE ALL MY FRIENDS!!! No, it's not like that. If they actually sat down and watched like 10 episodes, they'd like, or at least they would of a year or two ago. You see, the gayness in my friends has built up, and this gayness causes them to not take into consiederation at all that DBZ might actually be a good show. You know, so yes, they are super gay. I HATE them.

"Duh, look, they shot big giant beams out of thier hands. Hey, look Matt, who am I? Ka-ma-da-ma-sla-ma-gah-ma-ha!!!! Hahahahahaha. I'm so funny." I.... Hate.... My..... FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this section was made out of anger torward my friednds) Errrr. There are lots of good movies that do stuff that couldn't happen. Take Spiderman or Starwars, both fiction, yet my friends like those movies. I hate my friends. If they watched the show at all they'd undersand that they can't kill the enemey with just one hit, that usally the enemey is as strong, if not stronger, than the good guy. I hate them.

They don't understand how much effort goes into the episodes and how well they're thought out. The charecters develop very good personalities, and can somtimes change them, but other times stick with them through the whole series. That's another thing. How many shows out there are 500 + episodes, not that many. Huh, I just can't stand my friends.

Well, that concludes my sectoin. Let me state here and now, this section was not about how gay my friends are, they can be cool, just now when dbz is mentioned. This section was mainly for me to get anger out, but what I tell people is it's to let people know why DBZ is so popular, why a lot of people like it. And when I think of new things, I'll add them. Thank you.


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